Waifu thread

waifu thread
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Claiming best girl.

Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня
Nothing uwu

>sc lore
Why are you two even talking about it?




I'm bored as fuck, fam.

post bullied pics

they're different than the old queens tho, idk because essence is shorter?

there were still cerebrates in BW, and kerrigan didnt have full control of the swarm

you must do something
is that other girl a ruski? owo

missed you tbh
Been doing well?

Shinobu thinks SC2 has a good story.

No no no no no no no no no. However I hope you're true to your doctoine
>Tank busters, sir
>Angels on our shoulders
>...earn this
Good to hear. Glad youre on my side
Definitely do....drunk


the bulli shipping

I do too. Even though I dropped sunshine on ep 5 I think

I play video games and work
The one with the brown hair is Japanese uwu

No bully

Aw. :3 Mm, well I haven't been doing too bad at least. How about yourself?

I wanted to like it since I grew up on SC:BW but I just couldn't.


nice sharpness owo
you got a job? owo
i hate japs uwu

Like 2 months ago uwu
I like the japs owo

What happened to the old queens? Essence is midichlorians and SC2 has a shit story, admit it.

She didn't have full control of the swarm at the end of BW?

Not only the story but the levels were mostly really stupid too. I wanted to build my base and then destroy all enemy bases, but mostly had to do some retarded bullshit instead.

how owo
why uwu

gonna put that one away as well
:) by the way


At least there's that, work has got a lot calmer, no field ops for a while
Only next week left until I get h 3 week leave uwu

Been up to anything?

By applying uwu
They do crazy things owo
Thanks for playing with me. Now we just have to farm gear :(

Being Catholic has its perks. I can't put the gun in my mouth. And of course there's my family... my dog... my friends.
Of course if it gets worse I'm going to be hard pressed to fight it. It's just manageable enough. But honestly I'm sad all the time now. I can't really listen to music anymore and headphones are out of the question. I can't risk any further damage so I stopped shooting. I don't really want to do anything besides sleep....

Sorry for dropping all this heavy stuff on you suddenly.

why ;-;
do you still talk to muffin by the way


It's snowing in San Antonio

I think I'm just going to go to sleep

nice eyes

yes bulli

idk kerrigan stopped making them, or used them as the base to make her new queens, what happened to the old sunken/spore colonies? the swarm changes
>essence is midichlorians
wtf does that even mean? this isnt star wars

there were loads of renegade broods all throughout BW

yup...was enlisted and left enlisted

yeah I followed it and finished S1 of Sunshine...there were maybe 3-4 episodes that weren't near duplicates of SIP

I was so excited to watch Sunshine too...because I was ready for a new chapter of LL....I loved series 1 so much...and of course Kotori...and while the characters did grow on me a bit, like Mari, Dia, and Ruby...they were mostly carbon copies of SIP girls...ugh

I started book on head
It was fun :)
Let's farm tomorrow
because :
no :(
nice meat

Claimed ultimate husbando

What is this from again?

Some of them were enjoyable but I didn't end up enjoying much of the campaigns in sc2 either. I didn't even bother buying the toss one since I was burnt out on SC2 by then.

Is it snowing and stuff there yet? Do you have to do field ops despite that? I've been freezing even though it's not all that cold here and contemplating kms, the usual. :^)

Why bully?

Ohayou shinny

that's not a reason o:
it's been 6 months since i talked to him ;-;

eating donuts tho

cause uzuki is cuter when crying

Sleep well

Internet Club

see you

I know my dude
I shamelessly appropriated it uwu

dude it's canada
Of course it's snowing. But January will be much worse, guess when the fields ops are starting :^)

At least say goodbye when you become an hero

talk to him

my bitch tomoko

yes :
really?? that's not okay
nice what kind?
that's alright uwu

Trust me when I say and give you some tough love. That I know enough people that would switch with you in an instant over the things they've lost. I know I've woken up many times and wondered why. And as I try to fall back asleep I hear the ringing and wonder if that's what it was. But know that you are in a day and age of massive medical advancements that allow something like this to be overcome even if it's not necessarily available right now to you.
Very Nice ^^^^^^^^^
Just an oh?? Do you drink??


mini powdered donuts

Hi Koume

'Zuki is always cute though!

I mean isn't it from a game or something

Where have I heard it before?

Stop living where it's so cold. Pretty sure I would freeze to death tbh

At least you're almost done for awhile though, any plans for your three week vacation? I'll try to, no promises.

oh my fucking god that's cute

You're coming up with most of this stuff on your own..

Meaning a retarded idea that didn't need to be there.

..Have you actually played a game with a good story?

I didn't buy toss xp either. Whole SC2 was a huge letdown..

frankly the most respected rank in the entire structure is the E-9's...not the colonels or generals

I give them their due...they earned it

but Chiefs are my mentors

thank you

I think so


Mating press the Mio.


Everyone having a good night so far?.

i need donuts right now


I had fun playing 1v1 ladder for a few months after it came out but it got too stressful. Some of the custom games were pretty dank though.

I know! Then they were the exact duplicates of Muse. Which I didn't like
Hello cheshy
I told you I got pissed drunk!

should've asked for consent uwu

he's a big cute

hot chocolate and comfy blankets is the best thing tbh

I have a medical appointment tho so I can't just go travel. I plan on going to see some friends during the new year, get wasted and other fun stuff
anyway I'm glad to see you again need to sleep now
See ya

Yeah, the multiplayer was pretty ok. Too demanding apm-wise for me, but the singleplayer campaign was just... ass..

Only I can do that though, user.
I'm okay. A little bored.
How're you, shorty?

What have you lost Koume? Your friends?
Oh, and do yourself a favor- please keep protecting your hearing.

hello sergeant
I feel robbed uwu
night ti gars



Kill yourself Mao Ching

I think that whole album is made up of samples, it's a vaporwave album so I wouldn't be surprised. That being said, I have no clue what it's from.
Reminds me a little of this though

Phssssss ill punch a damn SgtMaj in his face. I hate E-3s and a E-5 will hold a special place in my heart. Those poor bastards.
Hello lewd mio
I like that.

Did you draw that?

nah, just when shes crying

you're the one that linked it to star wars for some retarded reason

here you can have this 1

trips check

I mean I still loved Mari...the only one who wasn't an exact copy was arguably Yoshiko

But I got invested in the SIP characters....all of em...so I had prayed that Sunshine would be a reboot with a different story, new characters, and a new cast to love...but all but three episodes were exact copies...all but maybe one char was a duplicate of someone from SIP...it bugged me

and she is a lovely cute...sleeping cute too...sorry I'll keep my voice down

what about E-6's...am I ok in your book?

I think I'll have to buy some hot chocolate the next time I go out, it does sound super comfy especially since I don't have my heat on yet. That still sounds like a pretty nice time! Sweet dreams, it was nice seeing you again too.

Microing infestors in the early release was pretty cancer. I struggled playing at high apm for long periods of time too. I did like how good a lot of the cutscenes looked though, Blizzard should have made an SC movie instead of a Warcraft one.

I need to listen to other things now to get it out of my head or it will bother me. This is okay I suppose.

Wow, mean. I only have a few crying pics.

I'm only lewding cause bored.
Whatcha up to?

uzuki ^

much appreciated

Happy that it's snowing over here
What's up?
But I threw up. Felt good afterwards though
Yeah. Who was Mari based off of? Nozomi?
Cause she's a chuuni. Cute and silly
I was told Aquors said fuck it and did their thing later on

E-6 is the cut off for us we begin to fear them. However you are a 10/10 person. You're the best.
Watching ww2 documentaries, shedding tears, drinking

Yes, both, essence and midichlorians are equally stupid ideas is what I meant.

Have you actually played a game with good story?

Still not sure why you'd call Saya a shit.. did me calling SC2 story shit trigger you that much?

Infestors, queens and everything else like that is just.. bleh. I rather play something slower like Paradox's strategy games, Civ or Total War..

Blizzard shouldn't make movies.

I'm afraid I did not, but considering the reaction I get whenever I post it I am considering taking up drawing.

Send picture of snow tbh
That seems like something a masochist would do.

playing destiny 2
and you?

Drawing is fun, but getting good at it is a lot of work. It's never too late to start though.

I would say Mari was closest to Nozomi...carefree, Dia's friend, a lot of similar back story...and quirky. Just that MAri had the language thing and Nozomi had her cards

I hope so...I will be starting season 2 soon

thank you. Well good I make the cutoff...and I left as E-6 so there ya go

I used to draw a lot when I was a kid. Well, mostly tracing. Still have a few hanging on the walls somewhere. Cars. Really want to pursue guitar if I get this semester off, though.

Later when it looks better
For Honor. I wanna play in the snow though
Lemme watch sunshine and we stream s2

You guys ever play corruption of champions?

post them all


of course ive played games with good story, bioshock, fable, like any fire emblem game, shitloads of old console games

i just figured since you have shit taste in games you probly have shit taste in waifus too

Is it that game that is really expensive?
Then what are you waiting for?
I like the small donut hole things

Friends, limbs, lived lives. People that just couldn't get things out of their minds. Im lucky I can look at my hands and feet and count to 10. And have no real problems that i can't deal with alone
Im always done after that. Rd 2 is never a go to
Yea.....i am.
Not everyone is perfect, i don't blame ya. Although, I think our jobs had something to do with it

>tfw was E-5
Getting out was bitter sweet but I'm still glad I did

Hello all

I'm sorry to hear that. I saw your earlier post. Why do you torture yourself?

Yes hello Uzuki-desu

Turn based strategies like those are a ton of fun too. What's your favorite Total War game?

I think I only have one other one besides this.

i like just about anything donut related

hi tali

Hello donut vampire.
Can it be Monday already

That's a lot of games and it's not enough snow
No lewding your waifu

I don't like jelly donuts :/

wow that's inappropriate

thats lewd, not cute

why would you want it to be monday?

jelly donuts dont like you either

even donut monocle?
is it really snowing over there?

I just get home and why is there lewd

yeah I would say so...my job was exacting...so I get it

You did it because I hurt your feelings and you wanted to "get back" at me.
>you have shit taste in games
I do? How do you know? Tell me what games I like then. Tell me what games that you have played that you think are shit I like.

Yeah, some turn based strategy games are fun.
Total War: Warhammer 1/2 and Shogun 2. Only really played those.