My family is asking what I want for christmas this year...

My family is asking what I want for christmas this year. Whats something that has genuinely improved your life that I can ask for as a gift?

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Obligatory flashlight

An education

The Joe Rogan Experience


A set of nice spices made my life a lot more bearable and I found joy in cooking.


Fuck yea man me too

If you like to Draw or write, a set of Palomino Blackwing Pencils are amazing.

Becoming an android

A guitar. Literally changed my life. Wouldn't be friends with half the people I am if I didn't play



wet as fuck

Deodorant people used to tell me I smell like shit, now they tell me I smell like shit and deoderant

Gym membership.

Hygienic products. (Electric toothbrush)

Good pair of underwears/socks.

A catheter

a mini fridge, whether it's one that uses a compressor or one of those less quality peltier effect ones.

shit is cash, I can grab a drink without getting up and gets me one step closer to being a part of the machine

Not caring about others opinions

Sometimes I still see you in the sky
Out for a drive in the dirty old streets after the rain
Sun is going down and there is a light formation in the clouds
I stare up not paying the road any mind and I see you there
Soon I will die

Only if you skip the gender/race studies section
Only if you are willing or even capable of putting hours into it. You are gonna sound like shit for what will seem like a long time.
Avoid these unless you want to have poor mouth hygiene and bad fat people habits.

Tell us your age and general life outlook, maybe that would lead to better suggestions?

Get a treadmill then ask your parents to get you a game every 500 mile