Make the Internet great again

Make the Internet great again

So are you for or against it?

I don't understand how one could be against net neutrality. You're basically cucking yourself

that was weird. i saw the zucc blink even though its a png. spooked.

>inb4 Supreme Court blocks another Trump fucknuts law from passing because it is unconstitutional

Only Americans would cry about people spying on their Facebook accounts over their Economy fuckwittery.


you're obviously uninformed

there is so much wrong with this picture that a 2k character-limit wouldn't even scrap the tip of the iceberg to explain it all, so I'll just lean back and call you out as the shill you are.

Does shillary not pay you anymore?

How? The internet is a utility that was created using tax money. The only reason this is up for debate is because a bunch of greedy cunts want more of our money. Fuck that

sargon is FOR net neutrality.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. This isn't 1969 and the first email. It's the billions invested by telecoms to lay out broadband. You can get internet from the cable co., the phone co., and by satellite. Those are private investments, not an infrastructure built by Nancy Pelosi.

Is it already morning in Moscow?

Correct the Record is here, phew!

Don't act like Telecom companies don't make a fuck ton of profit. The fact they make all that money off of a taxpayer-funded invention ought to be enough. They get enough of my money, and they don't need more

Haven't you shills figured out something else by now? It's been a year, get over it.

>It's the billions invested by telecoms to lay out broadband.
you mean invested by the government given to the telecoms specifically to build that infrastructure? retard.


Don't act like Netflix doesn't make a fuckton of profit. It's valued at 84 billion. And your whole fucked-up notion that somehow the government is owed money for inventing the internet 50 years ago is fucking dumb.

That's bullshit, tho.

It's weird that someone taking the leftist/socialist stance would do an anti-semitic rant against free market principles, but okay.
Pic related, the man you're fighting for.

you think they'll give our site any connection, none of us are gonna pay for it

Still dont get what the fuck Is your argument lad

stay mad, kike

I'm arguing that calling the broadband I get from Verizon a public utility is bullshit. And if I don't like Verizon, I have several other options for broadband, unlike the choice I would have if internet were a public utility: no choice. As it is, we need more competition and choice, not less.

this isn't even a good troll.

good luck trying to share your racist memes and being active in the next meme war with your 256kpbs internet cap because Sup Forums isn't included in any package from your isp.

mate let me propose this to you. do you like the way the internet is now? it shouldnt change because everything is fine as it is. if net neutrality is repealed, things might change, and the outcome may be worse than what the internet is now; if net neutrality is kept then the internet stays the same, if it is repealed the internet may change

>leftshills get exposed multiple times
>accuse the other side of shilling

You too, Goldberg

It was so different in 2012 right?

Just like 2015... the terrible days before the FCC net neutrality administrative ruling.

I never said the government owed money, but corporations don't need more of mine. The fact that you're so eagerly getting cucked is dumber to me

>if you don't like literal corporate shilling you're a shill for the left

fuck off weinberg, just let my 12 craterface son marry ur hairy manbeast of a daughter and we can reap the profits. whadya say? shalom, for old times sake

if you think ending net neutrality is going to only cause a cap on your torrent downloads and not something similar to the clusterfuck that is internet in portugal you're fucking delusional.

Has it been your experience that government getting involved with industries (like healthcare, like college tuition) drives costs down, or were you shit out of your nigger momma's ass yesterday?

> Implying basic economic isn't concurrence on the base of quantity invention for the cheapest price. That was literally my first 2 hours economic science

Getting rid of net neutrality would allow larger companies to throttle speeds for smaller, competing companies services. That leads to less competition, cunt. In the context of ISP's, I fail to see how net neutrality limits competition

I am old enough to remember 2015. It was dark, dark times.

Nope, but close to.

Gibberish is gibberish, socialist twat.

I'm fine with government intervention where it protects consumers from unnecessary fuckery. Why you aren't baffles me. Do you like getting butt fucked by daddy Trump, or something?

net neutrality has nothing to do with what you are talking about I think your confused

Guys don't worry, the corporations that run the government wont abuse less government control.

Low quality bait

>wants government intervention
>hates head of government
wew, lad
I know it's scary, and millenials were taught it's a bad thing, but competition is better than centralized authorities running your life.

You could try to follow the thread, though.

Murrica is really a place with special people. 10% of people are pretty intelligent and educated and the rest of you is borderline retarded. But it's not Like the whole world is already knowing it. I mean you voting presidents which are literally lobbyists creating wars for your weapon industrial and for jews stealing oil

>Netflix isn't a corporation. It isn't like it's worth 84 billion dollars. It's the 'little guy.'

If i correctly understands, this isn't about money, this is about power. But i don't understand how they gonna explain that they deserve such power for free.

>But it's not Like the whole world is already knowing it. I mean you voting presidents which are literally lobbyists creating wars for your weapon industrial and for jews stealing oil
If you were trying to make me feel dumb, you were going to sound less like an illiterate racist fuckstick.

That's my favorite narrative spin.

> Muh you are racist
Said the guy living in a country as foreigner based on the biggest genocide in history which killed 30 million people in attack wars since 1945, being responsible for 80% of wars world wide.

>What cable company jew paid you for that pic
Fucking shill

If the head of the government quits being a stupid cunt, and makes better decisions (tells a shit pie to keep title 2), I won't hate him will I?

>Attack wars

watching "smart" americans trying to convince retarded selfcucking americans is hilarious.

> Muh i speak my first language better than your first

Wow ur so coole ur so non conformist an edgy

something like roman empire, or british empire

You can't you just have to hope they die in meth lab explosion or something.

Just a joke, friend. I worked at a Mexican restaurant, and got teased by my co-workers every day for my butchering of their language. No need to be so offended

Say goodbye to Sup Forums I guess. Without net neutrality the Sup Forums servers will be harder to maintain and they might have to abandon Sup Forums all together. Your “Le XD President cool dude” sure is doing great

OP here.
Thanks for participating in my latest bait thread. I learned a lot!
The point of this experiment was to test whether we could convince average users to take sides by associating their positions with icons that represent their political views (i.e., pepe on the right, hillary on the left).
Since 98% of posters don't read anything past the headline, it's easy to play them into whatever position we want.
==== for example, we could just as easily have played conservatives/alt-righters
for net neutrality and liberals against it by switching images
(no need for an argument, since people don't read them).
As a reward, I will answer a few questions before I duck out.
I will leave you some prior work, just in case you're curious.

>cancerous memes vs cancerous memes
So it'll be the same.

There is no competition you fuckwit. The ISPs have monopoly over their areas. There is no one to compete with them.
Enabling ISPs to charge internet sites for faster access will create a world where there will be no new websites. Facebook replaced myspace because it was better, but a better facebook wont ever establish itself because they cant afford to be put in the fast lane. The only competition there will be is which ISP ggets which sites under contract

Everyone who wants less freedom rights is just retarded. And basing this opinion on 'free market' is just retarded because only a few handful of people benefit from this

Its the whole American ideology. They say its good to have a free market because more competition but they don't understand it just benefits for the already rich and big corperations.

Anyone have that A E S T H E T I C pepe?

>So it'll be the same.
since most social issues overlap on both sides of the spectrum, it's easy enough to play whatever side one would wish.
>Everyone who wants...blah blah blah...
part of what is interesting about making meme images is to show how easy it is to use available media to play sides against each other.
Granted, once sides congeal around a position (e.g., TPP, Climate Change), it is more of a challenge to change their position, but even then, it only takes a few more meme images.
This uses the fact most social issues have overlap on both sides, and the fact humans rarely read past the headline (or the meme image).
so why not have fun exploiting this?

The whole "free market" idea is retarded since you'll never be able to dethrone the largest corporations. Free market makes sense if everyone is actually on a level playing field but it really only serves to push us towards an ANCAP type dystopian future. Or at least some shithole like Hong Kong.

Once corporate freedoms get intertwined with personal freedoms it all goes to shit.

Yes. The biggest coup they are trying nie worldwide is the privatization of drinking water. As soon as they have lots of drinking water a new form of slavery will rise. Nestlé / Monsanto ist already doing it in africa

>le all part of my keikaku face >;^)
aha yeah nice small scale social experiment OP! You totally made an interesting and original point and definitely didn't piss away a few more minutes of your life as your fleshy body rots around you! :^)