What is the best place to live besides america?

What is the best place to live besides america?
I am moving from america...
>Russia? maybe

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>>Russia? maybe
No, do not do it.
Tы чтo блядь, дeбил или кaк? Tyт aнaльнaя мoдepaция вceгo, взятки тo-ce.

Live in the middle east. They will treat you like a god here if you're a white American.

Canada seems pretty nice

>What are you, damn or kill? Tytal Realization in all, bribes to-ce.

>Move to Mexico
>Convert dollar into peso
>Live like king

Iceland / Norway / Denmark

canada, britain, norway, japan

Translating for you, gringa.
Are you stupid? There is anal moderation of everything, corruption everywhere...

South America. I try It, I promise, You will want moar of it.
Cheaper than US, everything is similar to US, but slightly dirty, and strange English they speak

canada maybe

Dubs, Dubs, Trips
Canada has it

Northern Italy,
South of France,
Czech republic

I would say living in Paris and london for a while would be interesting - I have lived in both.
London is built for business, Paris is built for pleasure - Paris is dirtier and more dangerous than London, but it also has better galleries and shops. London has decent galleries but excels at Museums.

this thread is blessed

Madagascar is the world's best kept secret

Blessed by the Canadian gods/government


>have money
>move to mexico
enjoy your ransom payments

>anal moderation

As you can tell, my three step plan wasn't thought out very well. I would probably get my head cut off in the middle of the desert by the cartel.

don't they dig up their dead and party with them from time to time?

That is one of the great reasons to go there

There is no better place than America, you're basically trading down anywhere else you move to.

Obviously the best place to live is North Korea.

Not true - I lived in the US for four years, and while it is a truly great place, there is just as much happiness in many other countries.

you can get an epic knobjob for a handful of rice and some bread crusts.

Why Canada? Where the hell would you live there?

We have more freedom here.

move to mexico user, u will learn to survive against, robbers, gov, people in general, std's, narcos, narcos, mexicans who think they're not mexicans, police, so basically its at hard mode there, so when u go back to ur shitty town, u will be something like the punisher

I have a whole bag full of rice in my pantry

the United States

Can you teach me spanish? At least guide me...

>freedum to give billions to .01% in tax rebates
>freedum to hang out with gun totting retards
>freedum to get a felony for an ounce of weed or a prostitute
>freedum to work full time your whole life without health insurance
Murca YES!


holy shit, didn't realize how shit google translate is in russian. looks like it's almost as hard as japanese to translate

Go Singapore or the Netherlands, easy to get rich

im very happy sweden is so misrepresented that americans dont want to move here anymore

checked and chuckled

>We have more freedom here.

Honestly, like, VERY honestly, you dont.

Black people arent pariahs in most other countries.
Most other countries disallow firearms, which means much lower gun crime/homicide.
Most other countries have lower crime rates than the US in general.
The food is often fresher and more interesting in Europe/the mediterranean.
Theres a vast variety of culture and music to experience all over the world, especially Japan, Russia, Israel etc.
You cant drink until you're 21 - most of the rest of the world is 16 or 18.
Your country has more laws than any other country - that means less freedom.
The US has one of the highest costs of living.
2 million in prison.
Toxic artificial culture, ingrained political correctness, segregation, paranoia, the list goes on and on...

if you want peace and that kind of stuff without the weght of too strict people go to Italy where lax is always the word of the day

If your rich try monaco

>freedom to vote between two guys that nobody really want and that once in power cant really do much

I will, if you'll have me
I'm from balkans (white, christian)

Yes... Google translate is a real pain in my assholes. I mean it is really difficult to translate more than one word without loosing the sense.

I recommend the Netherlands honestly, but I did spend something like 10 years there.

actually souther italy is way nicer and people way more friendly

how can you type such big words with that huge black dick in your ass sven?

>Black people arent pariahs in most other countries
most other countries dont have the kind of straight up niggers that we have here.
whether or not anyone wants to really admit it, theyre pariahs for many excellent reasons.


Still more freedom that anywhere else anyway you faggots want to slice it.

nice, keep at it

being overpatriotic is as bad as being a religious extremist. and as stupid.
murica is in the top, but never has been nor ever will be top of the heap.

>bought the freedum meme
america here. try travelling out of the country a little.

japanese is the same (if not worse), same symbols mean different things depending on the symbols next to them and even what is being talked about (if you dont know the context of a sentence you cant know for sure how to interpret the symbols)

Stupid japs are still using retarded chinese charectes. That is the problem

go to Argentina!









I'll just hold my breath while you prove me wrong.

still not white

secret germany looks beautiful hans

Chile is better, because it is higher, it has more mountains, that mean, that you can buy RWD car and do the dorifto.

You can flail about like an autistic tard all you want, it doesn't make me wrong.

Whiter, that eu now.

good, Ill take my sweet ass time, then.

some years ago, i would have said Germany

just watch some road rage or corrupt cop videos

why you so mad tho if you live in the most freedom country ever?

good luck getting there tho. they close their ports as soon as someone in Africa starts sneezing too much.

just gotta fully evolve its transmissability before adding any symptoms at all.

Are you autistic? How did you intemperate that response as me being mad?

Come on fellow ameribro.

If you haven't seen that we have become an oligarachy then your as dumb as the rest of the world thinks we are.

The plague never dies.

ты чo eблaн

>pay a million króna for everything

India is one of the best countries in the world. Plus they have a ridiculously low crime-rate, and despite popular belief, its now officially a first world country

Caм eблaн

Motor rikshaw in white country

New Zealand is fucking awesome. loads of nature, free healthcare, low crime rate plus we made lord of the rings.

Spiders and shit?

champions in all sports! (image)

the average of Argentines (70%) we have at least 6 races or more ..


Italian, Irish, Slavo, Spanish, some Germans, etc... all these well mixed.

(but the real Argentines of at least 5 generations!)

unfortunately we are having many immigrants from Central America (although the Venezuelans are very beautiful and best curvy)

I would like more europeans to come..

and more japanese!

little by little Argentina is improving ...
It would be nice if we nuke Israel and so we do not have to pay the debts .. hehe

chile is borderin of Argentina. and have the same mountain you stupid moron!

Please don't come to New Zealand, any more of you and there wont be a culture to love here.

>champions in all sports! (image)
Not needed
>the average of Argentines (70%) we have at least 6 races or more ..
Races not needed
>Italian, Irish, Slavo, Spanish, some Germans, etc... all these well mixed.
Italian prisoners, Irish prisoners...
>unfortunately we are having many immigrants from Central America (although the Venezuelans are very beautiful and best curvy)
Latin niggas are better, that muslimic niggas

I kinda wanted to move there but I am half black
>american btw
(not op)

is full of indues, niggers, australian and mexican niggers ..

nuke mexico, africa, middle east, central america !!

and do not forget about israel

>chile is borderin of Argentina. and have the same mountain you stupid moron!
But chile has moar!
At least chilos pronounce 'll' as 'ey' like in 'hey', not like 'sh', or 'zsh'

the chilean problem!

chilean race






are you drunk freedum boy?

Live streamed gang rapes is my favorite Swedish past time

Argentina? don't they use pesos


what are you looking for. beautiful landscapes? Easy life?

You can come to Argentina and rent in part with students, the university is free. you can have an easy life ...

You can be a Peronist political client and live as a parasite.

All right, Chile vs Argentina.
On which chair you will seat, and on which your mom will sit.

Russia is very good but I just love this new American memes LOL


go somewhere in scandinavia, like greenland or whatever. the best place, however, is this beautiful little island with the village of gasadalur. it even has a waterfall

I want a Soviet Russian to hurt my ass well

-Hernan Botbol-

Russia is Africa-tier for subhuman-ness.
Needs to be nuked.

yes. bariloche .. according to what is known of the meetings in the hotel club of tiger bs as.

It is the place of escape for all the leaders, kings and powerful businessmen. if something in the plan goes wrong ..

It is said that they saw Hitler, Elvis, Lady Diana and their driver, counts who committed Hindu acts with young girls ... etc. etc..


If you're single, Australia. If you're already attached, New Zealand.