When did you first realize that life was unfair ?

when did you first realize that life was unfair ?

When I found out Phil Hartman died

its not. you do idiot things you get idiot results.

When Dragonball Z ended

When I was around 10, I thought about the things I wanted that I couldn't have and decided that life was unfair. Then I imagined a life where I got everything I deserved. I was a little shitbag and I got away with SO much that nobody ever found out about. I felt kind of relieved that life wasn't fair.

Unfortunately that kind of philosophical insight has been rare for me, and rather than growing up to be a deep thinker, I'm still pretty much a shitbag.

I like you

can you repeat the question

When I realised I was ugly.

When I learned about capitalism.

When I was blessed with an 8in cock and a hyper-active sex drive, but given the body of Chris Farley.

when i didn´t get dubs...

Life is not any more fair than it is unfair.

It just does, and in a very nebulous way, is.

yes no maybe



>I was given a body
>given a body

Not just a fat sack of shit.
Also 8 is just not that big. i'm like a foot.

in 1996.


Age 7 or so.

When my dick never grew past 3 inches.

it's not unfair it suck equally for everyone. Life is suffering, now keep licking

>Oh shit a neckbeard got me with that George Costanza photo.

>I guess I'll totally be uncool now and have an average sized cock.
I lose.

When i started showing signs of tourettes in 5th grade

Fairness is a thing humans made up because it sounds more reasonable than "I didn't get that thing I wanted and I'm trying to justify why I should have". Nothing is fair.


>When you're schizophrenic and complain the least.

When I found b0g.org around 2009 and saw how fucked up shit was

Why are people happy for having a big cock? It is easier to perform autofellatio, or...?

Yeah. Because you posted a George Costanza photo. About facts that i live with in my everyday life.

Real fucking so mad right now.

I'm just like. All the way mad. Right now.

What do kids with tourettes do before they learn all the bad words? Are they just like: "Mom, I'm going to DARN RATS CRAP.. go play in my PEEPEE room for a while." or what?

>I used to think life was so unfair.
>Then i realized how horrible it would be
>if life WERE fair
>and all the terrible things that happen to us
>happen because we deserve them.


Thank you, nice knowing you're out there bro


Not all people with tourettes swear. Most just have twitches in the limbs, face, and make an audiable vocal noise or sound like a grunt or something like that.

And it sucks. I fucking hate it.

Like when I was 9 and I got diagnosed with a life long neurological disorder that has easy potential to kill me if I go without medications or if it gets worse. It didn't have a crashing down effect on me since I was so young. I had a long time to mull it over on the back burner. So glad I never went through some life crashing and burning mental experience like a lot of people seem to do.

>finally lose virginity to qt3.14 down the street despite being fat boy for most of life
>skinny jeans brother gets drunk next night, fucks same girl

I have fucked over 50 women since then, but life still feels unfair because brother ended up marrying her and buying a house, while I am currently homeless.
Life is not fair. Even if you get sprinkles of sweetness, the overwhelming bitter flavor just makes you want to drink to death.

Merry Christmas, Sup Forums

Mmmmm Zoey


If you really gave a shit you'd deal coke or anything you could do to just get off the fucking street.

Stupid cunt rag: what the fuck gave you the idea that life “should” be fair in the first place?

When I was born into a wrong gender

>I'm so tough that I think I might even know everything, too.
>There's no way anyone can see through my bullshit rhetoric and can tell I'm just a scared little boy.

Buck up.

Oh, I'm the skinny jeans now, but still want to drink. Having insulin dependent diabetes and watching healthy happy people really kills the boner.

Also, it takes actual money to buy coke you nigger

FtM or MtF?

your family was so poor that you couldn't even afford a mirror?

Nah, I get you dude. I get being pissed about it too. It is rather silly. I try to empathize but that's just what my upbringing compells me to do.

You too homie

Try again pansy. Just like most people, I’ve been whip-sawed every now and then. You get up, limp off, lick your wounds, and then come back.

Unless you’re a pussy.

Protip: if you’re going to try to hurt my, or somebody like me’s feelings: try not to be such an obvious faggot.

That this girl wont add me on snapchat

After the end of Malcolm in the Middle.

When I realized that life if like a bad RNG...

I've been working since I was ten back when my family lived in a Koreatown housing project in Texas.
I used to fucking make drugs out of trash I could raid from sheds so that kingpins didn't fucking kill me.

I still have a fucking job and house. You're just some bullshit tough guy trying to be impressive on the internet.

>I'm so fucking tough
>That I wish I could suck all the dick in the world.

Male, but I feel like a girl on the inside. So I dress up like one. For some weird reason, I didn't really feel like parting from my weewee, so I kept it. I'm too insecure and afraid to talk to anyone about it. It's all just so fucked up nobody would get it.

Empathy is reserved for people that either had a chance, got extraordinarily fucked, or at your own philanthropic discretion.

Fucking snowflakes crying as if life has a referee.

Sometimes you get utterly fucked for no reason. Sometimes you get a bunch of great stuff for no reason. What you should be doing is putting yourself in a position where you can choose your level of risk.

So you got to pre bang your sister in law. Giving your brother sloppy seconds. Sounds like a plus.

I mean, to be fair "traps" and t-girls are pretty popular around here. If you can easily pass you've got it made in the shade. How old are you?

>Yeah see. It's alright and kinda fair.
>That's why I'm so fucking tough.
>Also I don't like sucking dicks.
>Also why.

i like you guys
both of yas

I could chug and swallow all the balls that’ve ever been and I’d still be less of a faggot than you.


If you had any blood at all you’d be out figuring out how to be a terrorist. But no, you’ll just type and whine like the pantywaist you are.

There are far worse vices, as long as you're not hurting anyone you shouldn't be so hard on yourself

Sense of dignity and good morals in general?

I like your pauses for dramatic effect.


Makes me think of how lovely you wish you could be in real life.

What the fuck you yellin’ at me for? You sound fine.

Oh, wait. You’re not a Korean. You’re a white pussy faggot trying to get street cred while trying not to spill your latte.


Stabbed in the neck and arm with a pencil, and my parents sided with the stabber due to him lying, took away all my video games. Later, when they found out he was lying, they called it an act of God's wisdom.

Watched my friend die of sickle cell and his scholarship go to waste while the bully who shoved kids in wheelchairs down the stairs got off scot-free and went to harvard on a football scholarship.

My teacher threw my final project for english in the trash, looking me in the eyes as she did so, and said "I don't have it. Zero." Told the principal. Told my parents. Got two students as witnesses. The response- "Life is unfair. Get over it. See you in summer school."

My life has been one long laundry list of reasons for an heroing.

Trying. Yeah. That's what the fuck I just said.

People like you are so pathetic you're not even registering on anyone's radar. You're just angry, insecure white trash.

My GF is a midwife
I'm pretty sure she's seen more pussy than I'll ever see in my lifetime




appriciate it.

( like
EE Cummings //////



I wouldn’t say I’m ‘lovely’, but I ain’t too bad to look at.


For “not registering on anyone’s radar”, I seem to be right up your ass.

Shoedick huh?

Lol rly? That's...inspiring. I'm 19, turning 20 next month.
There's this really ripped guy at work I kinda fancy, but I wouldn't dare approach him. Not in that way. Plus I only dress like a girl and wear makeover when I'm at home.

When I realised death is something people don't come back from....for ever...

When I was told that the scar, way back from when my tumor was removed, is causing my epilepsy and that I won't be able to have a normal life ever. Around that time I think, or when my mum told me that she considered not taking the operation for me, since I was just a toddler when my tumor was removed...

Well, how can I argue with that. You got me, based user.

>Stabbed in the neck and arm with a pencil, and my parents sided with the stabber due to him lying

When I moved out at 18.

You're still young. If you feel like a girl, you should go for it. It's harder to transition (if that's what you'd want to do) the older you get.


>I imagined... I was a little shitbag and I got away with SO much that nobody ever found out about

I think you actually discovered that life is as fair as fair could be and there's more to it than meets the eye.

Sorry OP, I have yet to realized this.

Of course I did. Rocking up with “morals” and...shit...it was so vapid I forgot the first thing...

What was I saying again?

You were about to drink bleach. Thank me later.

when I realized that every cartoon character had a mom and a dad instead of two moms like me

I'll be your Dad, sport. Let's go play catch and I'll teach you how to shave.

No...bleach drinking is always on Tuesdays....oh right!

I was going to say: roll your Christfag scripture up really tight...like cigar tight...and then push it up your cock.

Or, barring that, go find a couple lions.

You don't watch enough

that pretty much makes their lives unfair


Is he not relatable?

This was when I was little retards. Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Odd Parents n shit. I wasn't around for any of this new age faggy shit

Lesson at the age of 10, had to move from NC to TX
and again at the age of 16, my best friend and I are no longer friends because of a girl

Heh...funny as ever, user. Cracked me up once again.
Keep lapping up all the satanic immoral shit your jewish masters serve you. Be a good goy.

When I was in 4th grade. I remember this one kid showing off his toys and some other kids making fun of him being poor and how they had better toys at home. I remember feeling sorry for him and wondering why he didn't have shit.

Hey Brown Shirt, keep sucking skinhead cock.

I know, you think you’re a Christian. Sadly, the whole of your doctrine comes from the back of a Chick Tract.

You’ll come to the same end as your predecessors (who also loved the cock).

Dang, I made you angry...


Nigga, you just went full potato

There was this guy in my highschool, a junior as big as a mountain gorilla.
He was a linebacker on the school football team.
One day a smaller kid bumps into him. Big guy gets pissed, didn't have a firm grasp on his temper, even something as innocuous as this is dangerous.
The guy full on screams in the kid's face. The kid's a little disturbed, grew up poor, abused, the whole 9 yards, so he doesn't react very well either.
Guy lays him out in one punch. Kid loses a couple of teeth. Saw the whole thing.
Guy gets suspended for a few days, still on the team up till graduation. Kid kills himself a year after the incident.
Even after the suicide, there's not many girls that don't want to ride the big guy's dick, and despite his temper he's popular throughout highschool.

It wasn't till after I graduated and looked back on the whole thing did I notice the pattern: the strong are strong because they prey on the weak, because their ancestors did it first and widened the gap as much as they could by passing on these attitudes and resources their children. That's when I realized that life isn't fair.

the last time i talked to a girl and she ran away

loser mentality