This board has seriously got to absolute shit

This board has seriously got to absolute shit

>implying it ever wasn't

Sup Forums is a reflection of humanity - mostly shit with a few good eggs

Friend since when hasn't been a cluster fuck in one form or another? Might have not been the exact kinda of cluster fuck from back then. But its still a clusterfuck

Then why are you here? Go somewhere where your ivory tower is welcome you fucking pleb

I am so sick of that attempt at reasoning.

No, Sup Forums was never good, but it was also never THIS shit.

you know you're an oldfag when there used to be infothreads

good times

Can agree its shittier than it was.
But its not by much honestly, it has always been pretty shit

Thanks to nypa, furries, fags, and cucks.
Its fallen victim to the things it hates the most.

fucking nigger jews and normies have taken over

>THIS shit.
everything is subjective

my dick is satisfied by both straight and gay porn

if you're not bisexual then Sup Forums might not be your safe space, sorry

This is the type of thread that makes this site look like shit. Gtfo newfag

I have people on Facebook that take screenshots of threads and post them on their shit.
>what's that website
>Sup Forums dude it's so cool xD

agreed fucking fb/ig threads are so boring

Or the girl that said "need memes" bc that shits cool nowadays
some faggot literally commented: "just go to Sup Forums"

it has got worse since mook took over from moot.

Oh hai Sup Forums!

I agree, australian m00t decreased our file size here, which leveled several non-dick related threads.

PICS U SHOULDNT SHARE?!?!?!?!???!!!!!!

All your base are belong to your faggot bro

I agree

shut up faggot


Dont reply to me mother fucker



size limit used to be 4 MB, now its only 2 MB. Any thread that thrived on large pictures is a shell of its former self. No one is wasting time to resize files to look worse.

I still go to /hr/ for larger stuff, but that board is dead compared to Sup Forums. Threads take a year there when they would take a couple of hourse here.

I heard there was a robot chigbig named moot

Cutting server costs for shekels

Oh man I had forgotten. This place was always dumb, but never useless.

I thought m00t sold us to some rice niggers? Was I miss imformed.

what a shock. what are the odds mook will fuck this up like he did with his original site 2ch

he did.

he not Australian doe

Indonesian or Australian, what the hell is the difference?




Not talking about the porn.
Could do with less faggoty cuck shit.
But the few threads that aren't porn a hell of a lot shittier than they used to be.
Even YLYL, which could occasionally provide a chuckle here and there, are just retards shitposting who think they're "fighting the cancer", despite being unaware that they are the cancer.
And look at what people try to force as memes. that fucking andy ballsack log retardation?
Fuck's sake..

anyone got a link to the disaster artist pls

Yep. I dont mean to start a rant about the cancer that killrd Sup Forums, but I remember not so many years ago when there was all sorts of bizarre threads instead of the predictable furry, racist, trap, pix u wouldnt and ylyl threads.
B has become repetitive, unoriginal shit

Maybe not GOOD, but funny and random.

The cancer won. Time to move on.

Sup Forums was never good.
prove me wrong.

protip: >You can't.

no it's got bad most of the time b was filled it smart people

now it's filled with marketers and porn also that one guy who keeps posting the andy sixx meme which i think is shit and the guy owns the site for it and is tying hard to make it happen

if it were the old days that guys would have been fucked up by now

but yeah 4chans gotten worse and worse thanks to normal people comming here thanks to cnn and other shit

its getting worse as awareness spreads and traffic increases.
Same thing has happened to leddit.

5:4 ratio of repost/not repost
gotta wonder what that ratio would be on here

Operation chanology

>forced memes
>if it were the old days that guys would have been fucked up by now
Yeah, we can argue about how much porn and homo stuff is everywhere and how all the threads are horrible reposts over and over. The real problem is the actual garbage from spammers/advertisers is not dealt with.

Eat shit

This movie is normie tier real Sup Forumsros watch GayNiggers From Outer Space

bitcoin and cryto threads need to be banned. great way to increase hype for your monopoly money driving the prices higher but fuck off


Ya right. Sup Forums isn't its own entity u dickwad