Ask a genetic engineer anything

Ask a genetic engineer anything

How do you feel about recent events regarding the european union?


What do you do on a daily basis? What does your job consist of?


what do you think we could do to quash the irrational fears people have aboit ((((((((((GMOs))))))))))

Excellent question good sir!

With what organisms do you work?

Currently just exploring possibilites since we are at the very early stage of a project. I personally work mostly with bacteria. A project overview would be like this.
>get project
>read about related publications
>explore the possibilities
. until you come up with something that actually works both in paper and irl
>"ethical" reasons, no apparent economic benefit (no funding). And it is much more complicated than it looks
Give them time, and educate them. They are always skeptical of something new
Mostly start with E coli. But thermophiles are more promising, so we are trying to develop genetic tools to be able to get the same results with them (Geobacillus (ex Bacillus) stearothermophilus is one promising candidate.

How worth is to study genetic enginnering and hows the pay?

It's super promising. The biggest bstacle is public opinion. I earn around 4000 euros per month

Do you enjoy your work

I'm a molecular microbiologist working on a polio vlp vaccine, and while I enjoy the work, it get a but grating over time

It depends on what stage I am. I hate beginning new projects, but in general I really like it.

why stop at engineer and not doing a phd you lazy piece of shit

Didn't seem appealing enough to work my ass of for pennies for 4-5 years when I could just jump straight to the industry.

btw the tern genetic engineer doesn't really tell you if I have a phd or not

yeah thats true, i'm actually thinking if the phd is worth it too, bioinformatician here btw

What do you think of forensics genetic? Is there a good chance of getting a job? or is general engineering better? Hope you have a nice day Sup Forumsro

do you think you will be limited in term of job opportunities by not getting a phd ?

focus on proteomics or functional genomics if you are more bio
focus on big data in general if you are more informatics
or risk becoming obsolete in a couple of years
I have 0 experience with forensics
I definetly do

Friend im currently studying biotechnology as my bachelor and im super worried about my future , i plan on getting a masters but im not really sure which field i want to persue ,any advice?

Molecular virology is a safe choice but a bit boring imo. Have you considered bioprocess design/fermentation/food biotech?