Ask fat ugly girl anything

Ask fat ugly girl anything.
It’s not that interesting but fuck it

which are you most of, ugly or fat

I’ll say uglier

What are your sexual standards? Many in my social circle and online say all you need to do to have sex with a overweight woman is to be nice.

it applies to a lot of normally weighted girls too

When did you first realize you were a land whale?

Well, they’re kind of right. I want a nice guy, must people around me just pity me and I don’t like it much.

Fucking new fags tits or gtfo you know the rules

how long is your dick

Can you see your penis?

Are you fetishized at all? Do people go after you simply because of your weight?

>you know the rules and so do i

Post tit's


I think it was when I realized I could breathe as well on land as I did in the ocean

user isn't a faggot?

No. I don’t get much attention

timestamp please

Can you wipe your own ass?

I'm a fat dude and I want to see them tatas. I love me a chunky chick, so lets see'em.

quick google search shows not yours. no timestamp...gtfo.



Yeah, it takes kind of an effort but yeah

What's your Kik? I wanna see more of your tits

Look under your shirt and it’s kind of the same with the hair and all

Picture of your hand holding a wrench (or some other tool like a screwdriver/pliers/etc)

Deliver now for great justice

do you have big tits and a hairy vagoo? if so id like to see them with a time stamp

I don't care if you are shamoo proportions, fuckin rules are rules, I want to see those big floppy fat girl tittys. I like ya. I want ya. we can do this the easy way or the hard way. I'm lookin fo bootay

Everyone, go home.

I’m quite insecure about my body, I think even you wouldn’t like to see it. My tits and ass are look like they belong to a man

1.Do you suspect you're inbred?
2.Do you also have a mustache?
3.Do you have messed up teeth?
4.Is your weight problem incurable and due to biology, or just due o poverty?
5.Do you have any qualities, like being smart or being skilled or being talented at something?

No time stamp needed

1- No
4- I think it’s not biological because there was a time I was actually quite thin
5- I paint, but it’s quite shitty

Waiting, oh waiting on this.

I am such a degenerate I got slightly aroused at the fat and ugly

Should I just take myself out now?

Nah do it later.

Tits or GTFO.

I don’t have anything at hand by now. My hands are quite small

Whats your Kik, if you have one.

I don’t have one, sorry

Wait awhile

Nah It's fine. Having a fetish for fat or ugly girls is really convenient because there's a lot of single ones.

I get really turned on by plain girls with low self esteem, and it's pretty fucking great.

Why don't you shave your mustache and straighten your teeth and learn a skill? Even if you're ugly after that, you could pass as native American.

I tried doing it for awhile but it all seemed like a waste of time. I’m improving in my painting skills though

Is there anyway to contact you outside of this thread? I have more personal questions to ask.

I think I can open up a kik account or Something real quick, wait a second

Just ask here

Would you suck my dick


Just ask

How to search for an image on google from your cell phone??


For anyone asking for mi kik is wannabe345

what did you have for lunch?

So, what the fuck do you want from life? Are you just up to no good?

Who you?

Nutella sandwich, chicken sandwich, and milk

I want to see your tits with a time stamp

Christ, no wonder you're fat.

You’re right, but I cannot seem to find a way to get my shit together.

Dana Smith (not my real name though)

What’s your real name?

For privacy reasons, I won’t tell you. Hope You understand


Which county do you live in?

The answer has been under your nose the whole time: Islam. You will be able to walk covered, which will, ironically, give you more freedom since it would give your ugliness more privacy.
Then your relatives will blind marry you to some virgin sex freak who will be happy just to hit that.
Then you will have to do nothing your entire life, but raise some children. You're already fat, so pregnancy won't do you more harm.
You're already humble and smart at the same time, which are qualities in Islam.
And your painting skills will differentiate you from other wives of your husband's friends, in a good way.
Are you telling me that in this day and age, with all that we know, we all the resources that we have, you can't find a fucking solution for your life? Are you mad? If we lived just a century ago, you would already be dead from septicemia by now. Learn to appreciate what you have, bitch, and choose a solution from so many!
So, do you want Islam or not? I'm no Muslim, but there's some Islam online. What the fuck?

timestamp or fuckoff


How can you be fat I thought Mexicans couldn't afford food below the border

Are you sure that’s your Kik? You haven’t said anything back.

There are threads around where you can ask for that

She’s Latina.

>people falling for 'femanon' posting without timestamped tits

I mean Sup Forums has always done this since early times, but still, for fucking shame, you all suck cuck juice through an anal straw

get clover

You’re wrong my dear friend. And there is quite a good amount of people with obesity here.

Thanks for doing the leg work user. Your a fine man

Everyone in Mexico is fat and ugly anyway so don’t worry about it

Nice Op. Time stamp?

Why would she lie?

Pinche gorda.

Yo no se cuando nos empezamos a faltar el respeto así