Being this normie

>being this normie

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>>being this normie
Flume is dope :ppp

p gay
(also rate mine pls senpai)

Glass animals are ok. Flume is trash. Rest are absolute normie tier


beat my ass

I can't escape 2009


I heard you like waves.


What are your picks off Humanz?

I love satellite skin

Gorrilaz and summer salt are heaps good

Rate pls

looks like none of you fags know how to turn up and get pussy

Bunch of faggots over here

8/10 for SS

Halloween nigga

cant call people faggots when you listen to fake emotional pussyboi rap wtf

that's all i got, no other information about artist or genre.

Like I can understand anything they're saying lol.


theyre white

So am I, but since I speak and hear Dutch all day some slouched American boi mumbling some lyrics isn't really getting through my thicc skull

I actually kinda like Humanz.
My favorite tracks are probably
>She's my collar
>busted and blue
>Out of Body
> Andromeda (D.R.A.M. Special)
Summer Salt is definitely one of my favorite bands
>Nigger rap
Get a load of this guy

here's mine

boyce avenue is because i had 3 month premium and share my account with gf

>Indie Rock

Barely listen to actual Indie Rock, what are these genres kek.

King gizzard rules

>Jean Luc Lenoir

I have no idea who these artists are. Probably my wife listening

Don't you have that one but with careless whisper instead


me too, Ascension, Momentz and Busted n Blue are fucking excellent.

>joined spotify a month ago



The fuck is ''catstep''? Apparently I like it.

mine is literally taylor swift all the way down. get on my level plebs.

> Bôa - duvet
Fellow Lain fag spoted


ya got me

Soilwork Amaranthe very nice



Where do you get that? I can't find it?

r8 me


Xanthochroid very nice

Where do I get this screen I'm retarded

No, Queen B Christmas Special.


go to 2017wrapped com and login to spotify

it's the last page thing if you keep going down


i mad

im good bro



No regrats

Dragonforce Sabaton very nice

Rate me

Arctic Monkeys very nice

fight me

reaper main?

white btw : ^)

>Asking Alexandria
Are you fucking gay?

im just a little gay

where do you work where you play this shit?

Sure you're old enough to be here?

I know I'm gonna be made fun of for this but I don't give two shits. Rate me gay boys.

i dont even know why look at me is on there, i listened to it three times when it blew up earlier this year

i loved flowerboy, it has been my fav release this year!!!

This is perfect, 10/10 be my friend

Rate mine



I'm not really into Pop-rap though?

my man. serious lack of tomppabeats in this thread

Listened to Tylers new album a couple of times each day during the summer, looks like it messed up my Top songs-list


I would call it rather progressive rock then alternative metal, but whatever :V and actually I listened more to electronic music, but when it comes to listening electro, you listen to many performers, so it is impossible for some DJ to be in top, even if you listen mainly to e.g. DnB or Minimal Techno almost all the time.

Arctic Monkeys. Approved.

Get the fuck back to instagram


>King gizzard
My dude





How to check this?

Go to


Ty ^^


Fucking nailed it nerds

I like you.


nvm I checked out the rest of your top songs/artists