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Trying again.

finally. I was almost bored of trawling the sea of shitty threads, bait and increasingly inane "post a chick and others say what she would do" dumbassery

Well we can't have you getting bored, now can we.

So what would you do to this sweet deer-boi?

shave his hair :^)
for real though, if it looks like longer fur or at least matches the patterns/colours, I'm fine with it, but 99% of those just look so out of place

also, I would ask him why he's got a killer teddy bear

wonder if he would just look like a human with a weirdly shared skull and legs, after being shaved.
The teddy is cute.

see, this is the thing I prefer. looking more natural and whatnot.
I understand that most people commission their OCs with hair to make them more human, but to me it hits uncanny valley, because said OC is already a bipedal talking animal with humanoid features, and adding emo hair to it is just plain fucking dumb.



said emo hair?

How ya doing Zary?




sniff sniff

i'm okay, have an ultrasound today and just had a shower

how about yourself

why you having ultrasound?

feeling lazy today, hope I can convince myself to go to the gym before they close.

because of an infection in my left epididymis that came back after a few months
it's not gonna be fun having cold gel on my balls

i feel lazy every day, hopefully that works out for you

That really sound like a shit thing to have. Hope it goes away, and the gel isn't too cold.


it has been a painful ride, random inconsistent sharp pain in my left testicle for the last 5 months even after being through antibiotics twice is pretty annoying
i may have to go on another round of antibiotics still, but i won't know that until after a doctor's appointment on monday

They found out why the infection started?

not a clue, and i have no idea either
maybe it was because i didn't clean myself well enough somehow?

it's not like i've been having sex with anyone in the last 3 years now, so that couldn't be it

a miniscule small scratch perhabs, doesn't even have to be about hygiene. Hope it's gone.

drink mead, lots and lots of mead! better than antibiotics.

3 years, eh? where's nib nib so he can come call you a bragging chad.

it may have been, not sure how i got a scratch on my epididymis though

i've got some rum, but no mead

nibi's just an actor, but his character is pretty obsessed with 'woe is me' and whatnot, it's all just for attention

Maybe it started somewhere and moved from there. dunno, no doctor.

Gotta be mead, the honey is the important part. just more powerfull in mead than normal honey.

People can be who they want, as long they don't hurt others.

i was thinking that at first, it could have just been something bad circulating around and getting stuck there

not sure how i'm gonna get mead, or make it in my current situation

i'm fine with him acting, that's whatever, but i won't feed into his illusion

online somewhere? borrow a car and roadtrip! oh wait, you will take several hours going from one place to another.

How can you let someone just starve?

well, it's more so the acquisition of things, and i can't drive plus i'm lazy

depends on how starved they are, if it's attention then i don't really care but if it's food i'll toss them a bite to eat


Thought everyone drove over in ameri-land and areas near it.
You can be lazy while going to fetch some booze. just complain the entire time about how bothersome this is. What I usually do.

hmm.. I might toss a bite to eat to my dog, but he's not starved. don't give other people food. not that I see any starving people.

Tried to get the holiday blend.from wawa on the way home but they were out.

i don't have a license or a car
i mean, i can get booze from the LCBO easily enough but i don't have money so i can't really get any a lot of the time

Its okay autismo, we still love you

some guy attacked some islamic people in my town and the people trying to defend islam make me laugh pretty hard

libcucks, y0

i added my two cents and now i'm gonna wait for all the 'you're a bigot!' replies

but the q

but the queue keeps kicking me*

But mah islam is regizion of piss, we no hurtz peepulz!!

people shouldn't be attacked for what they think, only for their actions if those actions hurt others.

Friday night at damn last.

Only friday evening so far.

It's dark outside and it's not the morning, that makes it night in my book.


Are your delicate sensibilities offended?

nope, just my pedo senses tingling

How awful.


This is pretty damn ded.


know your cpr, and mouth to mouth?


are you in an otter heaven?

Damn right.
Otters were my old avatars.

otters suck

Filthy lies.

What's the new avatars?

one of the things that makes otters gay, no?

I don't really have new avatars. I don't post enough to bother cropping out a whole new folder of them.

that was uncomfortable to be at

As cold as expected? no cute nurse to fondle your balls while making awkward eye contact?

it's a tough life

Other people want to improve their surroundings, their lives. Why don't I?

maybe you're satisfied with how it is, or just can't be bothered to do change anything.

yea that's what it's like to have a country that spans a continent; turns out it takes a while to get anywhere.

Because you're content, don't like change or risk?

it was pretty cold but no ball fondling was had, she just used that wand thing they use and applied a lot of pressure with it, i thought she was gonna crush my balls like eggs
didn't feel awkward though since it's health stuff and it's her job, she didn't seem to mind

No results or info right away?

as far as i know it's still a bacterial infection, my doctor will have more info for me when i go to my appointment on monday with him

the results was he was a massive faggot

We all knew that, tho.

Why do you faggots never post fembois, the only good g/fur?

Not all, thought he was gay, maybe just a regular sized faggot.

Hope it's good news

why don't you?

I do, but these 'g' threads seem to only post fat fucks

it's like neither of you have spent any time looking at data and get all your hot terrorist related opinions from fox

got rocks and sticks in your brain or somethin bud?

Post more fembois, then

Other people seem to want to buy things, put up nice framed pictures of people or whatever, but I could easily (and probably would if I was single) live in a white box, granted I had at least a bed, fridge, microwave, and laptop.
I have never been able to summon motivation for university, nor found any interest in a vocation. The only impetus left is money, and I cannot find a reason to earn much more than I already make if I'm not interested in buying stuff all the time.


I suppose, essentially, that I need very few services, and don't have any particular interest in offering any.

really joggins my noggin

the data shows islam is a religion that thrives off destroying culture and it hasn't gone through reforms to stop that, it's the same as it was 500+ years ago, you don't need any 'news outlets' to figure that out

there are people that don't do things like pray 5 times a day, etc. but they still follow a religion based off of the word of a guy that said to kill everyone that isn't muslim, even if they don't follow it to a full extent, not trying to defend any other religion but at least the more popular ones in western society has actually made reforms

I know the rut feeling all too well.
University is worth it, though. If only so you can get a bit of money out of a job and live a comfy life. Or more comfy than otherwise.

Uhoh, we have a libtard
Imagine defending someone who would throw you off a building if they had the chance

i just don't believe that people should tolerate an intolerant culture

Liberalism is a mental illness

i disagree with that

i think of it as kinda like a very viral cold that's enforced because apparently you're sick if you're not sick

if that makes sense

it could also be a meme, in the idea sense, not the funny maymay sense

liberalism is an exaggeration of "let's all just get along" that turned into reality because being anything but spineless is somehow considered insensitive in $CURRENTYEAR

Well PoE starts in 10 minutes
Sooooo 18 hours of gaming or so

It started as "Lets all get along" but turned into "if you don't get along and agree to our twisted definition of "common sense", we'll force you to tow the line with social pressure, we'll guilt you with all the talking heads on TV, we'll call you homophobes and bigots, and we'll publically shame you. If that fails, we'll vote for legislation that forces you to tow the line at government gunpoint."

Ironically, liberals claim to hate fascists, but they themselves are the only ones that seem to really embody the fascist ideology.

well, unfortunately 'let's all just get along' is never going to happen because people just naturally don't get along with everyone and everything unless you get some sort of brain implant that blocks emotion and thought, then the world kinda would be like the movie Equilibrium and that would suck


yeah, well
tolerance should be earned, not enforced by the governments, even though those who we are supposed to tolerate hate us and would rather see us dead if there were no major repercussions

buddy, it's incredibly irresponsible of you to put the phrase "the data shows" in front of a string of unsubstantiated opinions. how much of an effect do you think the colonial west has had on the politics of the middle east? what about UK weapons companies pulling in $8bn off arms sales to the fucking Sauds in Yemen? or the US destabilizing Iraq in the name of Bush family grudges?

leave you with a quote from robert pape, a political science doctorate at chicago.
robert pape: "The central fact is that overwhelmingly suicide-terrorist attacks are not driven by religion as much as they are by a clear strategic objective: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland."

and one more i guess since i got to the end

"TAC: What do you think the chances are of a weapon of mass destruction being used in an American city?

RP: I think it depends not exclusively, but heavily, on how long our combat forces remain in the Persian Gulf. The central motive for anti-American terrorism, suicide terrorism, and catastrophic terrorism is response to foreign occupation, the presence of our troops. The longer our forces stay on the ground in the Arabian Peninsula, the greater the risk of the next 9/11, whether that is a suicide attack, a nuclear attack, or a biological attack."

would you like some examples of intolerance in all world religions? i could find more than i can ever process.


can you guys post some bondage/bdsm? my folder is a little shy at the moment


it's not opinion that Islam is the way it is, the idea of it hasn't changed. government intervention on affairs in the middle east didn't have anything to do with the religion, it had things to do with their own governments or money

it's clearly to do with their religion, as they haven't gone through religious reforms at all, and even then i'm not going to believe a 'political science doctorate' and what they say, i'm going to believe what's actually happening

i know that there's plenty of intolerance in all world religions, but the largest and most obvious offender is Islam

i'm not trying to argue with you, but i disagree with you and clearly a lot of other people on this topic, Islam shouldn't be tolerated so long as it has had no reforms


is this the guy from the discord server who names all of his pictures?

I'm not on any discord server. so answer is no.