There was a rekt thread earlier where towards the end of the thread someone posted a bunch of screengrabs from reddit...

There was a rekt thread earlier where towards the end of the thread someone posted a bunch of screengrabs from reddit from a user who has a sex re-asignment surgery and was talking in detail about how fucked up his life was after the operation and how we wants to kill himself and all this kinda stuff

then at the end of the image was a little text that said something like "after being posted on/pol/ this user was removed from reddit"

can someone post the image or have any more information on reddit banning people speaking against trans? shit was so fucked up...

in return heres a very informative picture on the 5 classic french mother sauce. cookings fun.









holy fucking what in the fuck holy shit

shit man... that shits really really fucked up. like really fucked up.

What is this? Aborted fetus? Something related to post op?

the name is bait
it is post op tranny

literally sounds like a nightmare
imagine chopping of your own penis only to realize afterwards what the fuck have i done and theres absolutely no way to ever go back.

Now you know what 90% of transgender people live in and why they're so incredibly batshit insane.

well i can console myself with the fact that if you're stupid enough to go and do that to yourself than it's what you deserve. but fuck imagine making such a collossal mistake.
Also, imagine all the kids growing up in the tumblr reddit internet age who may be a little confused about there sexuality or there place in the world and they get pumped with this trans shit and have SRS only to mature and realize what the fuck have I done.

shits fucked, yo

Why the fuck do you need to do this? Why can't you be a cute trap with a feminine penis?


I wonder if something sinister is occurring here. I went to thailand and pretty much had prostitutes groping me wherever I went. After i started paying more attention i.noticed almost half of them were transsexuals

Is that gangrene



What the fuck is a feminine penis? Are you retarded? that's a complete oxymoron

you are such a square grampa

its called a meme you peanutbrain ...

Gas yourself faggot.