Anyone notice a recent influx of cucks on Sup Forums? What the fuck?

Anyone notice a recent influx of cucks on Sup Forums? What the fuck?

Happens every year. Pretty sure it has something to do with kids entering middle school, heating about the edgy Sup Forums and getting time during a break to look into it.

It's the Eternal Summer.
No amount of action or inaction will restore Sup Forums to its glory. Accept it and find another board, site or hobby.

I have to agree with you there OP, it's fucking hilarious

how do you determine that a new poster on Sup Forums has a girlfriend, or is married, and that someone else is fucking said wife or girlfriend?

you do know what a "cuck" is, don't you, newfriend?

>go to catalog
>6 results
They're none too shy of admitting it


WWYD and celeb worship threads were a dog whistle for them.
You are all morons for allowing that shit to thrive here

fuck bitches you awakend the glitchrrr

Andy sixx ruined this website a loonng time ago. Pay your respects and move on.

See how old I am "4chins?"

Don't blame me for that shit.


Nice dubs bro

It's a handful of shitposters, just like the logposts.

cucks on Sup Forums? couldn't tell. i use the built-in filter feature on desktop.
mobilefags btfo

This user be good.
Find lulz in everything. it's the best way to experience life.

Seth McFarland hacked it so all posts involving Family Guy get dubs. We should all try it out.

Sup Forums is always trying to fit in here. Bunch of cuck scum.

This, but i'd even go as far to assume that they're the same people since these threads appear simultaneously.

Make her pussy wet.

Yeah, started just after trump was elected. Seems to be dying down now that downie donnie is on the out and out

a phase like most things. just hide those threads and you are going to fine.

This place died when moot turned cuck.

Yeah what a pussy.
How dare he not stay with the site while it's going under and allow it to ruin his life.
What a pussy.

I'm glad you agree that he was a pussy