What are you all drinking tonight?

What are you all drinking tonight?
Any alcoholics here? Suicidal?

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A couple shots in already. Anyone wanna join?

craft beer
seasonal craft beer
yes and yes

Rum + white monster, shits good. Got some Crown, Schnapps and redbull (Vegas bomb) for later. Yes I guess you could say I'm suicidal, I'm stuck here for another 8+ years. I promised my dog he'd have a happy and long life when I rescued him, he was very badly beaten and had mange head to toe with almost no hair on him. It was before my life fell apart, it's just him and I now. Gonna uphold my promise then I'm out.


you know dogs are pretty good at moving around, right?

That’s a good boy

Holy fuck another shit grade brandy jpg... I feel bad for you.

Chardonnay and no

No bad dream fucker's gonna boss me around...


an ice cold

Beam but i already drank it all, thinkin about goin for the mouthwash


what are you doing

King cobra 40 oz. I just polished off a bottle of jager and attempted to play rainbow six seige and now I'm here
>yes and yes

drinking piss and posting about it

You better fucking take care of him or I’ll find you and kill you.

Had mange all over....beaten only 3 months old. Couldn't be a better doge. Everyday I wanna blow my brains out but....idk this dog deserves a good life and I don't trust any other shitty fuckin human to give him their all. I really do look forward to dying though, the pain ending would be great. Alcohol helps.


gf broke up with me, i literally want to die

go back to Sup Forums fag


Bro you have no idea. I'm changing my career for him so I can literally spend every single day with him. Hopefully I'm successful and it starts in Feb. We'll see the country together, I'll be able to make great money and I'm hopeful to be able to quit and just survive for his last couple of years and just travel and live out our last days.

Jack on the rocks. Yes and no.

Can you play The Well Tempered Clavier?

my man!! i just started trying brandy ive always been a whiskey guy with occasional rum but brandy aint bad

This might make your night better if you’re not drunk and can still drive go Xmas light looking with your dog with Xmas music playing. Did it last night with my Yorkie and was fun as hell

Your damn right im drinkin! Me and my bud are taking shots as we play games. No and no, just a pasion.

you're doing the right thing. keep it up and keep yourself healthy enough to give him a good long life.

Bud light. Craft beer is a dying fad. Wonder what will be popular next, hope it's suicide.

I may give that a try tomorrow night. I am too far gone right now, and I am insanely over protective of him. No go tonight, not safe.

Yeah, I'm only 29 health wise I'm fine. I'll make it another 8-10 years for him. Its a battle in my mind of wanting to die and hoping he pushes me to to live as long as possible I'll suffer through this I just want him to have the longest and happiest life possible.

Seriously though, if no one has tried rum + white monster its fucking amazing.

craft beer wont die while im around!


not suicidal. just drink enough so the wife doesn't drive me crazy. if I've had a few, i don't give a shit and we don't fight. helps me let that little shit go.

may give that rum and white monster a go. usually drink my shit straight but that sounds good

Stupid fucking faggot. It’s just called beer.

got 4 steel reserve and some weed.

hey fuck you

You mean you don't like root beer ginger IPAs with hints of spaghetti sauce and roasted garlic?

There are few types of people more insufferable than beer connoisseurs.


Craft beer is for people who are too embarrased to get drunk

I legit hate most mixed drinks like that, Vegas Bomb's and my own idea of the white monster (its for diabetics) and rum is amazing. Other wise its just straight whiskey for me.

16 months sober here. Fucked my entire life up and lost everything because of alcoholism.

I like craft beer
> twirls waxed mustache

>craft beer
>23 y/o

just drink main stream beer. far cheaper and damn near the same taste.

Hating on craft beer has become trendier than drinking it. Hopefully this rustles a few johnathons

Good job user! I'm going on 2 weeks

Thanks it's been rough.

Am I the only one who looks forward to these threads on the weekend? It's like being at a bar with the most down to earth people. I appreciate you guys as much as I hate you guys

Drinking Screech. Sad but not suicidal.

Mmmm just think about how nice it would be to have a bottle of suds, user. Just one drink won't hurt. C'mon, it's just beer. Just stick to beer and you'll be fine.

It's called moderation. No such thing as alcoholism. You choose to do what you do, not a bottle and control yourself. Your probably addicted to something else now like the internet or reading.

$7 boxed wine from aldi.
alcoholics go to meetings. i'm a drunk.

Funny funny. But if I was gonna drink anything it would be hard liquor. Just have no desire for it anymore.

If you're drinking Screech, you're suicidal.

usually all i drink is straight whiskey nothing is better than that slight burn as it goes down

I know what moderation is but when I drink the definition goes out the window.

What Should I have next Sup Forums?

>no desire
Maybe not at the moment. But you will... you will

;-) buy canadian

You ever suck him off?


Fuck off faggot

Well my used to be go to favorite is in the very bottom right hand corner.

Ironically, this is a clear sign that someone is not an alcoholic.


Ooo this this

Gibsons Venerable 18yr Rye Whiskey



Girl in the LCBO told me that you don't need to worry about the guys buying bottles of liquor, but rather, the guys waiting out front in the morning to buy two tallboys with spare change.

I'm with him. Jager! That was about all I drank when I did drink. I just don't want it in my life anymore.

drank that one time with some buddies. good times

gimmie a sec

Done with beer for the night.

Exactly. There's no fucking way that collection would last more than a week with me.

so time for whiskey?

Coke zero and Georgi Blue 100 proof vodka, about 18 ounces of it, every night for the last year.

Massively depressed but not suicidal. I think suicide is fucking dumb.

Shit man, mix that with a slice of lemon and splash of ribena.


usually a good follow up to beer...

Having a good Friday night.

I was drinking some vodka and cranberry because I'm all out of weed. Spent the night planning a possible threesome with a married couple :o will be my first ffm or threesome at all and I'm nervous

A good drink.

>done with beer and onto water
Your post filled me with an irrational anger.

Well, if trips insist, I'll add a little scotch to my seltzer water.

Threesomes are fun, but only with wwm...

Bitch stout, boiiii

cinnamon dont set good try this

Ffm is wwm


Women would say differently, methinks

there ya go b/ro

Drinking absinthe for the first time tonight. French import, Absente. Any good?

That's what it will be. I'm a little nervous as I've never been with another woman but they both seem super chill. And they sent me tons of videos, they basically fuck like pornstars. I feel like a lamb going to slaughter lmao but I know they'll make sure I enjoy myself.

Depends on the woman.

I smell a troll

>be me
>first drink ever at 21 so I'm a lightweight
>christmas eve party with the family
>get absolutely sloshed on tarantula tequila
>party winds down, crash on the couch
>visions of sugar plums dancing in everybody's heads
>huge exhibitionist, decide this is perfect opportunity
>get naked, take a stroll through the neighborhood
>midnight air rushing over my naked skin
>decide to see if I can break my record for longest jaunt.


Nope, honest question. Thoughts?


Nice, dude. I've got the 18 year.

lol maybe you should film it, it never last forever and you can't do this shit everyday bro

about to shake update pending