ITT: Dumb and/or cute animals

ITT: Dumb and/or cute animals.

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they love that shit





i apologize in advance if this insn't an animal webm


>that final moment of comfiness before death



I always interpreted it as "If I can't see it, then it can't see me."













heres a pun




Does he ever make it?


cutiest i've ever seen






Lol, dumbest cat in town.


nigga gon nig

explain me this please

>cowe makes eye contact
Truely disturbing

Fapping with a frog or some shit, nigger.

a frog is fine, too.



chip is fucking that frogs fags
basically Sup Forums fap fantasies in a nutshell



Having a penisvagine face has never looked so comfy


ape rape pepe






you're dumb


I hope you mean cute on this one cause goats are smart



nice cock


"Qouth the Raven, want some more?"


the other dog and cat are like 'what the fuck is happening to Steve?'

What is that animal called wearing the striped human shirt?

Africanus Criminalus is its scientific name.

And the nignogs over here literally complain that they have it tough and that somebody (the Portugeuse, Dutch and Spanish, btw) enslaved them, when even they didn't enslave them--the Black Slavemasters from their own countries did (Blacks had more slaves than did anyone in the world) and sold them to the Portugeuse, Dutch, and Spanish ships (along with other crap). Fact: most black slaves BEGGED to be taken away from these cruel Black Slavemasters and fought to get in line to go on these ships--to a better place, with actual food, for example.


Niggers gonna nig

>European average dick
>Napa valley banner in the background
What you got there is a Commiefornian not a European.



Cutie, looks like my little monster


That fucker is smart as fuck.



It looked like it just had no idea of its surroundings until the cat reached it.

That's cute, but deer are dumb as fuck, and spooked easily. That's a good way to get your house destroyed. Those hooves can push some force when they're excited.

I don't even know what the fuck this is, but I just about totally lost my shit watching it, LOL

Goatse: the cat

they do this in real life as well as ferrets they practice it by playing.

The chickens and the dog seem reasonable but that cat is pissed right the fuck off.

Many birds are observed to use tools, including bait to attract prey. I've seen a crow take stale bread to a pond and use it to catch fish.