Yo Sup Forums ya boi got his trainer balisong taken away & i think the police have it now...

yo Sup Forums ya boi got his trainer balisong taken away & i think the police have it now. I shouldn't have had it at school but I paid for that Is there a way I can get it back?

Kill all the cops with knife you dont have?


Nigga I said Its a trainer

You're obviously under 18

You brought a knife to school?

Why not go all out then and get some frag grenades and a minigun. Same law will affect those weapons

Lol he looks so sad at the end

Your only chance to get it back would be to get your parents involved. Unless by 'school' you mean college or trade school or something.

If you can get your dad to claim that it's his and that you're in deep shit for having taken it then you might have a chance. Also check your state and municipal laws, if the blade is longer than 3 inches then it may be illegal for anyone to posses and you can't get it back, no one can and it'll probably be destroyed.

Im in college


But its not a knife, its a Trainer. The edge is dull

I'm in college, I should have said that

Literally no idea what the fuck you're talking about OP, try speaking english next time.

I said that I Brought a FAKE butterfly Knife to my college. I asked if Its possible that I can get it back because I paid money for it

Prove its a figet toy and and harmless, you've grown need stability attachment towards your ADHD and you are likely to have panic attacks.

What if They just say fuck you buy another one

Emphasize on the word 'grown attachment'

is it really worth the 5 bucks you paid for that piece of shit?

Yeah lol, threaten to stab the guy who sold it to you if he doesn't give you youre money back. Then toas the piece of plastic at his feet

Its not a shitty one I paid 40

Why would you even bring a fake knife to school anyway?

it baffles me how that knife is 40 bucks IRL and 300 dollars in CSGO

Nigga I said the Police have it. I'm not sure if they can Legally keep it

Also say that there were some hard time in your life like domestic violence and you crying yourself to see, and keeping this under your pillow, "if they give you shut, have a panic attacks in the office"

Because its lit I can do tricks with it

lol ikr

are you really stupid enough to pay $40 for a cheap chinese knife with flames painted on it?

Shoulda bought a real one for that price.

Youre a retard op if you want a badass knife just buy this shit from home depot faggot

It says made in america and its Stainless steel that's why I want it back

But those are Actually Illegal here the fake ones are fine

> I shouldn't have had it at school

Are you actually retarded?

Knives are for faggots anyway. The only people who think they are cool, are losers. If your a spic...or 11-14 years old. ..or a tweeker, you like knives.

I think asians only use them ironically now.

If you could keep the swear words down to a minimum that would be great

I already have a Knife I just thought this was cool when I bought it

lol yes

lol I am a spic

Better it be taken that some sjw shooting ya

Go to a state where they're legal.

Understandable this meme is dead

thenn urrrr duuuuuuuuuuummmbb
(jk i love you)

I just said the fake ones are

it's still a cheap piece of shit.i can't understand why anyone would pay more than a few bucks for what is basically 50 cents worth of steel with a paintjob on it.

That's what everyone says when they buy their first fedora.

You can see the exact moment he begins questioning his life choices is amazing

What meme? I just dont appreciate people fucking swearing all the time its so goddamn annoying

No go buy a real one you fucking nerd.


I meant Understandable have a good day
I thought of saying it but I realized it isnt funny

But then I'd get arrested for having the ability to cut myself while using it
(srsly what kind of state bans these for that)



Does anyone want to answer My question? Can I get it Back or not?