I am 31 yo virgin and i want to lose my virginity with a hooker. The things is I am scared to do that...

I am 31 yo virgin and i want to lose my virginity with a hooker. The things is I am scared to do that. I mean I am not fat, but I will be extremely shy, not knowing how to behave and what to say and my penis is only 4.9 in. Any advices, guys?
I am from Russian btw.

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>and what to say

blyat indeed

which means "a whore" in russia


there's probably hookers that specialize in virgins.. just look around for those

plus, its not like hookers havent seen just about everything before anyway. you're not there to impress her, just pay her and fuck her. as long as you remember she doesnt give a shit if your dick is huge or small, that she doesnt care if you're confident or not, and that you'll never see her again anyway, then you have nothing to loose. good luck bro

Well... you're paying her. She had better deliver.
She's a pro - she had better know what she's doing.

just adding onto this:

i travel a lot and hire hookers wherever i go. its kind of a game at this point. my dick is well above average, and no hooker has ever commented on it. they dont care. they just want to be paid. you have nothing to feel nervous about, they dont give a shit what you look or act like.

well ok thank you for your replies.

you may even be better off just telling her you're a virgin. it will make you less nervous, and she'll know what to do. and if telling her that is scary, just remember you'll never see her again anyway, and who cares what she thinks :)

i used to visit in-call girls a lot before I met my fiancée. I lost my virginity to one, too, and I didn't feel the need to tell her I was a virgin. in my experience most girls are pros and can tell when they need to take control of the act, like asking leading yes-or-no questions instead of open ones. one of the girls told me that she takes between 8-15 customers every day, even more during weekends, so... don't worry too much about embarassing yourself, because there's no way she'll remember you anyway

what a kind and helpful thread.. i completely expected to be the only one trying to help this guy haha

top kek

Id just tell her your virgin and for her to teach you some cool shit

/this, whores are real people thus there opinions dont count

*are not

I lost my virginity to a hooker too. I just booked one for 15 minutes, got some quick oral and then asked her to be on top (figured that was the easiest way to not seem like a clueless idiot). Got a nice view in the mirrors, nutted, and left right after. Complete waste of 80 euros but at least it was over with

>Complete waste of 80 euros
you didn't like it?

Lost my virginity to a young lady at the Mustang Ranch in Nevada. I told her right up front that I'd never done it before and she was very sweet and understanding. She even went so far as to encourage me and tell me things like "I can't believe you've never done this before! You're so good!" (I wasn't)

Most hookers prefer a guy with a small penis. It's not going to hurt, not likely to break a condom. If its your first time, you're probably not going to take an hour just to cum. And you'll probably be a satisfied customer who won't give her shit about the money or try to rob her or beat her up.

You're like the ideal customer, OP.

The only drawback is that she might have to do some of the work, and a lot of hookers would rather just lay there and play with their phone while you doggystyle them.

I'd suggest spending the extra money and hiring an escort from backpage or something. Less likely to be a cop, less likely to be tripping on something, and way better looking than your average streetwalker. Probably less likely to have STDs too.

Wear a condom. And do some actual research. There are all kinds of guides online about how to find a prostitute, what to say and what not to say, how to exchange the money, all the details you need. Just google it. Incognito if you don't live alone.

I'd suggest a hotel for the meeting, that way you don't have to worry about her stealing all your stuff or knowing where you live (not that knowing where you live is an actual issue ever, but guys get nervous about it for some reason)

Good luck OP.

There's pro and then there's Nevada pro. World class whores there.

Honestly it was so detached and impersonal I felt like I could've jerked off at home and gotten the same out of it. Probably my own fault for buying cheap. Also, her ad said that she did oral without, but she just kinda gave me a handie for a bit and then rolled a condom on with her mouth and began to suck with it on. So no, I didn't really enjoy it honestly

Amen, brother. Trips don't lie.

Not him, but I lost my virginity to the high school cheerleader, one of the hottest girls in school blah blah, every teenagers fantasy back in my junior year.

It was so anti climatic. Like yeah it felt good, but it wasn't this mind blowing, everyone screaming moans and eye rolling euphoria society makes it seem.

I was honestly turned off to real sex for awhile after. All the effort you put into it for those kind of results seemed kind of pointless.

It wasn't until college I started having real relations with girls I felt actually emotionally invested in that made sex better.

Tl;Dr sex is fun but extremely overrated

Sex: the pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense damnable.
– Lord Chesterfield

Ok help me to choose one pls


half of my month salary for an hour