OK, so I know all the arguments against her, that she'd have started WW3 already, she's up herself...

OK, so I know all the arguments against her, that she'd have started WW3 already, she's up herself, she'd put bankers and Wall Street executives in all the top spots, etc.. Yet Trump is probably going to do all those things anyway, and has with the whole 'not draining the swamp' thing.

So my question is, what's up with that? Why was she such a bad choice, with Trump having proven he's making just as bad decisions as she would have?

Genuinely curious, not trying to be a troll, but I want some actual answers apart from "hurr durr MAGA".

Other urls found in this thread:


Truth is both sides are corrupt and both would not hesitate to make an immoral decision to line their pockets or benefit a corporation. Its just the whole election race gives amerifats the illusion that they actually have a say in a "democracy".

The clintons were doing fucked up things to get her elected. There's all sorts of rumors of foul play including bribery, suspicious deaths of people investigating clinton, and of course, the email which had the potential to put national security at risk.

Further, there was the interests in the middle east (specifically syria, and I don't mean isis) and low key arms deals such as selling that uranium to the russians.

Again these are all allegations, but they paint a picture of a pretty scummy family who was only in it for their own personal gain. You could argue that the trump family is exploiting the position for their own businesses, but Donald actually does want to make doing business easier in the US and has a vested interest in solidifying the US as a powerhouse economically and militarily.

I voted for Bernie, so my hands are clean of this mess.

>solidifying the US as a powerhouse
deregulation is great and all, just not for everybody, amirite

The truth is that everything would be a lot better right now if Hillary had won, regardless of how anyone feels about her personally.

Yall faggots said Trump wouldve started nuclear war within weeks of winning, the stock market was supposed to instantly crash, he woudlve re-enslaved the blacks and deported all the mexicans, and made women second class citizens

Yet here we fucking are, none of it happened. Why should anyone believe you again?

>So my question is, what's up with that? Why was she such a bad choice, with Trump having proven he's making just as bad decisions as she would have?

It's simple.
She wasn't as bad of a choice.

Hilary Clinton while not a perfect candidate was slammed with defamation from day 1. Benghazi, Uranium One, Pay to Play, It's all fairytale bullshit.

Even the real issues with the DNC didn't really matter. She still would have beaten Bernie for the nomination.

Credit to the GOP and Trump Campaign, they ran a completely inexperienced candidate with baggage and won against one of the most qualified candidates we've had in years through Lee Atwater-esque strategies.

Not objectively true. Trump and Clinton share the same overarching personality flaws...they're greedy, self-serving liars who refuse to acknowledge any personal responsibility and believe they aren't bound to the rules that the rest of us are. If there is a benefit to having Trump, it is in that he is less likely to get unified support for his poor decisions from his party and he lacks the experience and subtlety to be anything less than obvious.


refused to vote for a feminist. fuck that bitch

>Benghazi, Uranium One, Pay to Play, It's all fairytale bullshit.

Trump didnt win so much as Clinton lost

All she fucking had to do was pay even a modicum of attention to the blue wall

1. Fake primary
2. TPP
Two deal-breakers for starters.

Great for some, good for those who actually believe they have a real chance in the rat race and define themselves by their (((aspirations))).

No candidate that vetoes the will of the people through office politics is ever fit to be president.

it really depends on what you're deregulating. the internet is one of those cases where removing all regulations is a terrible thing, for example. I'm not onboard with all donald trump policies; removing shit just because obama did it is retarded.

I agree they're both pretty bad but one difference between the two is she's pro gun control and he's pro 2nd amendment and I like the 2nd amendment sooo yeah Trump Supporter I am lol(I'm pro AR15s that can kill people).

It is though....

We would be knee deep in rapefugees with her as pres

Uranium one is a pretty crummy scandal.

If you were in the market to sell a bunch of uranium, russia is basically the only country you CAN sell it to. No amount of uranium can make either of US or russia more powerful since weare already in "wreck the entire earth" territory.

Fuck you commie

With Clinton you know you're getting a shit sandwich

With Trump you're probably getting a shit sandwich, but it's not 100% certain

libs got so far up their own asses they believed they only need California + the East Coast to win

That shitty attitude pisses off all the non-coastals

Completely valid, but why sell it to anyone? It's a terrible product to peddle.


Go ahead and tell me the NYTimes is rightwing propoganda.

Establishment democrat shill spotted

muh nigguh

Uh, France would be glad to buy it to de-emphasize their African mining endeavors.

>implying liberalism isn't right-wing

Could be? I think that's a hard argument to make conclusively.

theyre all cunts

>We don't want these calculating expert manipulators controlling the country
>No, lets have a Jewtown slumlord with a history of money laundering do the job, we can trust him
Fucking idiots

Isn't this topic more suited for Sup Forums

Where is the proof trump is anything like hillary
I keep hearing "trump is racist" with no proof
Hillary Clinton created isis


The Clinton are some of the most corrupt politicians to hold office. People have died so that they could retain power and wealth.

Basically, the Clintons are more mobsters than politicians and the people they're in bed with would have completely destroyed the middle class.

Trump won because he was the lesser of two evils.

You should already know this shit, you dumb duck fuck.

1 of 9 agencies that signed off on the deal...


Posts like these must be made by bots to make trump supporters look stupid

She's not against the 2nd amendment, she's for stopping retards with mental issues getting guns as easily, to try and stop these mass shootings which you faggots in the US have every week, yet virtually any other society on earth does not.

Nuclear power plants, to, i dont know, give electricity to citizens??

trump isnt a racist or a satanist who trades kids to fuck with other satanists but he is a corrupt kike, who has surrounded himself with more of them and even pawned his kids off to them aswell
all of his real estate deals were funded by ((debt)), hes a glizty ayn rand'ian capitalist archetype that plays well in the media, its not an accident. hes fronted loads of shady organisations including resort international, a company used to launder money by the CIA and mossad. even when casinos all over the country were going tits up, he invested almost a billion in debt into building the taj mahal in atlantic city, it was the first time he was personally on the hook for it and wilbur smith who was working for the rothschilds bailed him out despite everyone saying east coast casinos were shittier investments.

he was a safe candidate for them to push forward as like i say hes not a pedo who eats babies, so theyll use him to pacify the internet parasites like me who want change and will probably throw in a few token pedo arrests by the time hes done in office to sweeten the deal but nothing is changing long term.
its a bit like them selling out weinstein in hollywood, hes safe to feed the press as even though hes a kike he isnt an elite one, plus hes not a pedo and gets folk off their backs.

>Sup Forumstard

She pretended to be the good guy...to have the moral high ground...but is corrupt shit. An asshole. Trump is an asshole as well, but never tried to convince us otherwise.

Actually, you're the bigger dumbfuck because you have no evidence to support any of your bullshit. If you're going to ramble on about "mysterious deaths" and provide no proof aside from your perceived motive, then you're a dumbfuck. If you are completely ignorant of economics and ignore or ignore the fact that the middle class had it's greatest economic growth during Clinton's terms, you're a dumbfuck. Dumbfucks like you think you know something because some asshole told you, only proves you're a dumbfuck. Are you at all capable of research, or would that interfere with your life's motto, "Ignorance is bliss"?

Hey maybe remove the "gun free zone" idea which has to be one of the biggest failures in us history.

>>So my question is, what's up with that? Why was she such a bad choice,

>charisma of a dead snail
>rapey husband
>pretending to not be sick during campaign
>own party rejected her once already (2008)
>claiming 'most qualified' candidate - but can't tell when an email is classified? lol ok
>woo another Clinton in office, how did the second Bush go? let's keep electing people from the same family like monarchs

Had she not run the election like an idiot, she would have won (e.g. ignoring the midwest)

as an aside, It's always fun to go back and read things like this
back when it was ok to criticize the clintons


Yeah,Hillary is a complete demon. The clintons have a body count surrounding them,Trump doesnt. I could go on all night but liberals will never wanna debate anything. We see how they handle things when they dont get their ways. Its over,she is not gonna ever be president,this was twice now. People need to get over it because nothing is gonna change until 2020.

>Trump is probably going to do all those things anyway

Steve mnuchin is sec. of Treasury. He's an ex-Goldman Sachs CIO with $300 mil net worth. Trump has already filled his circle with Wall Street execs

Most these Mass Shootings are happening in "Gun Free Zones".

His name was Seth Rich?

Many Many others,look it up. Very sketchy the least of it... I dunno about you but Id rather go with the person who hasnt had rumors of murdering people...


Produce evidence for muh Russia or fucking kill yourself on a fucking livestream right the fuck now.
protip: you can't because the democrat party literally commissioned it for PR use

What is really fucked is that almost every fucking musician ,celebrity,and most msm were pushing Clinton and she still lost. Even after project Veritas had people on vid admitting how they started all the fights at Trump rallies. The amount of corruption is almost overwhelming but hey,Its Hillary we are talking about so it doesnt surprise me. She was a horrible lawyer and never changed or learned anything except how to lie lie lie.

>implying that politics isn't literally the art of fraud
come on now

Because she was a sneaky underhanded liar about it, making it seem like she would be our saviour, when all she did the whole time was pander to minority votes and basically imply the whole time that it was her right to be president because she was woman hear her roar. Trump can mouth the words all he wants. He's been pretty upfront with his actions and conduct that he is gonna burn this motherfucker to the ground. He's gonna be so bad we're gonna have no choice but to start making some serious changes to this whiny, divided, weak, two-party system that neither side has anyone but their own personal best interests at heart. Hilary wouldn't have started WWIII. Hilary would have been another 8 years of the same. Might as well have just let Obama run for another 2 terms, only with more Wall Street guys in. Trump will start some fucking shit. That's why I voted for him. We need a redo. I kind of want to be alive for the apocalypse. Maybe he'll bring it, maybe he won't. But some shit will change in this country after he's done. Make no mistake about that. He for this reason might end up inadvertently being the greatest president of all time.

>do all those things anyway, and has with the whole 'not draining the swamp' thing.
Keep reading, genius.

>minority votes
LIterally true. Delegates are a minority of the population.


Australia has a 'gun free zone', aka: the country, and no mass shootings for 20 years. You amerifags could learn a thing or two.

You threw your vote away as did those who abstained from voting. Lesser of two evils is less evil.

As bad as Trump's presidency is, I think in the long term it is better that he won.

Repubes no longer get to play the oppressed minority card or the obstructionist card. They have to lead and the US has gotten a taste of how awful they are at it.

Trump will be excised by Mueller and he so far hasn't broken anything too badly yet, tho not for lack of trying.

It's hard to say that about the refugee things, or even just blanket-stating all immigration. All she did was pander to "interest" groups who would eat it up. Just like Cuckminster Fuckdeau(Trudeau) in a way, except wasn't a scumlord before or during the elections. Now he's acting like a petulant child in response to Trump's policies. We need Trump to crack-down on Trudeau for being the literal embodiment of "Security Threat".

>One of the most naturally dangerous countries to live in
Gun free? I can see restricted, but why gun free?

Very fucking well said. Exactly. He might not get much done politically as far as actual legislation, but the shit show hes running and the fact he won at all will hopefully gives both sides some serious pause and cause to regroup and seriously rethink how this shit works. Probably not, but one can hope i guess. She would have actually gotten shit done, and none of it good.

Cant tell if you're implying that Trump is filling seats with friends/people he owes favors to or that someone who can pull people out of financial ruin like that might be well suited to be Secretary of COMMERCE.

Australia has a 'gun free zone', aka: the country. See... I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.

That's so demonstrably wrong I don't even fucking know where to start


Hilary has as many if not more acquaintances/people who had dirt on her/were going to testify against her that have either died or committed suicide under suspicious circumstances than Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby accusations combined. How much smoke does there need to be before you think maybe there's a little fire? Talk about doing your research? A quick Google search will give you at least 10 sources. Not to mention, even if there weren't, which there are, isn't that kind of her whole thing? She has people murdered and has it covered up. That's why she's not in jail for it. Would Gary Ridgway getting away with it magically have taken those 72 bodies of his hands? Do your own fucking research.


"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."
- Thomas Jefferson

Haha what? Slavery? Australia is more free than the US, Pic related. How's your 'freedom' now?

OK yeah restricted, but still, effectively gun free, only farmers and people who actually need guns can get guns, effectively. Still, cant argue with the results, no mass shootings in 20 years.

And The right said Obama was the anti Christ and was gonna take our guns away and let Muslims rule the US.
Didn't happen. Can we just agree that people over react and it doesnt matter who the president is?

Except we've never had anyone like Trump before, someone who baits a nuclear capable nation like NK, I mean obama never did that. You have to admit, this is a very different presidency than we've ever had, with unknown outcomes to follow.

It really is a silly position. It is however one of the most important tools in their box in conjunction with the MSM to keep us distracted and divided. We really need to take a revisit of the constitution and the way this country works in general

>Australia has a 'gun free zone', aka: the country. See... I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery

Kek, there's no freedom in the states... our entire life is dictated by politicians and corporations. We simply get to choose to work hard to get ahead or accept our position as a number getting paid for labor.

>threw your vote away
>implying the vote wasn't rigged in the first place
Lesser of two evils is just slower approach to the same destination of pure evil. Can you tell me why neoliberals shouldn't be put into work camps?

Fuck. Didn't realise we were less free than some of these other countries. what the fuck

>to work hard to get ahead
This is not even a likely, let alone reliable outcome, but everyone thinks they're the best and will win the competitions regardless.

>How's your 'freedom' now?
Feels pretty good considering there's not a damned thing any gun grabbing libtard can do about the fact that I own and am going to own the oh so scary black assault weapon until the day I die.

Well that's the problem in the US.. Dangling the carrot, 'you'll get there eventually, you'll be rich..'

Chances of making it rich are so high these days, you need to be someone with a revolutionary idea like Mark Zuckerberg or something like that.. Just corporate america's way of keeping you working longer, harder to make someone else's bottom line fatter.

If that's all you care about, you must lead a pretty sad life in comparison to anyone else.

Not even that. Who do you know has "worked really hard" and still doesn't have money issues? Between increasing living costs, declining wages, the health care system, unemployment, I am hard pressed to think of anyone. I can't help but notice anytime I research anyone who goes on and on about how they worked so hard to get where they are comes from at least upper middle class and have parents with money or connections. Working full time to not live in total poverty, paying an exorbintant amount of taxes for pretty much no return and getting enough schooling for it to actually matter is damn near impossible in this country nowadays. Anyone I've found telling me different doesn't actually know and is was trying to sell me something

Faith as part of the culture. Financial debt as some "dream" to aspire to. It's all very sick and Puritan. I'd love to go back in time and erase those fucks.

Funny cause I don't feel sad for anyone except those in the 3rd world countries that will never have a taste of free speech and religion.

Absolutely. And even he lied, cheated, and stole his way to the top. And came from a very wealthy family on top of it. Seriously. Research all your top CEOs, lawyers, politicians, actors, general celebrities. They damn near all came from at least upper-middle class and had wealthy and influential parents. The rare wealthy person that actually came from nothing comes about as frequently as lottery odds.

Hillary would have been a better president then trump without question but, she is also super currupt and represented everything people hated about the establishment. She then rigs the primaries alienating her own party so really in hindsight she didnt stand a chance against trump.

>freedom of religion
>as long as you suck abraham's half-cock
>freedom of speech
>so all you ever do is talk instead of fixing problems
stop trolling

discord server = s7c5DS5
We need more smart people like you in here. Join up brother.

How could you ever fix any problems when whenever you talk about those problems your mouth gets censored shut??

60% of American millionaires are first generation. Seriously, look it up you stupid Marxist fuckwad.

Save up $20,000 and build a house. Sell it. Have a job that supports you while doing it. Do that about once or twice every year for ten year or so. Be millionaire. Literally anyone can do it that can plan past buying their next bag of weed or big mac.

>when the brainlets talk politics on Sup Forums because they're afraid of being made an idiot by Sup Forums
kek all this board is good for is porn you fags

>I want some actual answers apart from "hurr durr MAGA".
there are none

Not by bloody much.

You get into the streets and have a general strike, which typically gets results. Oh, those are illegal in the US because they hurt the feels of the rich and their corporate vehicles. Also, can't have people standing together and seeing how strong they actually are.


Corporate democrat shill spotted

"You get into the streets and have a general strike" Can't do that without the First Amendment.


>Can't do that without the First Amendment.
Can't do that WITH the First Amendment, you cuck. Yet all over Europe they do this. What's your problem? Are you really so stupid as to believe that your only rights are the ones that dead oligarchs choose to allow you and then work the system to abridge later on in the name of expedience and you either can't or don't do a fucking thing about it?

Stop trolling

>Oh, those are illegal in the US

Looked it up. Found tons of places saying it, but every single one of them only quoted 2 source. The same one. Over and over again. And all on sites that are notorious circle jerkers for the wealthy. My being able to pick a random person and research them Nd 9/10 times they come from at least upper middle class convinces me a lot more than Thomas J fucking Stanley. A guy with a vested interest in making people believe that bullshit. But, let's say that's true. If you reread what I wrote, I said nothing about millionaires. I said at least upper middle class, which is not millionaire status. It's closer to 100-300k annually. Not necessarily millionaire, but plenty of money to OWN a house, have good health insurance, OWN a car, have a higher degree, and put your kids in a good college and hook them up with your business/professional contacts once they get out so that they never have to worry about having to do anything but go to school then take the high paying job that's handed to them right out of college. That's all I'm saying. Who gives a shit about being a millionaire. Most people just want to not have to live paycheck to paycheck or worry that one little illness will put them in serious financial trouble. I suggest you work on your reading comprehension a bit there, bud

>Yet all over Europe they do this.
Hate speech isn't allowed in the eu so I don't care how much protests there government ALLOWS them to do.

Correction. 1 source

By the way. I know a few fairly successful people. All came from upper middle class. Not one of them has the time nor the inclination to spend debating this kind of shit on Sup Forums, so how the fuck would you know? If it's so easy, why haven't you done it. Or is this the part where you tell me you're a millionaire genius and just come on here because you're bored and like putting pathetic little whiny Marxist faggots in their place? Pull your nose out of the elites asses, man. They're not gonna give you a little pat on the head and a treat. It's not gonna happen. Grow some fucking balls and open your fucking eyes, faggot

Taft-Hartley outlawed actions in support of workers at other forms. Industry-wide strikes, let alone general strikes, are thus outlawed.

>muh trolling
Think the internet will miss you, sweet cheeks?