Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it

Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.

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If she was supposed to be the president then she would be.

>Pro tip
>She's not


Stop making this thread faggot

Oh look this thread again :(

Trump’s a moron, but Hillary is evil. I will never respect anyone that doesn’t understand that.

Serious question

What's behind all these repetitive threads?

Nope, still no.
If she wanted to be president, she should have run like it wasn't a certain thing.
She basically pointed at the position and said give me that and got pissy when people did vote for just because she wanted them to.


Someone who still wants to get payed by share blue is my guess.

when people didn't vote for her just because she wanted them to*

How did he win then, genius? :^)

His competitor made her platform on "I want that job, vote for me, it's my turn since I'm a woman" and he was actually saying things he'd do if he got the position?

If the will of the people had anything to do with our government, he would be our president and you all know it.


This actually makes more sense, if Hillary hadn't politically pegged him to a prolapse and asked him to say thank you for it, he could've beat Trump.

If only she bothered to campaign in the Rust Belt, where both of the last two Democratic presidents told her she should, instead of assuming they would vote for her because it was her turn. Too bad nobody who knew anything about how to run a successful presidential campaign gave her that advice, huh?

Trump is a shitheel, yes. He is a treasonous piece of garbage, and I would like to see him hanged for it. But let's not pretend that Hillary lost for any reason other than Hillary


You some kinda reddit cuck?


Too young! Must be at least 35 years old to be president.

>Memes and jokes aside, she should be in prison and you all know it.

>muh people
The average citizen is retarded. They have no idea what it takes to run a country, they're greedy and they shouldn't have any say in who gets elected. Only people who have held a government position or have a degree in political science or whatever should be able to vote.

>I don't like the plebeians, only the aristocrats and government officials should have a say.
You might as well go back to being a monarchic society if you think like this.

Honestly a good idea. Monarchies were never this bad, mate.

Really now?
Here in Europe we had to behead a bunch of royal people just to get the rights that the american constitution were founded with.
Go read up on tyrannical kings and queens and the shit they've been up to through history.
Up until fairly recently history wise, every regular person was the property of some royal person, a serf that owed everything to their master, without getting much in return.

Yeah, but at least we didn't have niggers and jews.

Yes we did, the jews have lived in Europe for ages and the royals were the ones to start up western slavery, bringing black people into our lives.
Don't wax nostalgic about stuff you have no historical knowledge about.

She should be In prison

;_; Okay.

Democracy might be a shit governing form, but it beats any preceding forms of governing.
Wishing your rights away, when you live in one of the countries that actually made a point out of supporting personal freedom is just sad to me.
I'm sorry to jump down your throat like this, but if you can't see how good you have it, your country have done bad job of informing you about how bad the past was.


>if I selectively alter the data, then Trump is more popular!

>if I remove the most degenerate state that Trump barely campaigned in, I prove he really did win the popular vote!

But yeah, continue to live in that bubble of yours

lol, im not even gonna open this thread from the front page, nor am I an amerifag but you're an autist (and presumably an amerifag as well)

Anyone got that toon where shes like you wanna put what in my what?


Because "evil" seemed worse than "moron" to enough voters.

All the presidents and politicians aside, she should be The Meme and you all know it.

Memes and jokes aside a child can't be a president

It’s funny to think that she was actually very pretty in her youth and grew into a hag that basically forced Bill to cheat on her