Hey Sup Forums what’s the grossest thing to ever happen to you

hey Sup Forums what’s the grossest thing to ever happen to you
pic fucking related. i had this huge pimple on my ballsack for months and i could never get rid of it so today i finally squeezed it and the hole it left when it popped was so big that i literally turned it inside out while trying to squeeze the pus out. this is only after i pushed most of it back in

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Did you have a sebaceous cyst? Look it up

I had a blob of earwax -- about the size of a big pea -- fall out of my ear. My ear itched a little, I kinda scratched/rubbed it, and this ball rolled out. Onto a conference table. During a department meeting with ~20 other people.

That was pretty gross.

i dont know if it was a cyst all i know is i could literally push this tissue back into my ballsack and it’s gross
pic related if you cant tell it’s fucking smaller now
i’m going to a doctor

i went swimming in a public pool once, and when I got out my right ear was clogged. My parents said it was just water, and that it would clear up in a few hours but it stayed that way for days. I got so fed up with it I started digging around in my ear, and pulled out a tootsie roll wrapper

When I was younger I got impetigo on my right buttock, didn't know what it was and was scared to tell anyone so I just kept putting tissue on the infected area to soak up the puss. After about a month all the skin on my right buttock had fallen off and it was weeping a yellow puss

>The Balls have Eyes
Horror that chills to the boner.

This is called a penis op. Its usually bigger

It's a cyst, I love getting them, if I find one I roll it in my fingers now and again for a few days so it gets nice and ripe, then I pop a hot towel on it to soften up the skin and give it a big old squeeze, I aim to get the fluid and the sack out at the same time

Kek, user got off a good one

last one, i fixed my ballsack so now it’s just a drained pimple-bump now. no more greyish/pink tissue.

now i just have to disinfect this and put a fucking bandage on it

Had an area behind my left ear that wasn't a zit, but felt squishy. It was there for a week or two. Zero progress. I gave up on it, then one afternoon at work I was reading something and absent mindedly gave the area a slight squeeze and realized the palm of my hand was wet. Took a look at it was a mixture of sebum and blood. Retired to the men's room to empty the area. Quite productive. Nearly barfed.

I had a giant cyst on the small of my back a while ago, right on my spine.
Didn't notice it until I scratched an itch, felt a stab of pain and got a hand full of puss to deal with.
It wouldn't have been so bad if I were somewhere where I could get tissues to soak up the puss and the opportunity to wash my hands with soap.
I was in a public park though, so I got a puss smudge on my t-shirt and stinky puss fingers.

lmao thanks for the visual

Mine have been around for years and are hard as fuck, no squeezing can unleash it.

if you don't cut that tissue off, it'll refill eventually. its the cyst sac

Had a massive cyst on my face as a little kid once, my entire right cheek was bloated and I couldn't open my eye. Doctors cut it open from inside my mouth because they didn't want me to go through life with a facial scar. They had to make three cuts because they kept missing and eventualy pulled out a tooth to reach it. They got most of it out but for the rest of that day I had to walk around with a packs of tissues to spit any stray lobs of puss in they couldn't directly squeeze out.
I would have rather have the facial scar than the memory of a mouth full of puss for an entire day.

that was a cyst my friend

man oh man user

>> grossest thing to ever happen to you
I think we have a winner, boyos.

you know im gonna need sources for this information before i take a sharp object anywhere near my nuts. but i will try to google it myself i dunno shit about cysts never had one

I had a tooth die and then it got infected after being drilled. They had put some cotton stuff in there to soak up the puss, but it got lodged into the tooth and started building pressure.
That gave me a fever and a terrible amount of pain, so my parents got me an emergency dentist appointment.
Never have I felt so relieved while tasting puss.
It literally squirted out like a water gun once they removed the blockage, shit felt so good and disgusting at the same time.

When I was on gear I was pinning bad stuff, vials were not sealed or sterilized right, so in the end I had a massive eggplant sized cyst on my ass... Got to the point where I couldn't walk properly cos It was pressing on my muscles, so I had to drain it....

I just wasn't ready for what came out when I sank the needle into it. Puss just fucking exploded all over the place. Had to finish the job with a vacuum pump and a liter of vodka. Happened twice only second time around I got blood poisoning too.

watch some youtube videos by "dr sandra lee" she does cyst extractions all the time and has to cut off the skin sack that you turned inside out.

Someone please post cyst gifs

>Happened twice
You are clearly an intellectual giant.

Dude I had that same thing and it would shed its skin every once in a while. I couldn't show my junk to anyone because it looked nasty.


I saw one and did it, actually thanks because otherwise i wouldnt have known. it looked sketchy at furst but the tissue i cut off didnt hurt at all, it was just hard to exert any force with a pair of tweezers against my nuts

Yeah it did feel mighty satisfying to have the pressure in my face gone and feeling it dissapear. I would have just rather had it they cut it open from outside, would have been less disgusting, just as satisfying, the operation would have been less of a pain because it's hard to miss from outside, and it would have given me a cool scar to boot.


Yeah I get that, having a cool face scar would have been preferable.
I was just happy my face didn't feel like it was about to explode anymore.