What's your favorite type of pizza Sup Forums?

What's your favorite type of pizza Sup Forums?

pepperoni nigga

undercooked lots of cheese




deluxe, fucks

boneless bizza

kek + witnessed

Deep Dish Chicago Style, with garlic and onions.

Fucking checked

Canadian bud.

fish pizza

I know she's a famous actress, but that pic is highly disturbing

Siberian, with extra Masha

tuna jalapeƱo and onion

or plain cheese pizza, whatever

Pineapple belongs on pizza.

Fresh out of oven with extttrrrraaa cheeese

why not pizza on pineapple?

Deep pan is the blasphemy of pizza and any followers should be turned to ash

Cold pizza... First thing in the morning... Fuck yeah.


Pepperoni Lovers from Pizza Hut with extra pepperoni and extra cheese

Chef Boy-ar-Dee.
Seriously. Cheap, but pretty good stuff. Plus, you can add your own toppings.


White sauce, Chicken, bacon, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes.

Ham and cheese.
Thats it really.

Beef and black olives, extra cheese, on a thin crispy crust. I'll devour that bitch.

absolutely haram

Now, cold leftover fried chicken is another story altogether.

I smell a Pizzagate reference...

Conspiracy Theorists Unite!

Eh, I've eaten do much pizza in my life I just go for whatever sounds unique and like I haven't ever tried ever or at least in awhile. I'm not picky






open society or clinton foundation?



My favorite is small, been cooking for 9 years, and tip the delivery guy for it being extra warm and tight