I wrecked my first car today

I wrecked my first car today..
Drop memes, comfy pics or car wreck greentext stories to make me feel better.

Are airbags soft?

unleaded fuel can't melt steel reinforcing beams

Looks like a shit car. What, for taurus? You did yourself a favour

But it can weaken steel badly.
(I was repairing a burnt down car, and it just felt apart on first roadbump.)

I really didnt feel them

It was a 2003 Taurus yeah. It was a really good car. Didn;t had any major problems

>I wrecked my first car today..
>wrecked my first

So you're planning to wreck more cars in the future?

Nice driving newfag


Is it repairable?


>>be me, trippingfag that got to party late, had to work the next day, and candyflipped anyways. So Dodge had just done a major redesign on their front grilles in ram trucks, nice vertically aligned chrome strips, almost looked like, teeth.

>>yeah I ran off the road to avoid this man eating monster rapidly approaching me and hit a head tree, which fell on the car. A Subaru justy 4wd. Dented the front bumper, caved the roof in, and cracked the rear window.drove out of there and made work on time.

Dead, sorry

No, it is not repairable. Just wasted a lot of sandpaper and paint...
It was my friend's car and someone put it on fire. Surprisingly, insurance company paid the whole car price (2000$) and didn't took the car. And we decided to fix it. But we failed. After all, we sold motor, transmission, they were in good shape... And he bought another shitbox.

What about OP's car? Is there any hope for it?

By the looks of it you didnt lose much

I don't have a car anymore. Plus I'll get fucked by insurance companies for years.
I also got a citation


happened about 2 years ago
>be at party of girl I know
>good buddy of mine is there as well, I've know him for at least 15 years
>we're all pretty drunk at around 3am or so
>he decides he should head home
>I recall that he arrived by car and ask him how he's going to get home
>"by car, user. What do you think?"
>I asked if he didn't just wanna stay and maybe sleep on the couch, girl said its no problem if anyone wants to stay anyways
>he says he wants to sleep at home
>I keep trying to convince him to stay
>he agrees, I invite him back to drinking
>a few mins later, he's gone
>I ask if anyone saw him, someone claims they saw him leave through the front door
>mfw I go look outside and his car is gone

The fucking idiot fell asleep at the wheel and steered right in front of a wall, 5 months of coma, car absolutely trashed

he got his license back a month ago...

I got a new phone in the meantime, don't have any pics of the car on my new one or on my pc

My first (and only) car crash (so far)

>be me
>got my driver license 6 months ago approximately
>goes for a walk everyday in the forest
>forest is a 5 minute drive away
>don't have my car at the time so I take my mom's
>She wants to come with me this time
>I get in the passenger seat
>"Why don't you drive"
>I was basically her chauffeur at the time, everytime we went somewhere she'd always insist that I drive even if I really didn't want to
>"Come on please I'm tired"
>inner me "if you're so tired why are you coming for a walk through a forest that was a major WWI battlefield and is still nothing but craters with trees in them?"
>bitch me "Fine"
>I take the wheel
>I could drive there with my eyes closed if not for my mother acting like I'm going to kill us both everytime the road isn't perfectly straight
>stress levels critical
>arrive to one of the last intersections, a weird T shaped one with the main road taking a 90° turn but you still have to let people who come from in front of you go before you
>car comes from in front
>blinkers indicate it's going to turn
>do I have time?
>enter jimmy neutron mode
>after intense calculations I conclude I have enough time to go before the other car and not stop
>I go
>mom freaks out
>I hesitate and slow down
>now I don't have time to go or to stop in time
>"Why didn't you accelerate user?"

On the bright side I don't drive her around anymore.

Looks repairable, but structure is damaged and it means, that after repair crumple zones will not crumple correctly, and it will cause injuries. That is why you shouldn't buy cars, that were in accidents, where structure was damaged.


>be me...over 1,000,000 miles, never had a wreck
>yes, had some speeding tickets
>because I'm not a fuckin kek.

Some comfy

no, a good friend would have taken his keys

>driving license for 2 months
>mom's car
>first trip outside the city, in january, to future college
>my mom's birthday
>gotta go fast
>it's snowing
>a wild truck appears!
>dashed to the side of the road, hit the embankment
>damaged the car from all sides, everybody got out safe, car was deemed inrepairable
>mom loved this car so I borrowed some money to repair it anyway
>over time it turned to be my own car
>changed and renovated gearbox TWICE
>sold it last year finally
>instantly blocked the number of the new owner
>it's their problem now

i hated the car, I barely fited inside as I'm 6"4