If I post a pic of a girl with a bitcoin address...

If I post a pic of a girl with a bitcoin address. Can I accept anonymous payments until a certain amount is reached and I would then release her nudes?

Could I be tracked via the bitcoin address?

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No bitcoin is user. That's why they use it on tor.

why don't i see threads like OP suggested all the time?

>Could I be tracked via the bitcoin address?
Yeah, when you try to cash out they can catch you. You can keep the coins private, or launder them by exchanging them for Monero. You will lose a cut doing these exchanges though.

Because OP is always a faggot and dosen't deliver.

So what are you're saying is....

I could keep the money in bitcoin form until the statute of limitations expires and THEN I can cash out with no problems. Right?

You need to deliver though faggot?

Yep, that'll work
Hopefully the value of bitcoins survives

Use the bitcoins to buy electronic goods and other high-cost, easy to ship goods. Then sell them yourself.

What if I just send the bitcoins to another bitcoin address? Just channel it through a bunch of addresses.

Can the feds track all those addresses? Or can your bank track those addresses once you try to cash out?

Can't they only track your last receiving address before withdrawal?


Bitcoin: 18BVb8Ak6ByC1as4i

Ethereum: 0x0dEDD1a3c173c2

Litecoin: LcvtR3HJ78qbn6Lsw

If they're investigating you at all, assume they can follow the coins. Realistically I don't think anyone hunting you will know enough about bitcoin, but you never know.

Hopping currencies is way more secure, but you lose more of your coin. A hop to Monero should remove any trace of your evil deeds.


There's 3 cryptocurrencies?

also, what about doge coin?

So are Ethereum and Litecoin worthless?

>Could I be tracked via the bitcoin address?

Only once you try and withdraw them, assuming you've generated the address offline. They can trace bitcoins through tumblers. They can track when they get sent to an exchange. They can legally request that exchange to release the details of who it was sent to on the exchange and come knocking at your door.

Localbitcoins, however, is a little different.

there are hundreds of cryptocurrencies those are the top 3

If anyone is feeling generous, please send some my way.
BTC: 1K268wsb6L87xkJ2 tMgDFJSptvmQpKXGoJ
ETH: 0x0D19AcbC0FB79383 95f7BeD94F81342c88486B49
LTC: LaxuuH19YwKdTCZTfL 8k2bzeq4utGxi694
((remove spaces.. thank you)

of you cash out, there's a chance yes

Try this it takes awhile but works pasted.co/ccaf5605


Learn to spell, you fucking retard. And while you're at it- Learn proper punctuation, punk.


might as well try as well. if anyone is feeling generous and wants tohelp get me to college next year

BTC: 168zDUVqh82J4Zia FN8vd7ZqGuMJoiCZCG

ETH: 0xd1ED69fc407feFa0B6f 6ff39c5A86bF69fADe2e8

LTC: LfKkPv2JzdMbJrA k6m4LGukEybxKD8Rg7f

>begging intensifies

>ill send you a dollar for nudes xDDDDD
>15 dollar transaction fee

I mean sure, you can try

litecoin isnt even top 5 nigger