(eng. If you laugh, you lose)
(esp. Tu haha, tu pierde)








especially Tu haha? What the fuck kinda sentence is that

Well, caskets are a fucking racket anyway so you might as well have fun with it. Right?

le bump xD



What a depressing image




please kill yourselves or dedicate your time to something other than reinforcing your inability to generate original thoughts

the mom dies in her sleep memes are as old as sniper threads at this poi

I totally agree, this faggotry has been going on for to lon-




you disgust me


>I totally agree, this faggotry has been going on for to lon-
Nice dash retard.

How stupid.

Don't you mean 'jaja'?

nice dubs


Instantly memed, reported, and added to the archive.

Nice going, dummy.


Fuck you

Fuck you

reported to the secret service