Comment or post dick pics

Comment or post dick pics


I'd suck it


not as nice as op's but still decent

Looks like a fun ride


thats what she said

nice arc for the curve and good balls


can i get a r8, also, anyone know how to have a smooth healthy looking dick? my heads always red and dry it seems

moisturize and stop wearing loose boxers.

with what? and wouldn't tighter cause more friction? also, honest r8?

What does the inside surface of the foreskin look like?

Pretty decent though would look a little better with some hair. loose makes it flop around instead of staying snug. Just some sheabutter moisturizer should work fine.


Constructive criticism only.

Dick be looking like


never been on one o dese b4, why not
r8 my tiny wang

not the biggest, but you look pretty tasty, I'd love to suck on you~

dude i loved that hairy cock, can you take a picture from upside perpective ?

bit hard on my laptop, but okay, user


looks a bit dry but I really wanna ride it!

I'll post, sure

And now to be fair I will comment.
You have a nice body and a good length dick, I'd blow you
Nice dick and nice load.
Dick looks good, piercing doesn't.
Dick looks good (so does the rest of you), moisturise your dick if it's dry.


Oh god, that precum, and the veins
God, I'm drooling, legit



a.. are those dick piercings?



take those off and let's see it


Someone sure sounds eager.


You look hot, post more.
Holy shit what are you hiding under those



Easy, boy. Heel. You can have another.

Man, I wanna see a video of you cumming in that.

Rate mine. Be honest

theres the relatable one!

Fucking BBC

Why the fuck would you do that? I just instinctively grabbed my own dick, just to check it's okay and has everything it needs.

pic related

Love this one

It's more like "Alien be looking like dick". Giger's work is entirely phallic.

Anyone has a kik that can help me turn my personal cumshot vids to compatible webms? It keeps making incompatible webms to upload


Ignore the red head, the camera fucked up.

Big, average, small?

Looks big.

I’ve got more. Wanna see?

>woaaah here she comes
>watch out boy she'll chew you up
>woaaah here she comes
>it's an anteater

Definitely. I'm jelly, man.


holy fuck these threads make me hella crave a nice cock in my mouth :<
Pls be Australian.


Thanks, man. You really do have a nice one.

Got a kik?


Pull that skin back


I don't have anything from that set with the skin pulled back, have an older one.



These threads get me going tho hrngh

Unf, would lick that up.


Hot af

Pls fuck my mouth too then :3
Aaaa thank you vvv much

have another



Would lick that up as well.



don't really use kik, only really do these threads for my horny and stuff, only give out discord and the like if they live close enough for qts with possible mouthfuck

>if they live close enough
What region?

Have we got a twin penis?

The smoothness looks photoshopped but it's nice.

mmm attention!

QLD, Australia ;o

What you like about it?

Literally on the other side of the planet from me.

Oh well. At least we can fap.



awwwdang, wouldn't have minded that in my mouth ;<
As in would hella love


What's up, doc?


19, rate me

it just looked like it was about to burst wish i could help it

Got kik?

never sucked a foreskin whats it like?

would like to dig tongue around yo foreskin ;o

nah and your not looking for an user like me hun. i cant post to this thread if you catch my drift

How can I grow body hair?

No problem man. Just wondering: how big would you guess my dick?

im not the best to scale besides your girth looks great and thats whats important

What's it like licking one or having one licked?

Thanks, that just made me even harder.