Why are most faggots Liberals? Isn't that surprise?

Why are most faggots Liberals? Isn't that surprise?

If can’t be real

Comes with the territory, no surprise.

Because the left wing supports homosexuality and the right wing doesn't.

why would they be conservatives? makes no sense

they tend to be more educated

>Why are most faggots Liberals?

It's interesting to note that most liberals are faggots as well.


I would have zero issue's killing that dude.

>I'll let you have this nickel if you kill him.
>Kill him, suck dick dick for bus fair...then walk home

Some right wingers give zero fucks about homos. Just leave us alone and keep it in your bedroom.

Motherfucker looks like he was rescued from Auschwitz.

No matter what gains 'mo's make in social acceptance, it will never make them NOT weird mentally disturbed perverts.

I hate to quote or paraphrase Milo, but it's actually true. Gays aren't liberal. We're libertarian. We tend to be better education, earn more money, and want government and other people generally out of our business including our bedrooms and our wallets. It's amazing how no one talks about how conservative gays are on the issue of taxes.

>We tend to be better education
Learn to English dumb nigger


Because the right has a precedent for homophobia?

Why does all white trash vote Republican

Is so surprise!!1!

That was Google's fault. Not mine...nigger.

As perverted conservative, this.

This is true for almost every Republican in Washington. In fact most of them are in favor of all the gay "rights" and issues. They laugh at the religious nuts back home. I know this because, although I'm a Democrat, I know and work with these people.

thats actually a KKK grand dragon