Questions for flat earthers: What’s the big deal if it’s flat? Who would care? Why cover it up?

Questions for flat earthers: What’s the big deal if it’s flat? Who would care? Why cover it up?

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The Earth being flat proves that god created Earth in his image and the Jews want to lead the sheeple astray from god's light

How, exactly, would it prove that?

bored mentally ill white people who need a purpose in life so they latch on to retarded conspiracy theories

That's the big question they never answer, isn't it... some massive, world-wide coverup for 5 centuries for... reasons.

You can charter a plane and fly around the world with the sun always in front of you and end where you started. It's trivial to prove even with your own observations, unlike God.

meant for

Flat earth is actually demonstrable proof of our failed education system.

When did god say the earth is flat and how is the earth his image? Thought humans were his image

>There are people who believe the earth is a giant sphere held up by nothing in the middle of ""Space"" which is infinitely expanding across ""billions"" of light years
And flat earth is the dumb theory? Kek

>held up by nothing
I thought you flat-tards didn't believe in gravity...

Well... 877 is a troll, but there are those who interpret some allegorical references to vast tracts of land as accurate descriptions on the Earth.

Pic related

its funny how they think its all of a sudden the jews fooling people to think the earth is round. If youre christian, you are technically admitting that jews are gods chosen people. So either way, if you believe the earth is flat or not, you still believe jews are gods chosen people.

Either way, if you really believe earth is flat, why dont you just kill yourself

>its funny how they think its all of a sudden the jews fooling people to think the earth is round.

Those aren't flat-Earthers. Those are Sup Forumstard trolls.

1. The bible has been translated so many times that to argue over such small details is fucked
2. Quoting the bible as a source of scientific fact is fucked
3. I dont care if you believe in god or not. if you have any actual grasp on physics then you would see that in order for flat earth to be real alot of physics would have to be wrong or a lie to hide a flat earth

Congratulations. You've discovered the obvious.

To everyone that thinks the world is flat.. If the world is flat. How could there be hills or mountains, wouldn't it just be a flat plain?

Actually, there would still be mountains, hills, and still yet plains. There are two very powerful pieces of evidence that breaks the flat earth theory.

1. While standing atop any of the highest peaks, you would be able to see at least the nearest large landmarks from them. For example, if the world were flat, you would be able to see Hawaii from the westernmost peaks of the Rockies.

2. Timezones. There is absolutely no explanation within the Flat Earth Theory that accounts for Time Zones. If the Earth were flat, it would be either day or night everywhere. However, time zones account for time differences in different locations. For example, when the sun has gone down in North Carolina at 6 pm during the winter, the sun is still positioned for mid-afternoon in California.


So many sheep believing the Jewish Sphere Conspiracy.

Eclipses would be straight lines if the earth was actually a globe and not flat.

>bad troll is bad

Kyrie Irving ain't white. He's a fuckin' homey!


That's what I'm talkin' about:
>So many sheep believing the Jewish Sphere Conspiracy.

>Eclipses would be straight lines if the earth was actually a globe and not flat.
Pic related.

I agree with this guy no reason to fake it no evidence to back the claim

They’re mentally ill people.

>2. Timezones.

That's a "meh" neophyte's argument. They say the Sun (and Moon) revolve around the north pole (sans explanation of what mechanism makes this possible, or how the light from the Sun doesn't follow the distance-squared rule for fading, etc...).

There's *so much more* you could pick from, I'd recommend dropping this form your toolbag of arguments.

longer than that Pythagoras first theorized the planet was spherical around 500 bc

I dont really believe that the earth is flat but i do argee with some the facts that point out about what we have been shown to be a lie.

What an idiot you are. Jesus was supposed to come and rule with the jews. The jews rejected him. The jews killed Jesus, and had him crucified by Pontius Pilate.
So no snowflake, the jews are not god's chosen people anymore.

Hitler did nothing wrong they said

If the earth was flat you’d be able to see mt Everest with a telescope


The Earth looks flat, but it's a globe, a globe so big it looks flat. That's it.

Try putting an ant over a big beach ball and ask him if the ball is flat or round. He'll answer "it's flat" because ants are really dumb animals

>Why cover it up?

All of our science would be disproven and our physicists and astronomers outed as fakes. Space would be extremely different on a flat earth. And I fucking hate when retards bring up the "lel but wut if u w4lk 2 de edje" because it takes two seconds to google the FE answer to that

Only babbys believe in fairy tales made 3000 years ago by sheep herders barely one step above cave men. organized religion is fake, and nobody knows god's intensions. But like most mentally ill people , you hold on to the belief, since you have so much time invested in it even though it is utter nonsense.

You aren't brave enough to let go. You don't have the guts.

The jews invented christianity and they also beleive in god.

I have a book full of theories on FE and one of them states that we get our heat AND light from the Earth. If space is a vacuum and void that prevents movement, how can anything, even light get to us from through the vacuum? And how would astronauts travel if it's a vacuum? Protip: space is a hoax

This guy gets it.

whats underneath the flat earth?


>god is flat af

>some the facts that point out about what we have been shown to be a lie.
I'm assuming you mean in regards to a flat Earth, so... such as... ?

You're a great example of the reason I hope mankind dies out.

Researchers are just too poor to even afford coach.

>protip: you can see the curvature of earth.

they can use it as ane xcuse to make money

Space and time bend around massive objects.

The earth is flat, it isn't flat: it doesn't matter.

It will always appear round

Cover it up, because to admit the world is flat would mean all those space launches and moon landings are a lie and they would have to admit to it

If the Earth is flat that means it is not natural, and was engineered. Why cover it up depends on the intent of creating it in the first place.

>Why would they lie?
Great question, I'm glad you asked.

>implying you can't have gravity without a sphere


So round or flat... Either way, travel should be possible. Why make up a round Earth if you could travel and explore just as well on a flat Earth? We could travel to the underside to see waht's there. There's still the Moon we could travel to. So why fake the world is round?

scientists have no answer for this. it's why they had no choice but to fake the moon landings. Scientism and it's science priests are falling

>Because the snarky tones of a few basement-dwelling YouTube video makers are all so much more credible than the millions of people whose lives and livelihoods rely on the round Earth model *being correct*.

Waaait aholdit. Don't have an answer to *what*?

Same to you

If mass attracts mass, why hasn't this been conclusively demonstrated yet? Drop two objects in identical conditions, one with an enormous mass above it, that one should fall measurably slower, even if slightly, it should be simple enough to observe and replicate the experiment. Good thing this experiment has never yet been successful in supporting the theory of gravity.

So... do we have any genuine true flat-Earth believers here?

>Measurably slower
Compare the mass difference between that object and the earth.

It's so negligible that it would actually be measurable.

Aside from the fact that your experiment has flaws (such as not providing any values for how much mass would be needed to see the effect), I refer you to an experiment that has been repeated over and over: the Cavendish Experiment.

Nah, just on the fence

Actually, those 'few FE youtubers' and their viewers are numbered are in the millions, and grow daily. So much so, that the most popular have been targeted for fairly blatant subscriber and viewer count deletion/censorship.

Radiation from the sun needs no medium to transfer its energy to us. Thermal energy transfers through convection (circulation through gas or water), conduction(contact between two objects), and radiation which simply put passes through whatever allows it to continue moving. The energy given off by the sun is radiation. It simply gets to our atmosphere where the ozone layer takes as much of the lethal radiation as it can, and the rest of the energy keeps the earth warm and our skies bright.

I came on here to make a Discworld joke. But I see so many others already made it. Thank fucking god. I can now go to sleep happy.

So people do know that the ancient Greeks knew the earth was round thousands of years ago right?

That's very sad. I'm sorry to hear that it has become socially acceptable and even popular to be vapid and require cotton candy for brain fodder.

I don't really care how many YouTumors there are making shit up. It's still shit.

>Thank fucking god.
I think that's "Thank fucking gods."

Good for you, now you can feel smug on this topic without having to do any research on why there's a revival of flat earth awareness online.

How does the flaat earth explain meteorites or asteroids? Does God get bored and starts playing darts with us or wtf?

So what it the most compelling argument that you have heard that the Earth is flat?

Please - not one that says there are conspiracies, doctored photos, and that Earth "looks flat." Rather, what proof that the Earth *is* flat?


Research is faggot for nignorance.

Different user here, but thanks - I suspect Iwon't need to do further research to feel smug about bashing Flat-Earth idiots. I am prepared to explain whatever you'd like, right now.

Here's my favorite:
Go for it.

I appreciate your feelings, and wish you well, as your cognitive dissonance has caused you to ignore any evidence to the contrary of your held beliefs, such as the youtube link that you didn't want to comment on, as it reveals the measures being taken to prevent the truth from spreading.

I can sum it up for you pretty simply
>The earth is not flat, it is a ball
>Therefore evolution is the only acceptable theory to current life on the Earth
>Therefore there is no creator or viable religion
>The masses are gripped by toxic nihilism and fear without direction or true purpose
>Believing they are made from star dust, a pointless speck of existence among the never ending cosmos
(We are seeing this in day to day society, the degeneracy)
>They fear no God, as to them God cannot exist because of space and physics
>They have no knowledge of the consequences of their actions, as to them their actions have no consequences because they go back to being dust once dead
>Everyone on Earth is going to hell because of their actions, even though it "isn't their fault" "because they were mislead" they know what they were doing and people have been trying to wake them up all along but they refuse to open their mind
What do the powers that be have to gain from this?
>Satan told humanity two big lies in the Bible: that knowledge of good and evil would not kill them and convincing them he doesn't exist
>All of what I have spelled out above is Satan convincing humanity he doesn't exist
>Satan gains the undying devotion and soul of anyone who goes through the modern educational system
NASA has released 0 undoctored images of space or Earth from space EVER

>plebs still thinking gravity is more than a theory
>electromagnetic force attracts everything togethenot gravity

Yes. I agree

here's a start:

have a bonus, I call it "Bubbles in Space":

All I have ever heard (and your videos are not the first rodeos I've been on) are deceptions or misconceptions about events and experiments and results. Misinterpretations whether intentional or not are the mainstay of these videos. They all have that in common.

What I have *not* seen in any flat earth video, is a proof of why the Earth is supposed to be flat. The closest we ever see are explanations of how a flat Earth *could* explain a particular phenomenon or structure, but they all have flaws when related information is added.

That is why I am not watching your video. I don't need to see another liar telling me about how I'm being lied to. I want to see a proof. That I'll watch.

WHat is the arrow supposed to be showing me

Ah... so it all comes down to faith. Not proof. Just faith.

That's okay.

But what turns my crank is when people come up with crank explanations that are horribly flawed, but they dupe sheep into believing the lies. Faith doesn't require explanation. Period.

i think maybe with this non fucking sense about believing that the earth is flat just because fuck you and everyone alse, people can actually realize that religion is exactly the same thing: a colective atack to most basic use of razon

hey fuckface see the tilt in your picture? at that angle, how much more of a tilt until the oceans spill? that's the big deal. you don't get it because you're a round-earthed fool.

No it just proof that the human being is irracional by nature. even some of the smartest scientist (and this is a fact) believe in god (as irracional as believing that the earth is flat) So aparently education is not such a strong factor for humans to be stupid, at least not in all cases


Here's a photo pf Lake Ponchetrain from sea level. Your video claims to show no curvature. Because it shows the causeway from above. So its a deception. The coast guard cutter in the distance? It's bouncing up and down due to waves. Do you not see it virtually disappear as it goes into troughs? What would help is, if the ocean were nice and calm. But the video is deceptive. It wants to make you think you're seeing bad info. Or it doesn't even offer an explanation, and lets your own bias conjure your own delusion.

Bubbles in Space? You have got to be kidding. What are you seeing? And how does it prove a flat Earth?

Awright! We're hearing from the drunks in the back row now! Woo-hoo! Party on, dudes!

lmao look how obvious the photoshop is, you can clearly see where they changed the angle each time

So, according to your gif, everyone, everywhere would ALWAYS see a full moon. Every goddamn night.

why is there no 'flat mars' society?

Are you actually claiming that this photo of a bridge shows the curvature of earth, from ground level?
If you knew your own belief system and it's claimed circumference of the earth, you would know that curvature could not be visible from a photograph taken from the ground, and definitely would not be as pronounced as the apparent curvature of this photo

Nice try, but two things. 1) if you're going to disavow photos, you can't use YouTube videos either. I'm really good with that. It means we'd have to use text. So go on and explain a proof of flat Earth in text. and 2) bridge segments are indeed flat. So from one cason to the next, you will see flat segments. The net result though, is a general following of the curvature of the lake surface. Here are some power lines, too.

I imagine the flat-Earthers would conceded the Moon is a bit slower in its revolving, so the Sun would catch up and cause phases. The flip side is, if teh Moon can be illuminated when Full (hence on the opposite side of the pole from the Sun), why isn't the Sun's light reaching the ground below the moon too?

its photoshop lmao, i just said that

P.S. Not my GIF. One that I saved from a fE idiot.

lmao is this real?! do people not understand how light works?

Yews, I read that. And as I say, if you think any photo that disagrees with you is shopped, then the same can be said for any visual 'evidence' you might eant to use. So use text. Give me a prof of a flat Earth. Describe something uniquely endemic to a flat Earth paradigm.

no thats fine, any visual evidence im using is possibly shopped
>so use text
prove me wrong