It is friday, any one going outside to talk to women...

it is friday, any one going outside to talk to women? or are you just going to stay alone at home and crank one out instead?

roll odds and you have to go outside and talk to a women.


goddammit. re rolling the reroll

Fuck no I won't do as odds tell meh!

If youre going outside with the goal of talking to women youre already failing. Dont you have other reasons to go outside. A job, perhaps classes you should be following. Do that.

>A job
so "you" need a job to get laid?

>Dont you have other reasons to go outside.

"To get laid" that why you think you need a job? Pathetic

A job? Get a job? Ok then just let me put on my job helmet and get in my job cannon and fire off into job-land where jobs grow on jobbies

Well nevermind women, dont you think that should be a priority? Having a life?

i work construction, not many women in my field

>stay alone at home
If only I had one to stay at

>Having a life?
What is a life and how do i get one?


Dont play dumb with that shit, there are a lot of jobs out there, the whole area of contruction workers for example. You clearly werent capable of getting a usefull degree else you would already have a job. So try something manual. Youve overbuilt your own self image, get rid of the ego and start low. Actually be useful

And why are women a priority for you?

>the whole area of contruction workers for example.
see you can fuck them

And they can fuck you. In more ways than one. Its really not worth it anymore imo. Waste of time. She's never love the way you hope women will love you.

Some chad normie lurker answer this one pls

im not looking for the hollywood relation bud.
just a connection with a member of the opposite sex would be nice

Again, wont be the sort of connection you want it to be. You'll project your own desires of how you wish to be loved or at least perceived and you'll be dissappointed. Get a dog for affection and if you really need to fuck get a decent escort every now and then

heres the connection i want.
"what do you want to eat tonight"
maybe a hug sometimes

dogs dont pet you back, escorts are not the same.
there is more then just sex.
even if the commitment was weak in your experiences doesnt means its always. on top of that it is better then a monetary connection with some piece of hominid trash that lays with 3 dudes a night

You think you'lk have some kind of wife that will cook for you? Please. Maybe she will but what you'll have to give up will far exceed what you will gain. But hey, by all means go for it if you really want to.

Im not talking about "my experience", my experience is actually really good but I was smart about it from very early on. Im talking about observable reality. Once past highschool, women just keep degrading. And I dont just mean physically. Its a gigantic risk that I dont understand men are willing to take

mgtow reporting in

Yeah mgtow can fuck off though. Most of them actually are people who did nothing with their life and want to blame someone. However some proment mgtow figures have it by the right end. TFM comes to mind, like his talkshows

i can cook, i just hate thinking up a next meal every time

Thats pretty lazy. Just get some kind of cooking book, go down the pages. Dont make it too expensive or difficult, put on some music or a yt vid while youre cooking and there you go, done

im starting to think you have no idea on how to enjoy female company

This user is on the right track but you faggots completely miss the point.

Don't base your actions on any outcome. You'll only set yourself for failure. Example, don't go outside to meet women. Go outside because you want too. Get a job to financially secure yourself. Have hobbies you like. Worry about yourself.

Then the bitches will come to you.

Im starting to think you have a very idealized conception of what female company is.
Like I said, I was smart about it from very early on. Was 18 when got together my current gf age 15. 6 years later we're still together and all is going splendidly. But our case is extreme minority. Women past 20 are completely unreliable, dont bond well, emotionally fucked, etc. Theyre not worth your time, they have nothing interesting to offer you

>Then the bitches will come to you.
they wil come to me?,, are you sure?

so i have to aim for teenagers, okay

Yes. Except you should refuse them because really theyre coming to your money, not you

If you are one yourself, otherwise its probably not a good idea

your gf is past 20, seen any change yet ?
so he still doesnt gets laid

She's 21 now yes. And Ive seen a slight change since she got about a year into university. Higher education kills familial wishes and enegery within women, luckily Ive been able to balance it back so far

I'll probably have to talk to a few at work today. But in the mean time, I'm watching YouTubes and eating cereal

Energy* wtf

well shit