In army AIT on quarters. I'm bored as hell and can't go anywhere. MoS is 14G

In army AIT on quarters. I'm bored as hell and can't go anywhere. MoS is 14G.


Fucking POG

mop your fucking floor before you get demoted


I bet you had a pussy ass basic training huh

I have a 2:1 kd in csgo. What's my enlist rank?

Yeah I know. I like the job though.

No point. We have fight club in here and the tiles get fucked up every night. It wasn't to bad. Harder for the younger guys but I was okay.

What do you do as a 14G? 11B asking.

Jesus Christ son is that your fucking cot?Your bed looks like shit and your floor is fucking filthy. If I was your DS and I saw that shit I would make you run PT until you shit your pants. Holy fuck.

forgot pic

Why are you on here when you should be sitting in a chair waiting for lil Kim to throw rocks at us?

Its Ada but we have a higher SC. Basically we operate the sentinels and ironically enough work with FA and 11B depending on deployment. I'm going to Syria.

They have zero discipline now. Bunch of lazy fucks now a days

Its AIT. I'm still learning.

You're in Fort Sill, aren't you?

I just moved up here and I agree. No one upstairs has any discipline. I'm actually staying on the papa and hotel side waiting for more golfs to graduate. Upstairs is hell.

Fort Sill is where I wanted to go but they sent me to Fort Bliss instead. I hate it here.

Army is gay now. I hate it. Can't wait to GTFO

Clearly. Goddamn. You always hear about these young shits getting it too easy now and wonder how much of it is true. We're so fucking doomed. Good thing we have drones. Pictured here: A proper bunk

That's how mine looked a few days ago before I was moved. The linen here is a solid square shape and hard to get right.

As for being doomed you're probably right. My battery is really bad when it comes to discipline even though our platoon sergeants are very good and work hard.

I think it will work out though.

Navy here. Just got out in July. Nothing better than a nice tight rack haha

why does your bed look like shit. and put your dress shoes in a box dumbass.