Predictions on this?

Predictions on this?

Han solo dies

there will be lazers

There will probably be a war among the stars.

- Snoke is a jedi clone
- Stormtroopers and Tie fighters will get shot and blown up.
- Luke will have many "horse-eye" close-up shots.
- Lens flares will be toned down.
- The Millennium Falcon will get damaged and bitchfixed repaired.

I fucking love Rian Johnson, this movie will be kickass and (I'm not going to dig it up, 2 lze) Disney liked the script so much they entrusted him with a bunch more movies

Luke will give Kylo a good tuggin

Luke dies, Rey joins Derk side, find out Rey's real parents, etc

rey is soooo fucking hot mmm yes

Luke is grumpy
Ray gets raped
Ren gets mad
Leya dies
Fin wears black
Pilot boy goes fast

Screencap this

People will hate on it and then in 10 years itll be a classic.
People live to hate on new shit, and then they look back on it with their rose tinted glasses.

a while back some asshole didnt put spoilers warning he just put what was going to happen in the movie
spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers
anyway spoilers of what the guy said plus a bit of my own be warned
l-uke trains rey
-rey tries to purify the corrupted kyber crystal that hanged around luke's neck thus getting the silver lightsaber, which comes out in the trailer when luke yells at rey that its to dangerous
-snoke tries to get kylo killed
-snoke reveals the truth about rey and forces her to make a decision either die or kill luke and join the dark side
-kylo ren comes in to save luke from snoke and rey
the end
i doubt the guy is right but he did mention he saw a preview screening of the movie

Gonna suck ass like 7 did
>clueless director
>spoiled trailers

Probably just gonna copy the plot of 5 like 7 did with 4

i dont like that the trailers revealed so much already

Intense intro, storytelling bit, intense battle, storytelling and battle, bad guys almost win, good guys do win, end

Star Wars Preseason Power Rankings

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. The Force Awakens
>medium gap
6. Revenge of the Sith
7. The Phantom Menace
>large gap
8. Attack of the Clowns
9. Star Wars Holiday Special

I think The Last Jedi will be between Rogue One and The Force Awakens. Seriously doubt it will pass Return of the Jedi, ass all star wars films since rotj have been noticeably worse than it.

Rey gets even more powerful
Stormtroopers being killed left and right

Chewie fucks leia and she gives birth to a mexican

Princess Leia will get gangbanged by Gungans

More black/asian/indian characters

In flashbacks, we learn that the reason Kylo Rey turned to evil is because the Hot Topic-wearing Twi'lek goth girl he had a crush on laughed in his face when he read her his emo poem, "Darkness is Dark"

It will suck as bad as The Force Awakens.

Han Solo is Snoke

>Dankness is Dank

We learn that, yes, of course, all protocol droids are gay for other manbots. And because of promiscuous cybering where they slam rough code through each other's security backdoors, 99% of the them are dying of technoaids. But it's totally not their fault for bypassing security protocols with millions of other man- and boybots, it's just an unpreventable cyberhealth tragedy.

R2D2 units are better at giving blowjobs tho

After watching rogue one again I realized I really didn't like it much. The slight character development means absolutely nothing because they all get blown up in the end, and the climax of the movie is a half an hour fight scene that we already know the outcome too. In the other movies, long drawn out fight scenes are sliced with other scenes, like the battle of endor/the aerial space battle/Luke Vader and Palpatine.
The one thing that made it alright to me is the fact that it has hands down the best Vader scene in all the movies

>Predictions on this?

$$$, that's all it is about.

Im guessing that

kylo is lukes son raise by leia and han
Rey is the new ani
Maybe leais daughter to hide from kylo as children.
Leia dies
Luke dies in the beginning to middle of episode 9

You don't say? A billionaire cooperation making entertainment is doing it for.... the money???
You sound like an 18 year old that just took his first social science class in college and preaches about the greatness of communism

Rey turns to the dark side

Spoiler to all of you that haven't read the book this entire movie is based is revealed that luke and leia gave into their feelings for each other and had kids, rey and kylo...snoke is the sith lord palpatine was talking about who could keep people from dying and is basically immortal which is why he looks like a crusty dick...yoda actually comes back to life using the force...snoke fights yoda..but snoke wins..darth vader says nooooo at the end of the movie because luke skywalker dies

God that would be great. Change things up for once

Luke : "fell the Force, Rey"
Kylo Ren : "let's attack this Rebel secret base"
Rey : "My friends are in danger, I must go !"
Luke : "You're not ready yet, Rey, don't"
Rey : "I go anyway"

The entire crowd in the room : "that looks like Episode 4, doesn't it ?"

>You don't say? A billionaire cooperation making entertainment is doing it for.... the money???
>You sound like an 18 year old that just took his first social science class in college and preaches about the greatness of communism

Listen, window licker, it's about the fact that they make these films to please as many people as possible thereby creating some faceless, mellow bullshit. Now suck on that, negro.

>they all get blown up in the end
That is the best thing about Rogue One in my opinion.

The galaxy is a large place with only a tiny fraction of a tiny fraction being force sensitive jedi/sith. This film showed us what the regular people can do in shitty circumstances. I find that pretty relatable since none of us have the force. They are regular people like us and they give their lives to the cause.

Hopefully some better fucking acting than the last one. Where the best actors were 2 tincans, a nazi, and a god 7ft tall teddybear

>it has hands down the best Vader scene in all the movies
I could argue that, but that scene is still one of my favorite scenes in all of star wars. Vader, outside the 1-3 prequels, is an amazing character.

> The one thing that made it alright to me is the fact that it has hands down the best Vader scene in all the movies


More Mary Sue shenanigans

And kylo back to the jedy one

everything after esb can be described that way
Yeah that's true. It's definitely more relatable. You don't have the whole "using the force saved the day" cop out. Also checked

>Rey is the new ani
No more pre-vader anakin characters. Kylo Ren is whinny enough, we don't need to go back to the horrible days of hayden christensin crying like a spoiled bitch.


Return of the Jedi > A New Hope > Empire Strikes Back > Revenge of the Sith > Attack of the Clones > The Phantom Menace > Rouge One > The Force Awakens

It's going to suck even worse than episode 7.

The fuck you doing put 6 first

I'm more concerned that Attack of the Clones is ahead of anything. That movie is impossible to sit through.

No need to call him an ass

Fugliest bitch her age in Hollywood, tbh.

Hope not.

I'm hoping its memorable in a decent way. It doesn't have to be the best star wars film, just be above average compared with the other 8.

Empire Strikes back is overrated. Nothing happens for half the movie. Plus hating 6 is a meme for ultra Star Wars hipsters.

>sitting through the Jar Jar movie is more bearable

Best action scene at least. In the original trilogy we see him look old and (dare I say) robotic when fighting. In that scene we see how terrifying and powerful he still is

>I find that pretty relatable since none of us have the force. They are regular people like us and they give their lives to the cause.

You want to relate with Star Wars characters?

more katanas
more iko uwais and his gang
more kung fu
more katanas

You claim the most critically acclaimed and most loved movie in the series is third overall. Who's the hipster again?

Any good adventure/sci-fi movie has characters you can relate to. Don't be retarded

>Empire Strikes back is overrated. Nothing happens for half the movie. Plus hating 6 is a meme for ultra Star Wars hipsters.
For many years 6 was clearly my favorite. Over time I switched to 5 being favorite, but not by too much. 6 is kinda disjointed in the middle and has too many ewoks, including the silly endor battle at the shield generator. Despite that, the space battle and Luke with Vader and the emperor are fantastic. It is hated on more than it deserves though.

>>sitting through the Jar Jar movie is more bearable
Slightly more bearable, but only just. Both of those films are utter garbage. One just more garbagy than the other.

>hurr your a hipster for not being a sheep
Idiot. After the battle of hoth nothing happens in the movie for ages. Oh yay, Han and Leia hiding in space for half an hour how compelling

How do you watch movies without relating to the characters? Michael Bay fan?

Finn barebacks the new republic/resistance pilot while kylo emoboy watches furiously masturbaing his alien horse thingy

he's more machine now than man

>One just more garbagy than the other.
Yeah Episode 1.

You make it sound like that process is bad.

Hmm, after Hoth is the best part of Empire in my opinion. Luke learning the force from yoda, Han and Leia showing their love for each other, lando backstabbing grudgingly, the best reveal in film, a cliffhanger ending.


You're a hipster for disliking a commonly loved thing and making sure you want others to know. and for using the word "sheep" in regards to people that disagree with you

That didn't happen with 1-3. Everyone other than kids that watched them growing up dislike them.

>Han and Leia showing their love for each other
After Luke toungue-kisses her first, you mean :^)

>a cliffhanger ending
It's not really that much of a cliffhanger. Han is in carbonite and missing yeah, but other than that all the characters are together at the end on a rebel ship.

It will suck, just like Ep 7 did.

But nobody will care because it says Star Wars on the cover.

>You're a hipster for disliking a commonly loved thing and making sure you want others to know.
Sounds like the people who tell everyone how they hate Return of the Jedi

It's gonna be shit

I disagree, but again its like comparing 10 day old dog shit (episode 1) to 11 day old dog shit (episode 2). Meanwhile episode 5 is a threesome in your new ferrari with a pile of cocaine and some tendies.

I don't hate return of the Jedi. But there's no way it's the best movie in the series


A threesome in a two-seater sports car sounds inconvenient as hell.

Kylo will lose a hand or his entire arm.

Haha, yeah the incest is a glaring problem that usually is ignored by original trilogy fans (myself included).

Having one of the main characters missing is a pretty good cliffhanger, especially for when it came out.

ITT how to spot actual normie neckbeards

This is the most accurate post here.

They fooled me 3 times with the shit prequels and again with 2 mediocre films and i'll still go see it.

Fine, you can have a gay blow job in the background.

How gay and pathetic can you homos be? Really, star fucking wars?

What do I do with that?

Have you seen the Sup Forums catalog. Its pretty gay and pathetic. Literally.

>What do I do with that?
You get a blowjob with it. Or you can give it I suppose. Just watch out for the bear.