Ok boyz, i need your help. I need to find this location. All iknow is that its in London UK

Ok boyz, i need your help. I need to find this location. All iknow is that its in London UK.

All tips appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:


If you walk around London, Britain you should be able to find it.

Captcha: Hipsheim Street

Did consider it, but takes too long.

cant read the sign. that would be your only chance.

www and .com is easy, the stuff in the middle is hard.

it has a fucking website on bottom of sign?

indeed, but its written in a way thats make it allmost impossible to read.



lol thanks faggot

2 Farmer Street
London, W8 7SN

It took three seconds, you fucking retarded bastard. All I did was search the website url on the chalkboard.


You're welcome.

Whoever craks it wins the day.

Close but no sigar. Simple google maps shows its the wrong location.

Why do you even want to find this place? Open up, autbot

Spot found!

op is a rapist, probably for the woman in the middle /thread


Cause felicity

That's in W8 fuckstick.

That's the place, pay the man, OP

Wow, that's pathetic

he's trying to re-trace her steps, licking the entire path she traveled

sssh, dont tell them the secret, now the place will be all licked by others ;(

Thanks Sup Forumsrothers if anyone can identiy the rest of the pictures in the article i would be happy. In the mean time enjoy some Teen monroe butt.


2 Farmer Street
London, W8 7SN

The sign says Geales, established 1939