
weak kid

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Yeah Sup Forums must be on fire right meow.

> fake news
> nothingburger



The irony in this...

Most of my fellow Murifats won't care that this is the beginning of the end for Trump. I can't until next week when we See Trump Jr. in cuffs.

Ironic that the right has historically called the center left and left communists and Russian spies. I mean, we see now who is unpatriotic.

Never talk to the FBI. Always take the 5th whenever they ask a question, regardless of how innocuous it may seem. If they ask, "Do you think the sun will come up tomorrow?" Take the 5th!

He's talking now. Set to testify that Donald Trump told him to contact the Russians.

This is how I'm keeping warm this winter.

Watching this administration shit it's pants and curl into the fetal position the next year or so is going to be great.

oh dis gun be gud


>Fake News

>said an increasingly nervous man for the thousandth time this year

Flynn plead guilty to talking to the FBI. He should have refused. If he had refused, the FBI wouldn't have anything to charge him with.Now he's fucked!


Hard to take a plea deal if you don't plea

Yeah because all the evidence is obviously fake. They had him over a barrel and probably gave him a choice- Trump, or prison. Guess which one he chose?

n-no, e-everybody but me is falling for t-the j-jewish mainstream media trap, only I can see that the entire thing is a m-massive conspiracy involving 2/3 of the entire country

Lol nailed it

You think this will get anywhere NEAR, Trump you are delusional. The guy commands the CIA, Mueller's kink or whatever the fuck he's into and hides was ALREADY been put in a folder and handed to Trump before Mueller was "appointed" to the case.

>commands the CIA
Are you retarded? Trump doesn't even command the oval office

Okay kiddo. Nixon thought he was bullet proof too.

He barely controls his bowels.

Ok that is actually the most retarded thing i read today, congratulation. Trump also commands the FBI and that is doing him no good at all. He fired Comey when he didnt stop the russia investigation, but separation of power can be a bitch for a wannabe dictator. So while Trump commands the CIA, they won't do anything to help Trump get out of his acts of treason.

And he'd refuse to do even that if he thought it would make a point



trumpanzees are already crying and it's a matter of time before they start calling Flynn "the coffee boy"...

this is gonna be fun, when this shit is over in 6-9 months and trump gets indicted after being impeached we gonna have to build a fuckin huge monument to Bob Mueller, the last true american hero

Celebrity match time. In three years when they make a movie about all this, who's gonna play who?

BY the way, it turns out that Trump is gonna be as historical as Obama, just not in the way he'd envisioned.

Also breaking news: Trump revealed the future location of his presidential library today.

Or to prove a point.

>yfw the kid that calls everyone "kid" is here for damage control and more deflecting

Or if he thought it might make him some money

I shit my pants like nobody else. It's the best, believe me. In the history of pants shitting nobody has done it like me, believe me.

Honestly following American politics is better than any drama on TV right now


I'm going to make Mexico pay for my new clean pair of undies, ladies and gentlemen. It's not going to come out of taxes!

The noose is tightening on old Dirty Donnie

It's amazing that people can continually act surprised to learn that politics and government are a corrupt mess of lies and power plays between parties and the also the different branches and entities.
The really scary part is the behind the scenes stuff, like these intelligence agencies being able to spy on the details of everyone's personal lives, including those of these politicians.
They know what's really going on, every dirty detail and all the illegal things these people do. These investigations on both sides are a joke. They have been spying on these people for years.
All we see going on are the compromises agreed to behind closed doors by these people to have play out in public view.
It is a TV show.

It's just so satisfying to see those who think they're above the frau get dragged down into the very same mud they've been flinging.

>Mueller's kink or whatever the fuck he's into

You mean JUSTICE?

The biggest kink.

cyкa блять

>be Putin
>have meeting with sexy blonde Secretary of State MILF
>she doesn't blow me

>later see her run for President
>start formulating my master plan

>have kiddie diddling tapes of some fatass american real estate developer
>he wants to make buildings in great soviet russia
>he runs for president for the 3rd time
>decide to help a bro out

>hire some basement dwellers to troll Sup Forums and reddit
>MILF is in some homeland scandal involving emails
>get my 1337 hackers to steal some boring ass emails about calzone recipes
>have my albino australian leak them

>fatass's children send unencrypted emails asking about emails
>they don't delete them
>they want to meet in person
>at their father's building
>these dumbasses are thirsty AF
>they aren't going to win but I can still fuck with MILF

>pedo senator gets arrested and FBI find he was CC'd on MILF's emails
>cheeserburgers freak out
>fatass wins

>fatass children still thirsty AF
>keep trying to buddy up
>have superficial meetings they lie about to the FBI
>instant kompromat
>get free intel about isreali spies
>might get sanctions lifted
>cheeseburgers freak out about sitting president
>western democracy exposed for the fraud it's always been
>i've waited 30 years for this


I can't wait for the next Red Revolution. This fucker is gonna get the Ghadafi.

Tax plan passed.


God your Dumb,or Trolling. IDCW

Sure kid.

Its all fake news... Do I still get paid?

sure kid

sure kid

"Separation of powers" . Idiot. That means Legislative, Judiciary, Executive Branch. The director of the FBI is a direct report to the President. The President can call the FBI director in and say 'Stop looking into this, start looking into that, reduce those charges, drop those'. And if the answer is not 'yes sir' he has the Constitutional authority to fire him.
Typically that's not how it's done, but that's perfectly legal.

your daily reminder that the user who posted this after tbe texas shooting is considered a person of interest by the FBI.

>it's fucking nothing

Let the singing begin

Seems Flynn got a deal and some more guys from Trumps team will go down soon.

I think the soprano, Pence, is gonna sing the sweetest of them all.

>theyve had Manafort this long, he is just waiting to talk!

The desperation in the Russia conspiratards is so funny.

"Lock her up! That's right...Lock her up!"


Yeah, reality is fucking highlarious, ennit?

>fake news

>someone litearlly charged with a crime

how the fuck do you fucking republitards manage to convince yourself that white house staff being charged with a crime is 'fake news'?

Do you never have to stop yourself and think, 'fuck me I am typing some properly retarded shit rn'.

If he jadnt of pleaded guilty for lying, he would be indicted for treason or some shit, this is his slap on the wrist for helping

Would you like to choke on my cock? I'd love to spray my babies down your throat.

because we're not gullible democrats

sure kid
stay mad

I think many Trumptards don't fully understand what's going on here.

Fake Post

this mad
stay mad kid


so weak is the beta male.
no pussy in your life thats for sure

Can't wait for asshole's insane Twitter barrage

This administration is not long for this world

all I care about is my new lower tax bracket and no individual mandate, every gop member of congress and senate can rape 100 native american women for all I care as long as that happens

I seriously believe they lack the mental acuity to grasp it.

Keep dreaming if you think this tax plan is anything but a dodge for the rich to get richer and put retards like you back in the gutter.

>“If I did a tenth a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail"


actually your tax bill will raise if you are not a billionaire or a big company

>no pussy for life

Don't tell on yourself Sergey

>pretends he makes more than 75k average a year on a fingerpainting appreciation and critique board

keep drinking the Koolaid

they're blind loyalists. Its like trying to tell a retarded person they're retarded, they just can't understand


Only he sang for his supper. No rape tyme for him and Tyrone.

Only, I'm not. I'm smart enough to smell the bitter almonds and NOT drink it.

The sad thing is, even though a bunch of Reps turned against Trump, Trumptards still have someone else to blame, eg the "deep state". Now it's not the evil Dems who ruin everything, it's this secret body of government that pulls the strings behind the curtains, and everyone is in on it, except Trump, who is basically the 2nd coming. I really can't understand how people can be this ignorant towards reality.

stay mad kid

just like with obama


like you work

we don't cry because we didn't get our way

Is that how you spell cyka blyat in the Cyrillic alphabet?

Sadly, I've had the same job for ten years. Keep flailing chum.


Also see: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday_Night_Massacre

Just like with Bush.


so weak


Let’s hope the release of Ivanka nudes are part of a plea deal please jebus

most people don't consider school student an occupation

>Thoughts on this?

whoopty fuck

this beta