I pick my nose and eat it, ask me anything

I pick my nose and eat it, ask me anything

why do you have a pic of the, RA posted?

idk unrelated pic i had lying around

are you Irish?

Is your name Matthew?

Which ones are your favorite?

why do you eat your nose?

Yeah, Irish-Scottish

No it's Brian

The crusty ones, don't like em when they get too wet/slobbery cuz then it just makes a mess. Sometimes you'll get ones that are almost like rocks forming in your nose, thems the best.

how does a guy know if a girl likes him al ittle and also why are people such assholes and self absorbed and crazy and mean sometimes

Well at least you're not into traps.

do you like the chunky snot or the liquid snot better?

do you pick your nose?

Well idk about the girl your wonderin about in particular but if I were you I'd talk to her friends, maybe theyd' drop you some hints. Sometimes a girl will even get her friends to go out of their way to imply that the original girl likes ya cuz she might be too shy. You just need to find out

Thats gross

Chunky/Crusty ones


do you eat it?


good to know

which country were you born and raised in... Ireland or Scotland?

like your boogers?

incorrect. you eat your boogers we call you "Sticky"


Question: pics or it didn't happen. Why haven't you posted the full album, time and date write-stamped, you picking out a good one, a close up, maybe a gif...then the big munch-munch? We're waiting. And if what you say is true, I'm sure you're hungry by now.

Glasgow Scotland born and raised.

When will our day come?


Fucking chavs, wish they all died.

When we march on London


just becuz

Lol fucking pussy ass guns