Why he do it, Sup Forums

why he do it, Sup Forums.

>That photo
>That expression

for the boys back home

Unstable dude at the center of either a gun running program for the government, or a money launderer for the casino. Also possible is patsy for an attempt on the life of Saudi crown prince bin Salman, who was staying t Mandalay at the time.

Because crazy.

because fuck americans. i can't wait till you all get nuked by north korea

I'm so sick of these Kevin Spacey threads pls stop

False flag. Watch the Interview with his brother and if you don't see how bad the acting is you're a retard

Really? You prefer North Korea where people are executed publicly on the street?

Because he was not getting that good black dick on the reg

Because he's a muslim.

Because country music is for fags.

I'm partial to this idea.

Because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

it was a false flag shooting

His mom told him no nuggies til he cleaned his room

He didn't. He was an arms dealer who pissed off one of the cartels. They terrorized the city that he loved and pinned it on him.

Couldn't sleep. Country music sucks.
Logical conclusion

he wanted the high score

the rest of the world will take care of north korea after, but first you need to disappear

Because no one ever listened to him.

>mfw north cuckrea will never bomb us and you will continue to live in a shitty world


The media is covering up the extent of cartel activity in the United States because the truth would drive voters to the right.

you'll bomb yourselves then

Literally just came here to make this comment but you beat me to it

Hammers can't break argon glass

For love.

No reason. Some people just hate the world and want to watch it burn.

>Filipino spy
A gift to America from Duterte


>Sup Forums edgy comment of the hour

>Some people just hate the world and want to watch it burn.
Lots of people do but that doesn't automatically equate to randomly murdering people in a crowd hundreds of yards away. Matter of fact thinning the herd only makes the world better


I wasn't being edgy, that was his actual motive. "Fuck everybody." That's really all there was to it.

Democrats were behind it.

How did they escape?

I actually know someone who was there and had constant breakdowns and panic attacks when she returned to her job at the MGM hotel and had to be laid off :P

maybe his brother was acting strange because he knew his brother was gonna do it and doesnt wanna be caught out

He did it because America's worst half are too stupid to understand that guns wont help them fight the government and they're being manipulated by corporate lobbyists (yet again, because they're manipulated by corporate lobbyists on almost literally every issue that corporations care about see net neutrality) so every tom dick and harry can buy guys that are *insanely* overpowered for any kind of "defensive" purpose by any rational firearm owner's standard.

tldr: He did it because conservative Americans are easily tricked.

But why did he do it?

Because he could.

Idiot knew hes empire would fall. Why not take 72 vigrins with you if you aint gonna get at least some tranny dick

Ptsd dude. No one should live through such thing.

I'll tell you why. Exactly why.

Because he could. And he did.

That's all.


no one fucking kills someone because they can


thanks for your imput

Very interesting question Op. Months later, that all we have. Questions. This was going to be the cause-celeb for a massive gun-grabbing campaign, but something happened. People started asking some really good questions about this guy, his lifestyle and political affiliations. The whole thing got shut down and memory-holed.

Well when I was just a baby my mama told me son
Always be a good boy don't ever play with guns
Well I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die
When I hear that whistle blowin' I hang my head and I cry

alt left antifa type
Democrat like the baseball shooter

media paints trump supports as evil and country music loving rednecks

guys flips and mows down these people

and you have to ask why? its fucking obvious


Well I'll bet there's rich folks eatin' in some fancy dining car
Probably drinkin' coffee and smokin' big cigars
Well I know I had it comin' I know I can't be free
But those people keep a movin' that's what tortures me

so they were trump supporters then?