

ho ho ho no

Je ne suis toujours pas remis du coup de Macron à L'Elysée.



J'aprend francaise, mais c'est tres dure - mais j'adore France, et j'ai decide d'habite en le Lot. C'est beau mais froid ce matin. coment allez vous?

>J'apprends le français
>C'est très dur
>J'adore la France
>d'habiter dans le Lot
>mais il fait froid
Welcome in France, nice to see people who appreciate this place and do effort to learn our language. Cheers!



non, ce n'est pas "bait"

My french really is that bad - but I am learning (I speak better than I spell - all those endings sound the same so I can get away with things and people don't mind because I am trying - written down it looks terrible)

And i live in the Lot, near Figeac, and I love the place. Beautiful stone built mediaeval villages (my house is about three hundred years old so relatively modern!) gorgeous rolling oak forests, beautful lakes and rivers to canoe, fantastic cave systems (some with cave art 30,000 years old that you can look at from a foot away - amazing stuff) and of course the food, the women, the wine...

not bait mate, I love it here.

Hon hon hon

wait are you doing in figeac ? it's a place where old people retire, there is basically no job, and nothing to do

i meant "what are you doing".

i used to have family in cahors and lacapelle marival so i know how boring it can be

Tu aimes la France, mais ça ne va pas durer.
Des centaines de Français quittent notre beau pays pour tenter leur chance ailleurs:
Notre nation, autrefois glorieuse, est aujourd’hui sur le déclin.

Ay ay ay moi jvien dla cite on baise la franc on es sur le deepweb on es des fous ptdrrK

I love France and French women.



aero industry..

also love lacapelle - great fete every year going to dance in St Colombe this evening...

plus svp

Fille du putain

Déjà postée celle là

c'est possible. Pas vue


allah akbar