Do submissive girls irl actually exist?

Do submissive girls irl actually exist?
if not, then ... why bother in live?

Tell me your experiences /b i want to feel less shitty with myself.

my ex.
fucked whenever i wanted and would usually default to letting me take control of the situation, often very quiet outside of bed.

so anondo you mean why bother in love or are you really hooking your life on a sub

That sounds pretty cool and healthy
what happened?

Both, both m8

>Do submissive girls irl actually exist?
No they are a myth


Not only sexually, i mean like actual submissive, not acting with shitty and cocky attitude.

we fell out after a year or so.
what do you expect from a relationship that starts with "lets get drunk and have sex". it was good while it lasted. they were quiet alot when with friends or just out but we did have good times and shit. alot of sex.

try going outside now and then

If I had not done it, I wouldn't be asking and posting here

those quints!!

Sorry for you man, but at least you have that memories.

Most girls are submissive, in bed at least.

Yes they exist. They just aren't going to fuck you.


had a gf for 3 years that was super submissive, got into a lot of pet play/bondage/master sub etc. pic related

yeah it was good. can barely remember them anymore. it's only been a year or so too.

Are you Jesus?

yes. i demand shaving cassettes and amazon gift cards.
i will be talking to the pope soon about some policies

then i guess they won't ever exist in your world

That sounds great! unfortunetly for me it's the exact oposite.

Girls are naturally submissive. And most love to submit.
The problem is most guys act like effeminate betas and not like men so girls get bitchy with them and don't respect them.

If you're a guy, stop texting. That's girl shit. Setup a damn date and have fun with her on it. Don't be a fag and ask her where to go or what to do. You're the one that's supposed to lead. And once you're with a girl...don't ever argue with a girl, that just shows your a beta with no self respect. And don't tolerate dumb shit.

oldfag wisdom?

That sounds like a really good advice, probably the best i haven't read in many years. Thanks.
Looks like something my dad would say so probably yes.

haha, please expand.

> First girlfriend at the age of 17 everything started good all happy and couple selusional shit.
> after the 3rd week she start reclaming shit like "you don't pay me attention" "it's not the same as before" "you don't show you affect".
> after 2 weeks more, i said fuck this shit
>2 years after i lost my virginity and start dating that girl
> a lot of things happened like getting jealous becouse i have girl friends but i coudn't say anything about her boy friends becouse she would start the 3rd world war.
>i finished the relation
>after 7 months start dating again and ALL, absolutely ALL were selfish bitches who want me to give them material "affection" but never game anything (neither respect as a parter or as men) in exchange.
SO sorry if i have a little trauma, but the last 5 1/2 years have been really anoying.
Heck once i even thought in date this called "traps" but recovered reason.

Nah they exist. My girlfriend and I do rape play and she goes crazy when I hold her down with my hand over her mouth

>Heck once i even thought in date this called "traps" but recovered reason.

what accent should i read this in?

Also she literally wants to be my 50's-type trophy wife

>Do submissive girls irl actually exist
>pic related is a submissive dude

Sorry for you man, but at least you have those quints

I feel you, when i was 19 i found out my girlfirend of 3 years was sleeping with my father was depressed for 1+ year(s) but you'll always get over that shit. Just have to realize that theres plenty of other girls out there and (hopefully) you're a decent looking guy and all it takes is some confidence to start getting laid again.


What really bothers me is that there are no really submissive girls or dominant girls. Just some shitty middle, leaning one way or the other to either take credit or dodge blame.

>Do submissive girls actually exist?

Almost every girl I've ever been involved with or had sex with has been pretty submissive. At first it was great. That first time I had sex with a sub I was so excited, but quickly realized it wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be. She was a sadist as well, and her idea of sex was pretty much me practically raping and beating her. It got old fast, and every girl since then has been into the same shit. It's honestly pretty fucking bizarre how common it is. I want off the ride.

I think you meant masochist
I met a girl who's into that too. We didn't have sex or anything just talked a lot. She has too many guy friends for me to feel comfrotable with her sexually or romantically

I slept with this bitch in her 30s when i was 18 and she was super dominant but I never playing a submissive role in sex so it was a really great experience overall. Had scratch marks for 2 weeks though :l

i think you mean masoschist . sadists enjoy hurting others . also good luck getting off the ride about 80% of all females are submissive or feel comfortable in a sub role during sex

Femboy are male toys of the future

Femboys are male toys of the future

Huh i guess it didn't cancel my first post after all

Shit and i thought my problems sucked.
that sounds horrible, and thanks for the advice but my problem is that all the girls i've dated are bitches.

Amen brother.

i dunno dude that pic was one of the first results. Who is it?

My girlfriend is submissive. To the point that sucking me off relaxes her and pleases her, and of course my other side girl which is also sub

yes. my asian girlfriend is essentially a sex slave. she moans alot though, and cant take it uo the ass yet(working on it. i did take her virginity though so thats probably why she takes nudes and lets me record her whenever i want

Are you dating 2?
are you cheating user?

Kill yourself

Cheating. I like both of them but I haven't decided

I’m pretty submissive, i let my boyfriend generally do what he wants with me and I’m always nice to him

Beta mad he cant get 1 girl when chads are pulling pussy on the daily

tits or gtfo

OP here, forget what i wrote this makes me feel shittier, but at the same time gives me hope. Thanks Sup Forums

>Do submissive girls irl actually exist?

Girls don't exist

Amen to that. I'm waiting foward for that era.