So bare with me here guys, this is not a personal army request

So bare with me here guys, this is not a personal army request.
I was talking with a new friend in the town I recently moved to when he began to tell me about some local psychopath/deranged lunatic/autist that is somewhat known around town for having a cult-like following of cringelords. In an attempt to look him up and seek trolling him it seems like I have discovered what seems to be the rebirth of Chris-Chan or a seemingly prime candidate, and in my same location. Was wondering if anyone had any more info on him or is familiar with this fucking weirdo.

Facebook: /josh.saunders.5059601
Wikia: /KingCobraJFS
Youtube: /channel/UCM8fUqXSiVVED84-HllUXbg (kingcobraJFS)

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks interesting



>So bare with me
You're him. Go fuck yourself. Ignore this eggsack.

yup you got me


yeh i win your afraid of me and al so my bitch

Just watched some of the vids guy is a weirdo

Yeah I know, read the wiki

I am rn

>being this late to the GothicKingCobra train
Someone followed him around for a couple of days to make a "documentary" about his life and it's the most depressing shit ever

>Ignore this eggsack

>A video work documenting the daily pursuits of metal musician, YouTube personality, and Wendy's employee, Josh Saunders, in his hometown of Casper, Wyoming.

Is this worth watching?

This is the first time i've heard about it. I'd like to dox him and get his address so I can disrupt his livestreams with fireworks, etc. idk, any ideas?

Call his number and scream stupid shit while he's streaming.

Don;t dox no one m8
leave him along


> not a personal army request
> compares target to Chrischan... dem memories...

Sure as fuck looks like a personal army request to me. How about you do the work and then present it for consideration?

Fuck off moralfag

Not a personal army request just a brainstorm of ideas on how I can fuck with him cause I live in the same city so actually the opposite

This guy gets it

Can we ask you some questions?

Just leave this guy alone. It's sad enough as it is


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

White Knight detected

fuck you OP joshua dufurrena is chris-chan 2.0

Just watched one of his videos and in the first 10 seconds he's smoking an e-pipe, a fucking bandana hat, and said "so, we're gucci".

It gives you insight into the lives of people who are "off"
I recommend it, but it's basically "hanging out with the weirdo loner from school who always wanted the bad kind of attention" and it gets a bit too real near the end when he starts to spaghetti and becomes painful to watch

OP ... Way to promote yourself. Koodos to trying to be an e-celeb even with a lazy eye.

If its not OP... not your personal army faggot

How about you fuck off.

KingCobra is cool. You're a fucking chodelicker.


He's prob one of us, lurking here as we speak


Cobra if thats you, sort yourself out bucko.

Im confused now

Watch this niggers
Autism maximo starts @4:45
Don't know whether to cringe or laugh

Its painful to acknowledge this persons existence