33yo virgin cause of small dick, now for first time have to choose who to date, who to pick help me

33yo virgin cause of small dick, now for first time have to choose who to date, who to pick help me

Small dick is no excuse, I have a small dick. Never kept me from getting laid

Don't pick the nigger half breed

that fucking thread comes up every week

Are we sure this isnt the same "girl" catfishing our tiny dicked friend?

the girl on the right. the one on the left looks evil, i can tell she'd be a huge bitch

both are 100% germans grandparents all born in germany

I didn't know, been hanging out on Sup Forums lately

Girl on left is a nigger, get your eyes checked

both seem fine. listen to your heart or your dick. or both. we can't really make an informed decision unless you tell us about them.

bbboth are germans dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Whichever one costs you the least amount of money! LMAO

looking for one that does not care about sex or dick size who to pick

This guy has been posting those pictures for at least a couple of months. Another story he used was that he was going to... marry one of them and we had to help him choose based on a couple of shitty pictures.

He urgently needs psychiatric help. He's obviously a ticking time bomb and those girls are not safe as long as he's not locked up.

Hab ich Recht oder hab ich Recht? Kein Scheiß OP, du brauchst Hilfe.

still cant decide

Du solltest dich aber langsam entscheiden, zum Psychiater zu gehen.

i dont know who to date i postpone having sex since iam a 33yo virign even bought 400 viagras just in case, so nervous

As if we needed any further evidence that this guy was stark raving mad...

will stretching work with my small dick

the one on the right looks like the kind of axe murderer you wanna take home to ur mum

why you say that both are nice people never angry