Oh, look! It's the "majority" of people that voted for Trump showing up to watch him light the National Christmas Tree

Oh, look! It's the "majority" of people that voted for Trump showing up to watch him light the National Christmas Tree.

What a crowd!

I bet you are fun at parties.

They were to busy to go because they were at work.

Impeach live

They've had to work more since he's been in office, to make the same wage as before.

Last year's crowd..

I tried to find Hillary's crowd for lighting the tree but I guess they don't let losers do it. She might neglect all the tree except Hollywood, nyc, and illegal immigrants and fuck that up like the election.
Also uranium one and husband is a rapist

>because they were at work
>in the late evening
Yea he's done them some real favors.

i do road construction and my pay has gone up, plus my hours do to the increase in money going to the roads...

Looks after-hours to me.

Hillary is old news now. Defend your man, if you can.

Cool story. Here is Obama’s.

They went to cry.

Looks like they managed to fill the chairs almost to the edge.

That must be the "angry white men" forced to stand in the back there behind the fence.

I supply free food and booze, lots of girls, great music, and bouncers to eject the repubtards that show up and complain.

pretty much packed

Lmao how many times are you going to post?

Looks like a job fair in chicago

Enjoy the smell of B.O. patuli oil and bad decisions. Faggot

Gotta love Fake News getting angels to make it look horrible. Obama had same turnout every year except his last when everyone went to cry because they know they were losing their handouts.

DOEsnt look like 63 million people to me.

You're thinking of hippies. They're not invited either!

News you don't like = Fake News

That's old news.

yuge crowd

>be white
>form a crowd with other white people
>get shot, bombed, trucked

Gee, i wonder why white people don't like to do this anymore.

Road construction.
Thought the aryan race was superior.
Why are you a doing Mexican/state jail inmate job?

Obama says youre welcome since its because of his exonomic recovery efforts. Say farewell to your glamorous slave wages if Trumps plan goes through.

>muh loose understanding of the larger world is scary
>I need other people to feel just as scared as me so I'll say anything


