I just bought a premium high-speed gold HDMI cable. Poorfags which they could afford one

I just bought a premium high-speed gold HDMI cable. Poorfags which they could afford one.

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Bet you cant wait to get some premium internet subscriptions in a couple months eh?

I actually sell these.
Fuckwads like you are making me rich. Thanks
Buy the middle range ones they are the best.

This. Dumbass OP

Digital is digital. Back in the days of analog cable quality mattered. Digital it doesn't matter. monoprice cables are cheap as dirt and just as good as anything else.

im pretty sure silver is actually faster you dumbshit lol

You're a fucking retard. 8th grade science. Electrical signals travel at the speed of light. Any difference at the scales we're talking about doesn't matter between metals.

2 things.

1. Its Sandstrom so STFO

2. It makes ZERO difference :)

Gaming faggot. Get the fuck out of your room

>Electrical signals travel at the speed of light


electrons travel at the rate of a few meters per MINUTE in your wall copper.

they can only travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, professor.

Real men buy Diamond HDMI cables

to add, i researched this when i was in a philosophy course about brains and thought and it's slow even in your head.

>WHICH they could afford one

Learn to read the whole post faggot: Any difference at the scales we're talking about doesn't matter between metals.

Autism confirmed.

Used to work at best buy... these cables are marked up extremely high. We only had to pay 5% above cost (to the store) for our employee discount. These would cost around $10 - $30 pending on the length. Magnolia bullshit.

Display Port Master Race

Your an geniuos

This. Displayport is superior in every way.

good troll. ill stick to my 5 dollar HDMI that works the same as yours.

Cheap cables will not provide the optimal image quality that premium cables do.

They also won't be as fast at transferring data from point A to point B.

Cheaper cables can have higher impedance and inconsistent
winding giving the signal a reflection causing signal loss.....

Cheap cables should be brought as short as possible for higher speeds the same can be said for almost and transmission cable.

Not that it fucking matters at these speeds. You're not dealing with extremely high clock rates.


HDMI is not a transmission cable. It's a low voltage, low amperage signal. Transmission would be coax used on cellular towers, high wattage antennas, that kinda shit. Dumb niggers infiltrating Sup Forums every day.

Guess we should all be buying hdmi cables made from lead then, huh? It's cheaper than copper, less brittle, and apparently just as conductive.

99.9% of cables you buy aren't copper you fuckwad. Even electrical transmission cables aren't copper. Copper isn't strong enough.


Your HDMI cables are most likely aluminum retard. Copper hasn't been used in the majority of consumer grade cables for a long time.

>I payed three times as much for a metal that makes no difference in picture quality
At least I'm not stupid.

Oh, I see. I have to read the whole post for the part that was factually incorrect to not matter.

I'll clarify my point for you then.

You claimed that electrical signals travel at the speed of light. I submit, with evidence, that this is incorrect.

But yeah, you called me a faggot in lieu of a counterargument, so I guess you're right, huh?

The only time conductivity matters in consumer electronics is in speaker cables. And even then, only when you're running massive power amplifiers over long distances.

/r/iamverysmart material right here

My counterargument was the second sentence in my first post because I knew some dumb retard would come along and be a faggot and say exactly what you said.

Like i said, at these scales any difference doesn't matter.

>from lead
1. lead corrodes
2. lead is potentially toxic

Thats crap
lead is a noble metal idiot

The store helper (who definitely sounded like he knew what he was talking about) said that it does improve image quality significantly and the added data transmission speed also prevents the image from going out of sync with the audio. Cheaper cables aren't as stable as premiums ones so they're liable to cause some degree of pixelation and color-corruption (amplitude modulation inefficiency). I paid $64.99 for it when it's actually worth at least 3 times that amount.

HDMI transfers sound too.

> The store helper (who definitely sounded like he knew what he was talking about) said that it does improve image quality significantly and the added data transmission speed also prevents the image from going out of sync with the audio. Cheaper cables aren't as stable as premiums ones so they're liable to cause some degree of pixelation and color-corruption (amplitude modulation inefficiency). I paid $64.99 for it when it's actually worth at least 3 times that amount.

LOL audio/video desync issues are in the mux/demux of the signals and any post-decoding video signal processing that TVs do. Any kind of image quality issues is a result of compression of the signal. Amplitude modulation inefficiency is also something that affects analog signals, not digital. What does HDMI is only for digital signals.

>HDMI transfers sound too.

Digital audio. Dipshit.

I tested the difference with a cheap cable and the quality was significantly better with the premium cable. You're just butt-hurt that you can only afford shitty cables from the dollar store.

LOL. Yes I'm so butt-hurt I don't let some sleezy salesman who makes commission on everything upsell me.

I use displayport anyways. HDMI is for oldfags.

You should hear what we say when you leave.
>Belly Laughing

I bet you voted for Hillary and use an iMac, faggot.