Have a secret santa. She said she was hoping to get a $10-20 joke book...

Have a secret santa. She said she was hoping to get a $10-20 joke book. Anyone know of any good joke books for a chick that is 24?

who the hell asks for a joke book

This chick. She asked for a few things and I bought two of them. But her number 1 was a paperback joke book.

This is her

Send her a dead rat.

I know her though. Like we use to hook up 6 years ago until 2 years ago when she started to want kids and threatened to tell my fiancee.

(I made a mistake in OP. She is 34.)

Get a small notebook or something. On the cover write "Biggest jokes of all time" and then on page one just write "My life". Page 2 can be "My sex life", page 3 can be a picture of you considering suicide. I dunno where to go from there but I can't think of ALL the ideas myself.

You are trying too hard, kid.

At least I'm not trying to fuck a 2/10 ho on the side by seducing her with a retarded joke book.

>ask for pic
>place pic in book
>mail her pic book

Send her a copy of hillary's new book, that should crack her up.

Though by the look of things someone already cracked her up pretty bad.


Only gay guys give gifts to non-relatives so she already knows hes her gay friend

Just write an autobiography.


my nigga u just got roasted

Maybe she doesn't know and he's just hoping her heavily masculine features will let it work for him.

Just get her a good old fashioned bible OP

Fill a book with pictures of your dick... problem solve, she’ll laugh all throughout 2018

Send communist manifesto.

virgin retard detected

I'd fuck her but that's because I'm older and her body looks like it might be alright.

Also try to hunt down an english version of Philogelos. The oldest joke book ever written. Dates back to the Byzantine times. Old ass jokes are pretty similar to modern jokes.

If you know she just wants a couple good laughs herself, give her a couple early Discworld books. If she wants jokes to tell people well idk man that's kinda sad.

I think this is a good pick up

i guess you're right, the phrasing isn't quite right but this is basically the origin of reply to this post or...

A joke book? WTF is this, 1985?