Guys please help! A fucking pajeet is ruining my life!

>me poorfag
>come up with a good idea that has not been done before
>make website
>it attracts users
>only chance to save my life from poorfaggotry
>all of a sudden a pajeet starts impersonating my brand
>he literally cloned my site and made a url by changing one letter in my brand name
>literally changes everything i change on my site on his clone

Pic related is that mother fucker. What the fuck do i do? Unfortunately he got a higher rank on Alexa through spamming. He is proud of being an spammer and bought 2500 fake followers on twitter ill post the proof in the next post. Hes also lying on the forums telling people he is the original creator and impersonating me. Please help! This piece of shit ruined my life.

my site:

pajeet clone:

You can check out the domain registration date to confirm this piece of shit is cloning my site. I have many problems in my life and this piece of shit literally killed me. Please help!

Other urls found in this thread:

>posts link on Sup Forums
>expects others to click it
>follow a link
>on Sup Forums
well done op great thinking

This is him telling people that spam is good and boasts about being a spammer

Here this fucking pajeet tells people he is the original creator

OP, why did you get a .info domain? Of course people are going to go to his site.

In other news: OP got outdone by a poo.


How you let a poo in loo outplay you?

Step up nigger

It doesnt matter to me if anyone does that by making a better version of my idea. The problem is that this mother fucker is stealing my websites theme and brand name instead of coming up with something new and he is spamming the internet in hope of stealing my users. There are already 5 other clones of my sites but those guys made their own brand names and sites and everything. I have nothing against them. This fucking pajeet literally copies everything i change on my site.

File a lawsuit. Make him pay for it. Some lawyers might not charge you unless you wij.

Report him to Twitter for buying followers




DDOS him, file a suit. stop being a butt

sue the shitskin

Thanks my man he has 2500 fake followers on this account and is literally spamming on twitter as well :

Please guys report this piece of shit

It's impossible to sue a pajeet. He is literally boasting about stealing my site on different forums and i cant do anything about it ;________;

Pic related. Pajeet who cloned my site.


Hahaha there's no beating sand people. They already know that they are on the same level as a piece of sun bleached dog shit so they literally have nowhere to go but up.

>DDOS him

this is pointless he will continue when the DDOS is done

>file a suit

also impossibe to sue a pajeet

The only solution is if a Sup Forumsro takes his site completely down. Fuck i was so close to become free of pain.

DDOS is crazy cheap nowadays. Just saying.

You know where i can get cheap DDOS service?

OP says Pajeet outdid him by copying his site.

Posts some shitty conversation as proof of Pajeet stealing.

5 other competitors in the market, but OP is worried about Pajeet instead of sitting on his Windows 98 and making better websites.

Tells board to report pajeet to twitter.

Doesn't have the balls to DDOS and says Pajeet is almost impossible to sue.

Elaborate LARP by a larper larping as a guy who got outdone by a pajeet.

Also, OP neck yourself.

Why doesn't OP just social engineer his way into pajeet's site and remove it from the inside out?
it's not very hard at all to gain that info if you're not a fucking betabot sperglord and can actually fake being the pajeet with chadlike confidence.
then again this whole thing is retarded and so is OP so i dont even know why i even bothered replying kek

>Posts some shitty conversation as proof of Pajeet stealing.

Just check the domain name registration dates i posted on OP. I was the original guy.

>5 other competitors in the market, but OP is worried about Pajeet instead of sitting on his Windows 98 and making better websites.

other competitors have their own brands this fucking pajeet is stealing my visitors by impersonating my brand on the web

I have his address, phone number, gmail address, skype id. what can i do with that?

I have no idea. One of my friends was subscribed to a service that let him do it, and it only cost him like 7 bucks a month or some shit

find out where he lives and kick his dog

pajeet's site is superior. eat shit faggot.

How does one steal visitors desu?

Are you faggots really asking where you can find an LOIC? Fucking google it.

Remember when Sup Forums would reply NYPA to these faggots?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.

He spammed my brand name on google so people who search for me are directed to his site instead

This is good..
Visit my site guys

Yes, you can sue people in other countries. I don't intend to call a lawyer for you or spend the next 1-7 hours reading about international law. It would probably start with finding out what city he lives in. Call a lawyer, the lawyer is probably going to tell you to send him a cease and desist. But, I'm not a lawyer. You have to figure it out on your own.

oh shit op i have an idea, troll his ass with using your site.

make him copy shit he is unaware of like little fucked up messages. this guy may not understand Eng....nevermind, the guy knows what he is doing.

man up and make another brand. make another site detached from your current one and use the current one to deatroy his...

Send him a cease and desist letter, post one publicly, or have notarized that you sent him a cease and desist. Help probably get his fingers chopped off.

OP, whatever you do. Don't put content on your site that would be illegal for him to publish like speaking against his government or making threats to his local politicians.

This. Sneak homosexual and threats to his politicians in some text and see if he baits. Collect proof and report It.

yes. yeeeeeeessssss