Incest greentext thread

Incest greentext thread
>get to typing you cunts edition

I guess ill start

>be me
>17 yr old newfag who knew nothing about anything
>especially dumb around computers
>still liked to use them anyways
>have 15 yr old sister who is beautiful as fuck
>long brown hair, nice brown eyes, sexy tiddies, nice azz
>you get the point
>she is also a godess when it comes to computers
>one day she finds me trying how to alt tab and comes in to show me without asking
>i have porn open in the next window
>she alt tabs
>she turns around and double takes as she realizes what shes done
>"user im so sorry!"
>"no no its cool i shouldve warned you!"
>"were like about to... Or have you already...?"
>she starts fumbling her words as she realizes what shes saying

Cont? Or no cont?

I mean youve hardly started to so yeah

yes continue

Tone down the salt thanks

>"i was just... You know... Going to..."
>i stop talking
>"oh... Well ill get out of here then"
>she walks out of my room
>now before we get to the fuckey parts, lets get a few facts straight
>my parents were never really home
>both had full time jobs and were overall just fucking busy
>so they didnt have much time for thier kids
>it was just me and my sister (we can call her becca)
>something else important to add is that my room wasnt your normal room
>it was down in the basement and was a spare room that my parents hated going down to in order to get me
>so they would always call down to me if they ever needed me
>and i guess i could describe becca a little more
>she was very cute in all respects
>her nose was small and she had a pair of glasses that made her look so amazing
>like i said, her body was a dream even for a 15 year old
>puberty hit her well so her tits had already almost fully grown and were absolutly perfect
>in the end she was a perfect girl

You all need to start bumping befire the thread 404s and youre jipped of a good story

>back to the story though
>she walked out of my room
>but she didnt close the door all the way because you literally couldnt
>the fucking door was slightly too big for the fram so it was all fucked up
>if your gonna buy a house then at least make sure the shit in it works the way it should
>fucking pissed me off all the time
>but anyway, she closed it as much as possible and i began to recover from the experience
>seeing as i had already made plans to fap i didnt wait to get started
>i turned on some boring ass porn that i used to watch and started beating my willie
>about a minute in i hear my door creak
>turn in my desk chair and see nothing in the doorway
>turn back around and focus back on the screen
>another minute passes and i cant ahake the feeling that someones watching me
>wanna turn and check
>wanna bust a nut
>wanna look behind me
>wanna blow my load
>nature wins over and i glance behind me at the door



Continue also nice trips






>incest thread

op is a faggot

I BETTER get trips

>and i see her eyes
>staring at me in all my glory
>im shooketh
>"wtf are you doing?"
>she gets scared and just stays still
>"bitch im not a trex, i can still see you idiot!"
>she finally accepts shes busted
>what i expected her to do next was run away and leave me alone for a week or something
>not open the door
>walk in
>turn around
>close the door
>turn back around
>and say
>"im not an idiot!"

Anyone got any saved greentexts while OP types his up.

Actually mate its an
>incest greentext thread
Get your shit together or leave

>"dude im doing something here!"
>"i can see that"
>this bitch...
>"you cant leave so i can finish?"
>she mock thinks for a second in her 3-sizes-too-large light pink tshirt and black tiny shorts
>you can see her all white panties if you find the right angle
>"hmmm... Nope"
>"wtf why? Do you want to watch me or some shit?"
>"well i thought that wouldve been obvious with you catching me watching you"
>she got me
>"why do you want to..."
>she cuts me off
>"the same reason youre watching porn you dummy!"
>my dick gives a twitch of approval
>"so youre just gonna masturbate to me masturbating?"


>MFW no qt3.14 sister to masturbate to me masturbating

OP you lucky fuck

You refer to me as bootyhunter79 actually

>my dick begins to rise
>she notices
>shes just looking at it
>im sitting here
>my little sister staring at mr.Cocky with my pants at my ankles
>"why the fuck?"
>she looks back up at me
>bitch what do you mean 'what'
>"why the hell do you want to do that? Im your brother ffs."
>"ive never tried it before. I think it would be fun. This is the first time ive seen a penis in real life."
>im finding it very hard to find excuses to not let this pan out
>i give in when she starts taking her shirt off
>she has an all black bra on to match her miniscule shorts
>mr.Cocky approves
>"fuck it, nobody can ever know!"
>i sorta stop caring though after she whispers "shhhh ill keep it a secret only if you do"
>as she says it she stands up to bend over and begin to slowly slide off her shorts



Keep goin

yea waiting

Cant rush perfection nigga

>she has such a soft and sexy voice
>a grasp my shaft and start stroking again
>she doesnt take her eyes off my dick as she unclips the back of her boob cages
>she lets the second to last article of clothing fall onto my bed
>i cant believe whats going on
>her tits are perfect
>not too big and not too small
>and them nipples are on point
>so far nothing to complain about
>she lays back on my bed and closes her legs and throws them up in the air to slide of her white panties
>she sits up, legs still closed, and slingshots her panties straight and my dick
>you know how when you accidentally dick tap yourself and it hurts way more than you would think?
>panty slingshot = surprise dick tap

Another bump since you're the only one contributing

bump for this guy



Gracias senor

>i wince and stop jacking
>"fuck! Ow!"
>"what the fuck you pussy? I didnt even sling it that hard!"
>the cunt is laughing her ass off
>im dealing with stomach pains
>what a fucking cock block
>"you wouldnt understand cuz you dont have a nutsack!"
>im still hurting
>"no but ive got a pussy. You wanna sling something at that?"
>she laughs as she leans back and spreads her legs to expose her small slit
>fresh shaven and tight looking
>just how i like it
>"i can sling my dick at it"
>"you wouldnt!"
>she says it like its a dare
>"you wanna bet bitch?"
>"yeah actually i do!"

For the love of God someone please save this

ayyyyyee, have another

bump, for the love of god



pls no 404

My boy youve made friends with the legandary bootyhunter79

>i get up and walk over to her
>i fling off my shirt and kick off my pants
>be me
>butt naked
>i slide my dick in between her perfect pussy lips
>not gonig in but grinding hard
>its already wet
>she doesnt say anything but she lets out a moan and lets her head relax on the bed
>i pull her legs up and hold them steady in the air as i continue to grind
>her moan is just as cute as she is
>i stop and place my dick tip at the entrance
>i stop...
>i think...
>what am i doing?

Please fuck

whatever Bump




damn, trips again dude

another bump for only contributor

>be me
>incest with niece
>family finds out
>niece tells everyone i raped her
>i did naaahttttt
>but no really, i didnt, it was that regular show me yours ill show you mine shit
>we do this most of the time when we hang out at our house when my sister brings her over
>fast forward years and years later, she grows up, starts getting mentally fucked i guess
>tells fucking everyone i raped her
>her mother, her father, my family, the guidance counselors, etc
>now the school is involved they have to call the fucking police
>smoking weed with my friends one day when im like 18
>fucking detectives knock at my door with a warrant saying im being charged with x and y, basically tried to register me as a fucking sex offender
>get a fucking lawyer and beat the case
>cunt flips me off in court infront of the judge
>judge is like "O_O... okay. this chick is not stable"
>i get off scott free minus the fucking lawyer fees
>that cunt who was "so traumatized" goes on to have two fucking kids with someone she met in a psych ward no more than 2 years later.
>so much for being "sexually traumatized" you fucking cunt
>you were so fucking traumatized you had to go fuck and suck some guys dick and have two kids with him huh

fuck women and i wish i had never fucking did anything with that cunt.
it ruined my life and my reputation with my family and also fucked me up for a good long while.
couldn't date or trust women because of this shit.
and of course, i was painted the bad guy.
>life goes on.

Shit dude

sorry, wish I could say not all girls, but it hasn't been working for me either. My (now ex) gf broke up with me last month after 2 years of dating. Makes me wish I never moved this far out for school. She was a gem. I wish I stayed sometimes.

Dont die thread!


we need more

Keep going op, you can do it!


Im a fucking god, bootyhunter79 doesnt take anything but trips

>im about to fuck my sister...
>i go over to my cloths drawer abruptly
>she sits up putting her hands in between her legs onto the bed so she looks so adorable and sexy
>but she also looks annoyed
>"where the fuck are you going?"
>"im grabbing a condom you dumb bitch."
>"oh... Yeah"
>so i rustle through my tighty whiteys until i find the one fucking durex package hidden under my scooby doo socks
>i still have those socks by the way
>theyre comfy as fuck
>anyway, i go back over to becca and slide it on before mr.Cocky gets bored
>shes still in her pretty sitting position
>"are you ready no..."
>i cut her off by pushing her back on the bed and grabbing her wrists and pushing my dick righty up against her opening while i lean over her
>im pinning her arms to the bed
>we are nose tip to nose tip
>"are YOU ready?" i whisper
>she kisses me and gives a weak "mhm"

yeah man.
still cant really form any relationships with anyone because of this shit.
just the isolation alone has caused me to be a completely different person then what i would have turned out to be. i hate it.
i cant even tell myself im a good person because of this because being the bad guy was hammered into me so many times growing up after the fact i kind of started believing it myself.
so yeah, i have confidence issues, depression, anxiety, and do NOT try to make friends in college. I just show up, do my work, and leave.
it's a very bland existence and i have the power to change the situation but im so mentally worn out i don't attempt to do so.

lifes a bitch mate best of luck to you man

How can I get my cousin to fall in love with me?




Another bump for this guy, roll for them trips again

bum this shit again

Sorry about that mate, this story goes out to you

>i slowly begin to push in
>she winces a bit
>she lets out a long breathy whimper
>her breath smells like mint and strawberries
>its nice for some reason
>"you alright?"
>this isnt my first rodeo but it surely is for her
>"yeah just keep going slow until... Ya know... I tell you not to"
>"no problem"
>i push all 6 inches in and beging to go out again
>she starts moaning as i kiss her neck and lips
>shes loving it
>the little slut
>im not complaining
>this is a dream come true
>i keep thrusting in and out slowly and she seems to start enjoying it more and more as her body adjusts
>shes whispering
>she leans her head forward
>im still holding her wrists down so she has to strain a little to get her lips to my ear
>she says very quietly one word



oh yeah, you just reminded me.
i forgot to mention that with all this going on i never even had the chance to think about getting fucking laid.
im 23 now and still havent ever had sex.
twenty three.
i don't even know how i would go about getting laid nowadays since i dont have any experience with women or dating or tindr or any of that shit since i took a narrative to completely avoid all women so this never happens again.
shit man i dont even know how to go about getting laid.
i can go on dates, but that's just about it.
they never really amount to anything after the first date.


Hmm... Just dont be a fucking faggot?

>i stare at her
>"are you sure?"
>i move my hands up to hers and put my fingers in between hers so theyre interlocked
>i begin to go faster
>her moans begin to get louder
>thank Sup Forums that nobody else is home
>thank Sup Forums for all the memes
>thank Sup Forums for all the porn
>fuck Sup Forums
>fucking my sister
>i feel her legs against my chest and her hips beginning to move in rythm with mine as we finally start edging to the end
>we both are having the time of our lives
>our warm bodies are begining to sweat as we fuck
>shes moaning much loader now




no dinosaur?

no dinosaur this time, thank god

Nut nut nut nut !!!

that's easy for you to say.
you've never had to stand in court in front of your parents and testify against your fucking sister, your brother in law, and their daughter.
i looked my sister in her eyes and saw absolute pure hatred.
not anger. pure hatred.
the hate you have for someone when you would kill them without thinking.
when the verdict was delivered i was relieved, but it broke my fucking heart to see them break down in tears on the spot.
ill never forget the sound of that wail my niece made.
i never want to relive that day again.
it haunts me.
i would say you don't have the balls to go through what i did, but nobody should have to go through what i went through.
i wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy.
part of me died that day.
and part of me was reborn when i heard the verdict.

Hurry op

Hurry up faggot

Op I was just about to nut dude


Didnt i say you cant rush perfection?

i can tell shes about to cum and so am i
>we kiss and begin gettin more and more careless about how fast im going and just focusing on us
>she starts breathing extremely fast and her moans are reaching their loudest
>she stops moaning and lets out a few sharp breaths and then a sharp squeal behind her closed mouth
>the sqeal was so cute that it also sent me into overdrive
>i kiss her as we both finish
>we stay there for a few minutes
>laying in my bed under the covers breathing heavily
>"we should do this again" she says
>im resting my chin on her head so her words are all muffled as her words juat go straight to my chest
>"yeah we should"
>she sits up on the bed
>"ive gotta go take a shower now, im all sweaty"
>i laugh only a little bit
>"sure alright"

bamp bump bomp

Sorry, missed it >.

God bless you

tell me there's more, boothunter79

>i watch her start to walk out of my room naked
>she stops
>she turns around smiling like a kinky slut
>"you can keep my panties but im gonna want the rest of my stuff back"
>"well if im getting panties then thats a done deal!"
>she giggles and walks out
>a few minutes later i hear the shower on the floor above me start to run
>user has new idea

o shit....


Shit's getting real







Oh but you have no idea user

>i get up from my bed as well
>damn it was warm
>too late now
>im already determined
>im like spiderman in a faggot op's thread
>i wont EVER give up trying to take over those lolis
>i walk upstairs
>i walk my way over to the bathroom door
>i open that bitch
>we had one of those stand up showers with a glass door
>it was pretty classy to be honest
>she doesnt notice me at first so i just stand there and watch
>she runs soap down her chest and scrubs it all in
>she scrubs it down her stomach
>down her legs
>back up
>to her hips
>to her pussy


someone is saving this right?

if not now, will when thread 404's cause this guy just keeps going

I'm copying the actual text cause mobile, does that count


are u telling me she came the first time?
either this shits fake or ur lying cos its close to impossible to come the first time as a girl