This random girl texted me thinking I’m her make up artist, dubs decides my response

This random girl texted me thinking I’m her make up artist, dubs decides my response

fuck off cunt

bump and continue pls


Start throwing prices at her so it's sorta legit. Then ask what look she's going for. Then ask what she's wearing and get pics

do that annon

why does it say 6:46 niggger?


Ask her how much for anal

Now could you send better pictures not make such ugly faces? Just look natural, not like you're trying to shit.

Rolling for this

send 13 pictures of Michael Clarke Duncan smiling


Send dick


If you post her number like that you ruin your own game, someone from here will text her
Think next time!


This thread may have some fun potential


Tell her to send you her address

Nobody cares enough about this to do that. Yet.

The xx shit is so cringy


Have I ever told you how great and liberating joining isis can be for a female?

re roll

You're the pretty woman I've ever done makeup for!

just send this

These are now trips and you will ask her if you can tongue punch her shitter


Show bob and vagene


tell her to send you a pic of her butthole

OP are you sure you are not the make up artist? I mean you are selling it really well....



fug dubs

It's an English thing I guess? Definitely weird.

" When I'm done with you they'll rename it Dab since you'll be slaying"

ask for a topless pic so you can match her skin tones more accurate

How many sharpies can you stick in your mouth at once? I need to know how elastic your skin on your face is.


Trips monster says to tell her to send her credit card info through text

Either thread is kill or Op is faggot. Rip


Stop stalling, you know what to do OP

Makeup artists are Jews. You just revealed yourself as a fraud with such a low price.

Probably running a jail break with the shit flipped around. The Carrier signal and Wifi strength should be on the other side and the clock should be in the middle, not the left.

This. Crazy enough it may work


Send this

You’re not getting anything out of her at this point, send the isis thing already


Great fucking idea user

something about what shade her dress will be and if you can see her natural skintone, when she asks what you mean, explain that natural skintones can be found on breasts or bikini regions, ask for a photo

nah he is just in australia

>after literally three minutes since last post from OP




Not even a retard would believe that

do this

i'm working the ISIS into her slowly

Roll. Amazing.

Nah im saying he sends that and then shit ends, or he doesn't and becomes faggot

Book and appointment with her, wait until the day, paint her up like a clown, charge her $100




That’s fucking stupid

OP you're the biggest faggot I know. I bet it's not even a wrong number, you're just a faggot make up artist. KYS

"I'm not actually a make up artist, wrong number."

Also is it just me or is she still cute as hell w/no makeup

Abandon the isis shit and try for this

Should’ve went full in


fuck yeah OP! keep it cuming

iPhone X and he is probably from the UK based on the X's at the end of their texts.


This is the correct answer.


You retard

someone cock tribute her and then roll to send pic

When did faggots start putting x’s after shit? I’ve texted plenty of people and literally no one does this?

Oh, fucking duhh. Forgot about that shit. I've got the 8+. Suprised it just fills in the gap.
+61 is aus. A real shit post.

Wtf OP

You're a dumbass. Do this.

Ask if she wants her ass hole bleached

OP is clearly a camp make-up artist.

get this done user


He's pretending to be a girl.

You only wear white if you're a virgin, are you one of the 72?


true. op is literal fag.

Uk is +44

Ask to see if there’s any tan lines she has so you know what tones to mix, then have her show them

Fucking fantastic

Get it in her shitter

kek lmao.. thanks OP


rolly polly

roll for boobs