
It takes two to tango Edition

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Good morning thread


Disabled. It's a pleasure to see you
How are you?
Hopefully I can make a coat for you soon.
I've been busy as of late.
Ugh it's going to come out terribly anyways

Sup? New here, taking requests!

Requesting this girl sucking a dick through a gloryhole. If you could, give the impression that she's been getting fucked and sucking dick for the entire day by making her really messy

Requesting that you just fucking punch me in the jaw

what a sad and lonely existence

I'm happy to see you too! I'd love the coat soon

You do lewd?

gib morning blowjob

since you have 3 jobs, get real tablet and PC faggit

>It'll be great
Now I just feel terrible for promising to make something that will undoubtedly be horrible.
Is it the thought that counts?
Eh, if I have time when I wake up or when I'm not losing my sanity from insomnia, I'll do it

Post reported
>ha ha "is this a meme?" xd xd
No it isn't you dumb avatarfag
>hahahahah now I'm gonna post another image I spam that says "you are mother fucker"
You have no arguments. You're a prime example of the talentless hacks who can't draw and spam the same images over and over. Why are you even here? You don't even draw anything new.

Is this a meme?

is this a meme

Best Warframe

fantastic lines stranger

thread dead xmas is cancelled


The thought counts. If it turns out terrible, then maybe I could try to fix it? depending on what you want to. Either way, I'll still appreciate it thread dead xmas is cancelled
Care to explain?

excalibur,,, he doesnt afraid of anytihng

I respect Excalibur
>Not saying frost

I think it's a meme guys. Can't be too sure though.

i am an icey guy.. most my aliases are frost.. .but hes boring

Vauban or gtfo

Haha ow.
Oh hey, your soul was given to satan so I could come back to life, so uh... thanks for that, Wispen. (Also I missed you dummu)
Good just barely night from here

Requesting recolour of this from his regular red skin to the Grön skin (reference in replies)


>Either way I'll appreciate it
Hopefully I can make something that even passes for sub par
I'll try my best

He's goooood tho

How about date with throbbing user cock?

Why not Cooler instead of Frost.

Requesting you punch me in the face

Please, for the love of your art

Any hope for some pron draws today?
Like going full throttle lesbian on Wispen?

Because he's not cooler than anyone.

Late morning for me tho.

Take your time though! If you want to spend more on it to make it better

Taking requests

Requesting a close up of Tsunade's face all serious and focused then zoom out to reveal she's taking a dump.

>Take you're time
I should do that, and try my best to make it look good.
I wonder if I should color it a little bit

Sunny having huge lactating tits, get to milk her too

Requesting multiple dildos/toys at once

But that's homosexual.
GOMEN, user!
Lesbian? B-but user...


Well you're a succubus or something.

I don't really know how that works but I request that you grow a penis and fuck wispen.

>GROW a penis

i missed you too
you're my favourite customer

don't worry about it


not that user but I love it, do you have version with just the lines? I want a shot at colouring it

without the hair and shirt spots?
its all one layer but I can probably erase it

Feeling more alert now with a cup of coffee.

Taking requests and critiques
Good morning Disabled, sleep well?
There's a few anons hanging around and lurking, and we're here
Could have a go at this one
Eh don't worry about it, I'll save this version and somehow figure out how to make the white background transparent myself but thank you :)


I believe you can make it look good! And can I choose a color if u devide to color it?

Alright fam

Good morning! I slept 4 hours but that's ok! How are you?


Draw full body showering, I need my fix


I meant using that sexbot of yours to sodomize Wispen pussy

Here you go! Hope this is fine
I could do this one later, need a bath
4 hours huh? Me too, just managing to keep myself alert with this coffee but I'm definately gonna go to sleep earlier tonight. Can't believe I spent almost all night talking on Discord and drawing

Sweet. I'll stick around. Could you please let me know if you do start it?

I did the same. Fucking around on Discord, Drew comissions, but I also played the new expansion for MTG

Let me come home first


>tfw you wanna get on thread and try to lewd Wispen up, but you have school work to do.

Of course, and I could show you some progress at least before the thread 404's hopefully
Must ask though, are you wanting this for fetish reasons or just for the lulz?
Haha, time flies way too quickly and then you realise it's way too late
Do you know if there's a Discord for drawfriends? I always wondered but was too shy to ask
Lactation huh? Hopefully you didn't smoke throughout pregnancy


You know it babe, I-I'm here for some MONSTER condoms t-that I use on my MAGNUM d-dong... Eheh...
Don't gotta grow what's already there.
Oh... I mean if she wants that...

Very nice user! Thank you!

eeeeh, honestly it's 50/50. Tough gals on the can are pretty good.


ay, it's the thought that counts right?

jesus christ.

i draw boobs for (you)'s

Well if you've already got one then use it on her
she doesn't mind I promise

I diddnt but they still came out lookin like gary coleman and talkin like foghorn leghorn

those aren't full boobs

please uncensored nips


the uncensored nipples look like tagada sweets, so nuh

>the uncensored nipples look like tagada sweets, so nuh
if they're like these ones then I don't mind

there seems to be a delay between posts, those are too big

these are some tiny ass lazy nipples 0/10 looks bad

>jesus christ.
Well I guess I'll wait to see how you draw lewd instead requesting something to be bailed shortly after by you

i actually fused the censor layer to the bewbs and can't ctrl-z back to it,
so have a really close up nipple instead,

there's no such thing as "too big"

you look bad,
i'll make the nipple twice the size of the actual boobs

how cute, can I suck on it?

Yes understood, good day, I'll see myself to the door, pls don't call the cops.
It is too late...
These look pretty illegal...
Now that's the REAL SHIT.

you know it is too big once it can hold sentient life forms, don't tell me it's not "too big"

festive festive

love you nameless hope your holidays are great

do you have me mistaken for someone? i've never taken requests. sorry that i mislead you though.

Ilu2 but I don't believe in santamas :(

that an excuse to not get drunk though?

Can't drink, I'm allergic to most drinking alcohol, lol.

lets go arcade and be happy instead then.

sure, go ahead,
nipple is big now,

you look illegal,
your mom look illegal, è_é
don't talk to me or my nipples ever again è_ééé

mmh, perhaps..
from a japanese point of view, there's no "too big"
but anyway, flat > big

yellow. checking in for a bit before I fall asleep. anyone have any simple, quick requests?

>you look illegal
That'd be cool too...

girl holding in a tinkle

You kinda took lewd requests on your debut
I'd love to request some naked Wispen getting some sweet sweet love
Not to mention you like to play with saliva and other liquids, what is neat


Gonna decline on that one. Too much effort for a request I don't like.

yeah you are 20, you even have tatoo with tits on your neck

I don't think there is a server for draw friends? Care to make one maybe?

I just made one.

Really nice




drugs are bad for u, mkay?