Im so pissed off, Riot keeps banning my accounts. I literally have to hide chat to not get banned...

Im so pissed off, Riot keeps banning my accounts. I literally have to hide chat to not get banned. Fucking retards always ruin games, cant play ranked. Im sick of Riot banning for no reason. Like Riot are you actually employed by full retards or what?

>I literally have to hide chat to not get banned
>I don't know how to shut the fuck up and not flame people for my own lack of skill

stop playing shit tier sperglord games then


Real man play csgo

Trm, you're toxic. Get over it. Still love your vids tho

Faggot game for books and kids

If you don't want to get banned, just shut the fuck up its ez. But you wont cos you have a fragile ego and can't let some kid on a game have the last word

Been playing 3 years on multiple accounts without so much as a chat restriction. You probably just have autism.

Seriously wtf is this game?

The most played game in the world.

I got banned once for calling someone a fat cunt and telling them to get raped to death by their father, seemed excessive since I've said worse and seen other people say worse and not be banned but whatever.



They won't ban you for 'nothing', captain autismo. They want as many people to play the game as possible.

>be me like 2 months ago
>ARAM hero cuz normals fucking suck and ARAM can be fun when drunk
>talking smack after game for no reason
>someone says something about a girl on the other team
>tell her I'm going to fuck her face
>ask her if she'll sit on my face till I pass out
>look at her name, she's a Rioter
>says she reported me
>tell her to fuck off and go suck phreaks cock like the slut she is
>anticipating permaban
>never even got a chat restriction

Idk how you get banned. Seems pretty hard to do lol

Come play dota2. You can flame everyone and not get banned for anything.

And play with Peruvians with a 2nd grade education.

You're not wrong lol

This won't get you banned but saying nigger or fag even once will. Don't believe me?


Dont play that shitty game

Dunno why that surprises you.

>/mute all
>retend you're playing bots
>stop taking it so seriously
>is only game


When did I say I was surprised?

You're telling me like I don't believe you.
>try it

Nah I'm good. I'm not dumb enough to get myself banned like you. You obviously know you shouldn't be saying that shit or you're gonna get banned lol.
It's like saying 'haha this is gonna hurt' then punching yourself in the face and then getting pissed off that it hurt.

games gone to super shit for the normies. i just currently afked bcause mid swain fed fb