Help me out Sup Forumsros I can't get a boner

Help me out Sup Forumsros I can't get a boner

you need the proper tools




You've probably been fapping too much lately. After about a week of nofap it's pretty easy to get an erection


You see I haven't been jacking off in 3 days and now my junk ain't workin'

I usually fap once every 1-2 days

I'm going with this user.
Take a long hike on a day in the near future with good weather. That gets your lymphs running again.


Raped herself

Okay, that's strange. You're not old, are you? My young libido is pretty active

Emma Watson leaked

Uff, it went right up in there

I'm 23
This only happend to me when I was 19 and had to take antidepressants.

I've been into stuff like this before, but only on weird days when for some reason normal porn/hentai doesn't cut it

Pretty boring, considering what 3d animation s actually capable of

Well, it can be caused by many things
Honestly, if you're not feeling it tonight, try sleeping on it and seeing how you feel tomorrow night

I can't imagine not being into it.

For me, it is normal.

I don't see it as a fetish. I see it as natural.

When did you first find yourself interested is stuff like this?
Something nasty like this will make me bust pretty hard, then and feel really weird about it afterwards.

You should try to dog sit for someone, lol.

I've busted in a dog's mouth once, and it was fantastic. Damn, I'd love to be alone with that dog again. It's all about communicating with body language, and letting the dog know that this is something that really pleases you and that you are grateful for, and which takes skill for the dog to learn to do. Make the dog understand that you would greatly appreciate if it would give you the gift of helping you cum. I think the dog likes all of this as well, it loves being useful and being cherished.

Um, but I've gotten way off track and ahead of myself.

I'm not sure when I first was interested in this stuff. But I've been on a journey of discovering and uncovering the ethical natures of the things society shuns and shuts out.


Me? Dogsit? Nah, for me it's mostly hentai of girls with fogs that gets me hard

But if I'm being 100% honest here, I have had one experience with a dog, and i don't plan on ever doing something like it again

anyone have that lewd scene with miranda cosgrove?