Anyone knows the name of a movie where a angry brit walks down the street then a package delivery guy gives him a...

Anyone knows the name of a movie where a angry brit walks down the street then a package delivery guy gives him a package and he have to sign but instead he just draws a line across sign thing?
I post random pics until answer.






















you know that op can't bump his thread, right?

wtf omg no no no no no

Shh, he's posting better shit than ylyl threads have in months.

...Which isn't saying much, but still.

but the thread was on page 8 or something, so i wanted to bump it for him.

Fuck i forgot my thread.



Ah, wasn't sure.

i pissed myself a little







Bumping for OP













Kevin and Perry go large, the scene is near the start, he accepts the package and signs his name ending by drawing a big line across the whole form to underline it
