Habbo thread, let's keep going

habbo thread, let's keep going.

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Bump, my dear fag.

Hell yes

help a brotha out at the pool habbo.com/hotel?room=69118545

bump yes

still muted for another 9 minutes.

perfect (ish) swastika in habbo.com/hotel?room=69118541


Undercover agent reporting in

just got kicked before i even moved in a room
racist mods

damn I have to work now. WruceBillis and ThePoolWizard will check back soon. Keep that pool clean brothers.


Fix this ....

need a link fam



got banned for calling the mods racist.

racist mo....

going undercover

whats the current status of the modfags


i got banned for liking trump

>banned for liking the god emperor


they are mass kicking people from the theater

i was kicked and i wasn't even wearing a suit, black, or had an afro. its the habbocaust


Is this continuing tomorrow

lets let the victorian village know that we wuz kangz

some ppl want to

n sheit

they're in the club now let's go elsewhere

Why the actual FUCK are we not storming the theater? ALL of the normies are chilling in here. WE NEED TO DISPLACE THEM SO AIDS DOES NOT SPREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(p.s. Sit on the seats if you have to to make the peace sign)


heading there, kicked out of club

have some more 2D titties meanwhile

thanks you

I got kicked just for saying "theaters closed"

there may be a mod in the theatre.

we have put the H&S logo on picnic!


where to now?

where do I need to raid

Raid coffee shop, eceryone start nigger dancing behind the counter

apparently picnic is a dead loss now

>nigger dancing

3 mods at picnic AVOID AT ALL COST!

lol kicked instanly

we should go to picnic and form a line to peacefully protest the mods

nvm just kicked

we should all coordinate something in the cafe

nigger dance?

sounds good

The ascended black Allgod got kicked from the hotel

cmon guys, dont give up, have some tiddies

bump for this

were respecting hitler

Let's flood the seats of the theater, and all hold up skull signs



we have new HQ
password is "nigger"



need moti.




Where is everyone?

idk, we need to decide on an area

have some 3d material while we wait bois

probably some other habbo thread, i saw one made at roughly the same time as me.



not sure if jailbait

no sir, Taeri is gucci

Guys I just wanna say thank you. I know it's sort of pathetic but this place feels like sort of home and these sort of activities are fucking fun. I feel I don't have a home anymore so might as well for it to be a virtual one lol

some room needs help?


Have some more tiddies. Keep up the good work.


I feel the same way tbh


Did something break?

we must close the pool habbo.com/hotel?room=65861903

Nice not to be the only one. Feels even less lonely too have anons alike all over the world

We need backup at ClubNX. Room is full so you're gonna have to wait in a queue.

That white girl gonna get raped

The pool is almost closed.

made a quick vid of this mornings progress! Also found the net historian in the theater. getting on later tonight!

link: youtube.com/watch?v=xOzMS4A3uM8


shit mods are starting to kick

too much bobba


The normie population is starting to dwindle. They are becoming frustrated and are getting verbal about it "damn these guys are in evgery room??" is common.
Crowd the stage in the theater and spam chat.

y'all are about to be banned/kicked just fyi
mod or guardian or whatever just swept the picnic area
you guys should really modify these raids, they can be quelled all too quickly.

would marry.

This thread is the best thing i have ever seen in my life