How many of you faggots called his office and left a message?

How many of you faggots called his office and left a message?

Bout to

How long 'till he's killed? The entire internet hates him.

fuck of soros shill

>obeezy din du nuffin

You should probably join in on the faggot bandwagon because Sup Forums will likely be one of the first things fucked with.

I did because Soros pays me to

>> entire internet
you, the rest of your lib cucktard pals, Google and Netflix you mean?

How is net neutrality a liberal thing are you actually retarded?

Some people actually believe this

Why should I give a fuck about "net neutrality." It was inevitable in the end. Name one (1) otwher "neutral" mass communication medium.

Yup. Told him to keep on truckin'. "Net Neutrality" is week old cum and you cucks ate it up drop by drop.

why haven't we doxxed this shit street nigger yet?

Government paid to lay the cable.

I don't care. At this point, the country was fucking retarded enough to vote trump, then go ahead, get your way, burn it all to the fucking ground with wildly unpopular tax plans, wildly unpopular national parks destruction, wildly unpopular destruction of the internet, etc etc etc.

Clearly the people need to learn what the republican partys interests actually are, so I don't think anyone should stand in their way.

Go back to your fucking commune antifa fag.

yeah pretty much, just give people more reason to leave

Everyone in the entire IT industry except the 4 biggest ISP's, and of course, Trumptards, who will back the most retarded pointless destructive shit as long as it comes out Trumps mouth, in a desperate attempt to feel a sense of tribal cohesion, which they imagine is like having a friend, or mattering to someone other than the Cheetos distributor.

I see Jethro likes a good stiff comcast dick in his ass.

Kill yourself freedom hating backstabbing ISP serving shortsighted shill nigger.

Lincoln should've executed all of your leaders and evicted you from the union. You'd be a 3rd world shithole run by religious retards.

>3rd world shithole

i wonder where he shits.

Idk but i saw a Ganesh shrine in his bathroom.