How do I fix this shit?

How do I fix this shit?


Sucks. I've had 3 ingrown toenails myself. You just have to see a podiatrist. No way around it.

Take a sharp knife and scratch a groove down the center of your toe nail. That will relieve the pressure and your ingrowns will heal

Just a scratch or do I need to go all the way through?

They're called doctors ffs.

that's some shitty ingrown toenail right there, partdner.
i had one and i had to get my whole toenail yanked out. shit cost like $200

you need a topical antibiotic, prescription strength, so you need to see a doctor. mupirocin, for example, works amazingly fast

Go to the doctor. They'll take care of it and you'll never get them again.

not him, but that's totally worth it
had it done on both big toes 20+years ago

just had this cut out of my foot. almost 1/2 inch ingrown and very infected. almost completely better now (1 week later) and no more pain.

go to the fucking doctor

Shits nasty yo. Also $200 to fix a nail? Glad I got free healthcare. Seriously though see a doctor OP before you lose a toe lmao

do not do this jfc you can spread that infection and raise your risk for staff infection. fucking idiots

So don't cut down the middle?

Go to a podiatrist.

Cut the whole fucking thing off. Toes a goner so cut it off and let it grow back in time.

I miss mine. I got kind of addicted to the rotting flesh smell of pus and blood when I peeled my sock off the wound after a long day.
But alas it was very painful so I cut off my toenail.

i have problems with ingrown nails for 3 years go see a surgeon he will help you. Trust me, you let it grow for too long and you can no longer solve it by yourself. You will probably need a full nail removal the nail should grow back normaly then

See a doctor. There are other solutions to disinfect the wound (heat etc) , but the reason had to be resolved first.

Get it removed before serious damge. Trust me it will feel far better. In my country its paid by insurance so if you are from europe you will not pay anything

I constantly have this shit. You need to constantly keep it cut and make sure you get right in there and don't leave any sharp parts or hanging edges. I cut part way at each edge then tear the fucker out.

hit it hard with a hammer, the nail will fall off and will regrow without being all fucked up like that

I had them really bad growing up(high school ish), Had to even get one or two removed from doctor.

Best advice, don't cut your nails at all, it completely fixed the problem for me. I guess I was cutting them incorrectly and fucking around trying to fix them, which actually made them grow. I never get ingrown toenails now

Peroxide first bro, wont all the mank puss is out, pair of snips and pliers work a treat, cut deep and rip the cunts out, problem solved. You're welcome


I fixed mine DIY style:

First, soak the affected foot in hot (as hot as you can take) salty (literally get a bag of salt and pour it in while stirring until no more can dissolve into the water) water. You want to leave it at least 30 minutes so top up with additional hot water as needed.

While you're soaking your foot, also make sure you have a pair of nail scissors, some needlenose pliers, and a flathead screwdriver sterilised and ready to go. You will also need some gauze or bandaging, a nail file, tweezers, and some antiseptic.

Once your nail has softened up a bit, gently use the screwdriver and pliers to pry up the edge of the nail, until it "pops up" and is sitting on top of the toe.

Carefully use the scissors to cut in a straight line along the edge of the nail to cut off the jaggedy part and reset the edge. Then use the nail file to make the cut edge smooth so it doesn't grow back jagged.

You will probably also need to use the tweezers to put up any dead skin or scabs around the ingrown part of the toe so it can heal cleanly, and in case there are any nail fragments that need to be removed.

Once all this is done, apply antiseptic to the affected area and apply some gauze until it stops bleeding.

You'll need to keep an eye on how it's healing and maybe apply more antiseptic/gauze, and watch out for secondary infections etc. . You should also try to go barefoot as much as possible for a couple of days afterwards to give it time to heal without shoes rubbing into it.

Once this is done it shouldn't bother you anymore, I did this to my nail a few years ago and it's been fine ever since.

Putting the foot in a bath with some kind of special soap worked for me. I don't remember what soap. No cutting needed. And my toe was bad.

And be careful when you walk obviously. No tight shoes etc.

You either dig into it with pins and a toenail clipped (I've done this myself) and pull the nail up to clip it. Or you go get surgery in which you will have an unnecessarily large bill. The choice is yours user. The choice is yours.

Get a bucket or a small tub.
Mix hot water with a cup of epsom salts.
Put your foot in it
Dry it out
Put some Betadine on the toe and on some 2x2 med gauze wrap together.


So what will happen if I did leave it? Would it heal its self?

rip that fucker off dude

cut your legs off

Kill yourself, at the very least it won't make the problem worse

Get some wet cotton (use antiseptic to make it wet).
Use a rounded tool do slowly push the cotton in the sides of your nail, raising it.
The day after, remove old cotton, replace with new. Keep it going for a straight week. Then, when the nail isn't embedded in flesh anymore, cut it.